Organisational Culture Flashcards
Define organisational culture
the basic assumptions and beliefs that are shared by members of an organisation, that operate unconsciously and define in a basic taken-for-granted fashion an organisations view of itself and its environment (Schein, 1997)
Why is it useful?
- organisational structure
- external environment
- change
- planning
- cultural-web
- cultural analysis
Fundamental to how organisations behave, perform and how they sustain themselves in the long-term
Why is it important? - socially established structures of meaning (Geenz, 1973)
- taken-for-granted ways
- how groups respond
- accumulated over time
- people behave to issues
- multiple level
- frames of references
Why is it important? - development and change to organisational strategy
- challenges, issues
- environment
- change
- adaptiveness
- creativity and innovation
Philosophical Positions - Name the 4 sections of the Mapping Sport and Cultural Planning Methodology
(view model in notes)
Transformational Change
Interpretative Paradigm
Adaptive Simple / Incremental Change
Functional Paradigm
What drives Nation Culture?
- attitude to work
- authority
- equality
- history
- religion
- subnational
Other factors which are more UK specific: - politics
- economy
- consumerism
According to Dacin et al (2002) culture is shaped by work based groupings, what are they?
- organisational field
- interacting community
- meaning system
- same capabilities
- same recipe
- self-reinforcing networks
- assumptions, behaviours
Legitimacy shapes strategy via…
- regulation
- codes of practice
- approval
- public endorsement
- mimicking of strategy
- coping in new organisation
Organisational culture is conceived as having four layers.
what are they?
Taken-for-granted assumptions
With regards to the for layers of Organisational Culture, what is Values?
May be easy to identify in a organisation, and are often written down as statements about an organisations mission, objectives or strategies
With regards to the for layers of Organisational Culture, what is Beliefs?
More specific, but again they can typically be discerned in how people talk about issues the organisations face.
With regards to the for layers of Organisational Culture, what is Behaviours?
Day to day way in which an organisations operates and be seen by people both inside and outside the organisation
With regards to the for layers of Organisational Culture, what is Taken-for-granted assumptions?
Core of an organisations culture, they are the aspects of organisational life which people find difficult to identify and explain. They are referred to as the organisational paradigm, the assumptions and collective.
According to Johnson et al (2000), what are subcultures?
These may relate directly to the structure of the organisation, for example, geographical divisions and functional groups….. might be pursuing different types of strategy because of market positioning which give rise to different cultures
What are the 8 sections of Cultural-Web?
- Paradigm
- Routines
- Rituals
- Stories
- Symbols
- Power Structures
- Organisational Structures
- Control Systems
With regards to Cultural Web, what is paradigm?
Taken-for-granted assumptions and beliefs of the paradigm are the collective experiences applied to a situation to make sense of it and inform a likely course of action
With regards to Cultural Web, what are routines?
The way we do things around here on a day-to-day basis. There may have a long history and may well be common across organisations
With regards to Cultural Web, what are rituals?
Organisations life are activities or events that emphasis, highlight or reinforce what is especially important in the culture. Can be formal or informal
With regards to Cultural Web, what are stories?
Told by members of an organisation to each other, to outsiders and new recruits. May act to embed the present organisational history and also flag up important events and personalities
With regards to Cultural Web, what are symbols?
Objects, events, act or people that convey, maintain or create meaning over and above their functional purpose e.g. offices, cars, titles
With regards to Cultural Web, what are power structures?
Most powerful groupings within a organisation are likely to be closely associated with the core assumptions and beliefs
With regards to Cultural Web, what are organisational structures?
Likely to reflect power and show important roles and relationships e.g. formal hierarchy
With regards to Cultural Web, what are control systems?
Measurements and reward systems emphasis what is important to monitor in the organisation. e.g public organisation stewardship over quality
What topics would cultural analysis investigate?
- strategic capabilities
- strategic development
- managing strategic change
- culture and experience
What is Government’s plan for new sport and physical activity?
- creating a sporting habit
- game plan
- community focus
- skills development - CIMSPA