Organisms in the environment Flashcards
Light energy
Energy in the form of light
A simple sugar
Variegated (leaf)
Having different colours, eg a green and white leaf
Limiting factor
A factor which limits the rate of a reaction
Independent variable
The variable you change the values for
Dependent variable
The variable you measure the value for
Give some examples of the limiting factors in photosynthesis
- Temperature
- pH level
- Light intensity
- Carbon dioxide concentration
Mineral ion
A chemical needed in small amounts as part of a balanced diet to keep the body healthy
Nitrate ion
An ion which is needed by plants to make proteins
Biological material from living or recently living organisms
Quantative sampling
Sampling which records the numbers of organisms rather than just the type
A measured line or area along which ecological measurements are made
A piece of apparatus for sampling organisms in the field
Sample size
The size of a sample in an investigation
The maximum and minimum values of the independent or dependent variables - important for detecting patterns