Organic Chemistry And Analysis Flashcards
What does infrared spectroscopy allow us to identify?
IR spec allows for identification of bonds and therefore functional groups.
This is due to different bonds absorbing the IR energy and shake but cause different wavelengths of IR to pass through which can be seen on a graph.
What is the fingerprint region on IR spec
+ what can it be used for?
Peaks between 1400 cm-1 - 800cm-1 are the fingerprint region
They an be matched to a know database of spectra to identify the known substance
What does the greenhouse effects depend on ?
The atmospheric concentration of different gases
The ability to absorb infrared radiation
Residency time
The different types of vibrations possible when electro-magnetic radiation is absorbed? + draw out each one
stretching and bending:
Symmetric stretching
Asymmetric stretching
(See notes for diagrams)
What does the position of the IR spec peak depend on?
- the strength of the bonds
- masses of the atoms joined by the bonds
(Strong bonds & light atoms = absorb longer wave numbers)
(Weak bonds & heavy atoms = absorb higher wave numbers)
Uses of infrared spec?
- identification of different functional groups to identify unknown molecules
- monitoring air pollution
- in breathalysers to monitor amount of ethanol in breath
What does mass spec show?
The mass spectrometer detects the mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) of the molecular ions which gives the molecular mass of compound
How do you find molecular mass from mass spec? + why might you have a peak that is one above this?
The highest peak on the right is the molecular ion of the compound (M+ peak).
+ a very small peak one unit after the M+ peak exists because some of the molecules will naturally contain carbon 13 isotope.
Describe the process of fragmentation in mass spectrometer?
When electrons bombard molecule in mass spec energy transferred into molecule causing loss of electron.
This molecular ion can fragment “break” further forming smaller pieces (fragments) of ions, molecules, radicals. These fragment ions are what are seen as the other peaks on mass spec graph and can be used to determine the structure of the compound
With haloalkanes why might there be two peaks for the molecular ion in mass spec?
One of the molecules contains the isotope 79 Br and the other contains 81 Br. Becasue the two isotopes are of similar abundance, the peaks are of similar height.
(Examples with Br but also done with Cl)
In mass spec why are some peaks higher in abundance that others?
Taller peaks come from the more stable species which is why they are formed more Ortern during fragmentation
Equations to show how NO radicals catalyse the breakdown of ozone in the stratosphere
NO* + O3 —> NO2* + O2
NO2* + O —> NO* + O2
How do infrared radiation lead to global warming?
Radiation passes through the atmosphere to the earth surface, where most of it is absorbed .
Some is re-emitted in form of long-wavelength IR radiation.
Greenhouse gases absorb this long-wavelength IR radiation because they have same frequency as natural frequency of their bonds.
These molecules re-emit energy as radiation which increases the temp of atmosphere close to earth - global warming
Sequence for identification (spectroscopy)
1) elemental analysis
Use percentage composition data to determine the empirical formula
2) mass spectrometry
Use molecule ion peak from a mass spectrum to determine the molecular mass; use fragments ions to identify sections of a molecule
3) infrared spectroscopy
Use absorption peaks from an infrared spectrum to identify bonds and function groups present in the molecule
How is proton NMR calibrated/
what is the standard reference chemical in which all chemical shifts are measured?
+why is it used?
Tetramethylsilane (TMS) —— (CH3)4Si
Standard reference as chemical shift value of O ppm.
+ only gives one signal, non-toxic, inert, low boiling point so easily removed from sample afterwards, signal further right than most of the signals from organic compounds
What do proton NRM chemical shifts depend on?
- shift depends on what other atoms/ groups are near the H
The close the H is to electronegative atoms ( O, Cl) the greater the shift.
The data sheet can be used to find values for chemical shifts
Draw and describe a proton NMR spectrum?
- contains a series of signals (peaks) showing where the compound absorbs radiowaves.
- horizontal scale is chemical shit- this indicates how far each signal is shifted away from TMS signal
- vertical axis represents the intensity of the absorption
(E.G if more O-H groups present then higher peak.)
In 1H NMR (proton) what is the area of signal proportional to?
Signal is proportional to the number of H atoms it represents
Note: it is not the height of signal that matters but the overall area that the signal covers. For example signals with different heights and in some cases made from different number of individual peaks can still represent the same number of H atoms
What are splitting patterns of 1H NMR?
(Also called coupling or multiplicity)
The number of lines a signal is split into give info about neighbouring H atoms- where they are inequivalent, and if they are, how many H atoms there are?
How do you work out H NMR splitting pattern signal?
The number of lines = 1 + number of H atoms on adjacent C atoms
Draw the splitting patterns of 1H NMR
+ name the signal
+ number of lines
+ number of H atoms/ group adjacent
See notes
Singlet - 1 line, no neighbouring H atoms
Doublet - 2 lines, (CH) 1 H atoms
Triplet- 3 lines, (CH2) 2 H atoms
Quartet - 4 lines, (CH3) 3 H atoms
Can also be multiples
Differences and similarities betwee 1H NMR and 13C NMR
1) number of finals
2) position of signals
3) relative size of signals
4) splitting of signals
1) similar
- one single for each set of equivalent 1H or 13C atoms
2) similar
- the closer the atom to a very electronegative atom and/ or double bond, the greater the chemical shift
3) different
1H NMR - relative area of signal related to relative number of 1H atoms
13 C NMR - no link between area o signal to number of 13 C atoms
4) different
1H NMR- signal split by 1H atoms on adjacent atoms
13 C NMR - no splitting