Organisations Members And Movements Flashcards
Troeltsch (1912) and Niebuhr (1929)
Troeltsch distinguishes between 2 types of Organisations – ‘Church’ and ‘Sect’.
Niebuhr argues that he has identified 2 other types of organisations that are fundamentally different to a Church and a Sect – ‘Denomination’ & ‘Cult’.
Troeltsch tells us the following:
1) they are bureaucratic: Churches have a clear hierarchical power structure with paid officials, are wealthy and have lots of power and influence in society.
2) they are ideologically conservative: Churches are likely to help to maintain the current structure of society (support it’s laws, values etc.)
3) They are universalistic with open membership: Churches welcome individuals from all parts of society and do not require particular demonstrations of faith from their followers, just a belief. Although, the higher classes are particularly attracted because they are a conservative force.
4) They tend to claim a religious monopoly on truth: They claim to know all world ‘truths’.
5) They tend to be liked by the state: For example, the British Sovereign is head of both the state and Church of England.
1) They are not bureaucratic and hierarchical: They tend to have a Charismatic Leader who encourage people to follow their teaching.
2) Similarities with the church: The only similarity with the church is that they also believe they have a monopoly on the truth.
3) They attract the vulnerable
4) Sects expect their members to have a strong level of commitment.
5) They are hostile to wider society
1) They are seen as a midway point between churches and sects: Niebuhr sees denominations such as Methodism as lying midway between a church and Sect.
2) They are bureaucratic but do have some division in authority and more democratic: Denominations do not always have a strict hierarchical structure & do not always have links with the State.
3) They generally conservative: Likely to accept dominant norms but often have restrictions e.g. Alcohol, Gambling.
4) They are tolerant of other religions: They see themselves as ‘one amongst many’.
1) They are the least organised: Cults tend to lack the rigid structures e.g. collective worship, strict dogmas that other movements tend to have.
2) they are small groups without a sharply defined and exclusive belief system: Cults tend to share themes and interests.
3) They have a relaxed commitment: Cults do not demand strong commitment, members are seen as customers or trainees. Once they have acquired their knowledge they are not required to stay.
4) They are led by ‘practitioners’ or ‘therapists’: Leaders often claim to have special knowledge.
5) Many cults are world affirming: Members are promised a better life in this world
According to Roy Wallis (1984) the similarities and differences between religious organisations can be categorised into 2 groups:
Churches and sects claim that their interpretation of the faith is the only legitimate and correct one. Denominations and cults accept that there can be many valid interpretations.
How they are seen by wider society:
Churches and denominations are seen as respectable and legitimate, whereas sects and cults are seen as deviant!
From cathedrals to cults…
Sociologists argue that some of these explanations are out-dated.
Bruce argues that Troeltsch’s idea of a church as having a ‘religious monopoly’ only applies to the Catholic church before the 16th Century Protestant Reformation, when it had a religious monopoly over society, symbolised by its massive and imposing cathedrals.
Since then cults and sects have flourished and religious diversity has become the norm. Consequently, churches have lost the monopoly that Troeltsch claimed, and are now reduced to the status of denominations, competing like the rest.
What are New Religious Movements (NRMS)
The development of a range of new religions and the revival of some old ones, in the 1960’S & 1970’s, led Roy Wallis to categorise them as new religious movements.
Wallis divided NRMS into 3 main groups based on whether they:
World rejecting NRMS- similar to sects
They are religious organisations with a clear relationship with god.
Highly critical of the outside world, expecting to seek radical change.
They require total commitment, demanding significant lifestyle changes (they often live communally) and have been accused of ‘brain washing’.
They often have conservative morals. For example, the Moonies are very strict about sex only taking place in a monogamous marriage.
World accommodating NRMS- similar to denominations
They often come out of traditional religions.
They try to rediscover spiritual purity lost in traditional religions. For example, Pentecostalism is a movement within Christianity that aims to bring the holy spirit back into worship.
They allow people to carry on with their existing lifestyle.
World affirming NRMS -similar to cults
They are similar to self help and therapy groups- they try to unlock spiritual power. They have been described as psychologising religion.
They seek wide membership and as such are tolerant of other religions.
They do not require especially high levels of commitment.
Followers are often seen as customers, rather than members. Entry is through training.
They are the most successful. For example, Scientology has about 165,000 members in the UK compared to the Moonies who have 1,200.
Evaluation for Wallis
Beckford (1985) commends Wallis for recognising that NRM’s do not always fit neatly into one category or another.
However, Beckford does criticise Wallis for failing to pay attention to the diversity of views that often exists within a sect or cult.
Stark and Bainbridge reject the idea of using a typology, or a list of types to distinguish new religions.
They claim that in general some of the characteristics found in the typology are all likely to be present in each religious organisation. However, not all the characteristics will be found in each religious organisation. E.G: not all churches seek convert all members of society and not all sects are exclusive. Therefore, typologies need to be abandoned when attempting to categorise religious organisations.
Stark and Bainbridge believe that there should be just one criterion- the degree of conflict of tension between the religious group and wider society.
Stark and Bainbridge identify two kinds of organisation that are in conflict with wider society- sects and cults.
Sects result from schisms. Splits in existing organisations. In general they are religions that promise other-worldly benefits (e.g. A place in heaven) to those who are suffering economic or ethical deprivation .
Cults are new religions, or ones that have been imported to a particular society. They offer worldly benefits (e.g. good health). Stark and Bainbridge subdivide cults according to how organised they are:
Audience cults
Are the least organised and do not involve formal membership or much commitment. There is little interaction between members and participation may be through the media.
Examples: Astrology and UFO cults!