organic chem Flashcards
What is a homologous series?
What are examples homologous series?
A homologous series is a family of organic compounds with the same functional group and similar chemical properties.
Examples of homologous series are alkanes, alkenes, alcohols and carboxylic acids. 👍✌🏻
What are the general characteristics of a homologous series?
- have a common functional group, thus exhibiting similar chemical properties
- have similar chemical properties
- gradual change in their physical properties(m.p, b.p, density) as we go down the series from one member to the next
- can be prepared by similar methods such as reaction of alkene with steam to form alcohol
What is a functional group?
A functional group is a group of atoms or bonds common to a family of organic compounds, and which determines the principal chemical properties or reactions of the series.
Suffixes and their homologous series (4)
- ane = alkane
- ene = alkene
- ol = alcohol
- oic acid = carboxylic acid
Name two sources of energy.
Natural gas (mainly methane) and petroleum.
What is petroleum?
What is the physical properties of petroleum?
Petroleum is a naturally occurring mixture of hydrocarbons (mainly alkenes)
Physical properties of petroleum:
- dark brown
- foul-smelling liquid
- does not flow easily
*must go through fractional distillation to the use of petrol be separated into useful fractions
Useful fractions of petroleum:
What is the use of this fraction?
(a) petrol (gasoline)
Fuel for cars
Useful fractions of petroleum:
What is the use of this fraction?
(b) naphtha
feedstock and main source of hydrocarbons used for production of a wide range of organic compounds in the petrochemical industry
Useful fractions of petroleum:
What is the use of this fraction?
(c) paraffin (kerosene)
fuel for heating and cooking and for aircraft engines
Useful fractions of petroleum:
What is the use of this fraction?
(d) diesel
fuel for diesel engines
Useful fractions of petroleum:
What is the use of this fraction?
(e) lubricating oils
used as lubricants and as a source of polishes and waxes
Useful fractions of petroleum:
What is the use of this fraction?
(f) bitumen
bitumen for making road surfaces
Explain what is an alkane and its characteristics.
Functional Group (FG) of Alkane
What is the general formula (GF) for alkane?
Alkanes are saturated hydrocarbons, in which all carbon-carbon atoms are single bonds. Functional Group: NONE They contain only C-C and C-H bond. GF: C(n)H(2n+2) Characteristics: Alkanes are generally unreactive.
Functional Group?
Functional Group
C=C (carbon-carbon double bond)
Functional Group?
Carboxylic Acids
Functional Group?
=O on top of C,
-OH continue horizontally from -C