Organisation Theme Flashcards
1) What is the purpose of the organisational theme?
2) It’s related to which Principle?
1) Purpose is to define and establish the projects structure of accountability and responsibility/structure of accountability and responsibility of those working on the project.
2) Related to the defined roles and responsibility principle and defines roles that engage with the x3 project interests.
1) What are the 3 main stakeholder groups?
2) Define a stakeholder
3) Define a project
4) Another word for value for money
1) Business, users and supplier
2) Any individual, group or organisation that can affect or be affect or perceive itself to be affected by an initiative.
3) A temporary organisation that is created for the purpose of delivering one or more business products according to an agreed business case
4) business interest (products should meet the business need to justify the investment).
1) EXECUTIVE, what does the executive represent.
A - executive represents…
B - It’s the executives responsibility to ensure…
C) Products of the project should… x2
1) Executive represents the business interest of the project and is responsible for the project. They own the business case, chairs meetings and resolves conflicts.
It’s the executive’s responsibility to ensure that the projects objectives, costs and benefits are aligned with the business strategy or programme objectives.
Products of the project should meet a business need that justifies the investment, should also provide VFM. Business viewpoints should be represented to ensure these two prerequisites exist before a project commences and remain in existence throughout a project
1) Senior user, what do they represent?
Senior user represents the stakeholders from the user community. Prince2 distinguishes between business interests and the requirements of those who will use the project outputs.
Responsible for ensuring the output meets their needs.
1) Senior supplier Represents…
General info vomit:
represents those who are:
Designing, developing, facilitating, procuring or implementing the projects products.
Could be represented by internal supplier department/someone responsible for contracts with external suppliers…
1) Represents those who will provide the necessary skills and produce/help produce the product.
Supplier should understand the relevant standards w/ which the output needs to comply (Quality). Project ,may need to use in house or/and external supplier teams to construct product.
1) Prince2 organisation theme provides a… Stakeholder representation…
2) 4 basic levels of management
A) Cor… x3 corporate includes drugs
B) Dir… x4 AAA cream
1) Provides a structure that enables all stakeholders view to be represented.
2) A) Corporate/programme management: This level sits above PM team. They:
- Commission the project
- Identify the executive
- Define the project tolerances.
B) Directing (activities of project board): Project board responsible for the overall direction and management of the project within constraints set out by corporate. They:
- Approve all Major plans and resources
- Authorise any deviation that exceeds/forecasted to exceed stage tolerances
- Approve the completion of each management stage/authorise start of next stage
- Communicate with other stakeholders.
C) Man… x5 - On My Life Dogs Rule
D) Del…
3) Managing: Activities of PM. PM is responsible for the day to day management of the project within the constraints set out by the project board. Prime responsibility is to ensure the project produces the required products in accordance with 6 performance goals.
Main tasks of PM include:
- Overall Planning for the whole project
- Motivation and leadership of Project Staff
- Liasson with programme management over related
projects - Define responsibilities for specialist team managers
- Reporting progress to the project board
PM is there to ensure a result is achieved which makes it possible to realise benefits described in PID.
4) Delivering: Team manager/members are responsible for building or delivering the projects product and its components (to an appropriate quality within a specified timeframe and cost).
Depending on the size and complexity of the project, the authority and responsibility for planning the creation of products/managing a team of specialists to produce those products may be delegated to a team manager who’s accountable to the PM.
PM will work with the team manager to define responsibilities for team members. Any suggested changes for which a team manager is responsible will be raised as issues and sent to PM for further attention. They run checkpoint meetings and generate check point reports for PM, PM then can provide highlight reports to project board.
1) Requirement for administration is called…
2) Some of the main tasks PSO will do is? x5
1) Project support (PSO).
2) A) Setting up and maintaining project documentation and project filing system.
B) Updating plans and assessing impact of changes
C) Defining and maintaining project management standards
D) Configuration management and change control
E) Taking meeting minutes and compiling reports.
1) Though PB receive regular reports from PM they may have queries, e.g. Are any problems being hidden, is solution going to be what we want, are things going as well as being told. What’s it called…
2) What is change Authority.
1) Project Assurance, automatically sits with PB but they may delegate some or all of their assurance responsibilities to a third party. Assurance responsibilities can’t be assigned to PM, team manager, PSO.
2) Person or group of people responsible for agreeing to changes to the requirements or scope of project. The PM would have limited responsibility to agree certain changes.
1) Minimum requirements of prince2 x3
Define the…
Document the…
Define the…
1) - Define the organisational structure and roles, making sure each of the roles are represented remembering some roles can be shared
- Document the rules for delegating the responsibilities of the change authority
- Define the approach for communicating and engaging with stakeholders.
- Requires two
1) Minimum requirements of prince2 x3
Define the…
Document the…
Define the…
2) Prince2 also Requires two management products to be produced to support the organisation theme x2
1) - Define the organisational structure and roles, making sure each of the roles are represented remembering some roles can be shared
- Document the rules for delegating the responsibilities of the change authority
- Define the approach for communicating and engaging with stakeholders.
2) A) The project initiation documentation which sets out the teams structure
B) The communications management approach
1) What is the purpose of the communications management approach.
1) Purpose is to describe the means and frequency of communications to parties both internal and external to a project. It facilitates engagement with stakeholders (who, when,what)
1) What is the purpose of the communications management approach.
1) Purpose is to describe the means and frequency of communications to parties both internal and external to a project.
It facilitates engagement with stakeholders (who, when,what info is required), establishes controlled and bi-directional flow of info…