Organization and Power Flashcards
Social Organization
The patterning of human interdependence in a given society through the actions and decisions of its members
Tranformative capacity; the ability to transform a given situation
Coercive rule
Power based on verbal argument
The power to refuse being forced against ones will to conform to someone else’s wishes
An agreement to which all parties collectively give their assent
A system of leadership in which rulers persuade subordinates to accept the ideology of the dominant group by offering mutual accommodations that nevertheless preserve the rulers’ privileged position
Political Antropologists
Address the area of human behaviour and thought related to power
5 Types of Political Organizations
- Band
- Tribe
- Chiefdom
- Confederacy
- State
Foraging groups comprised of a small group of households
Between 20 and a few hundred people
Membership is flexible
Leader is first among equals
Horticulture and pastoral groups comprised of several band each with similar lifestyle, language, and occupying a distinct territory
Leadership is a part-time basis and combines
Permanently allied tribes and villages under one leader
Larger populations
Heritable systems of rank and social stratification
Expanded version of chiefdom
Occurs when several chiefdoms are joined in a confederacy and joined by a chief-of-all-chiefs
Define citizenship, rights, and responsibilities
Maintain law and order
Keep track of their citizens
Social Control
Processes which help to produce and maintain orderly social life
Behavioural codes that guide peoples actions to conform to social acceptability
Three types
1. Folkways - everyday customs
2. Mores - norms based on broad societal morals
3. Laws - codified social sanctions
Social Control in small-scale Societies
Formal laws are rare
Punishment is often naming and shaming
Social Control in Large-Scale Societies
Increased specialization of tasks related to law and order
Processes are more formal and based on law
Legal Pluralism
A situation in which more than one kind of legal process might be applied was created through the colonial legacy
Ethnic Cleansing
The eradication of one ethnic or religious community by another within a particular region
The deliberate and systematic killing a specific ethnic or national group by the authorities
Intentional and systematic destruction of the culture of an ethnic group
Unfavourable, generalized and rigid belief applied to all members of a group
Practices that deny members of particular groups equal access to societal rewards
Institutional Racism
Discriminatory racial practices built into prominent structures such as political, economic and educational systems