Soreness and weakness of the lower back, weak knees, clear frequent urination, WEAK-STREAM URINATION, abundant urination, dribbling after urination, incontinence of urine, enuresis, urination at night, nocturnal emissions without dreams, PREMATURE EJACULATION, spermatorrhea, tiredness, a feeling of cold, cold limbs, PROLAPSE OF UTERUS, chronic white vaginal discharge, a dragging-down feeling in the lower abdomen, RECURRENT MISCARRIAGE
KD Qi not firm
Poor appetite, a feeling of fullness of the abdomen or epigastrium or both, a feeling of cold in the epigastrium that improves with the application of heat, a feeling of heaviness of the head and body, a sweetish taste or absence of taste, no thirst, loose stools, lassitude, tiredness, nausea, edema, dull-white complexion, excessive white vaginal discharge. T: Pale with a sticky thick white coating P: Slippery-Slow (slow only when Cold is pronounced)
(ext) Cold Damp invading the SP
Palpitations, STABBING OR PRICKING PAIN in the chest which may radiate to the inner aspect of the left arm or to the shoulder, a feeling of oppression or constriction of the chest, SOB, CYANOSIS LIPS (purple) and nails, cold hands, painful periods with dark clots. T: Purple in its entirety or only on the sides in the chest area. P: Choppy, wiry or knotted
Blood Stasis in the PC
Edema especially of the ankles and legs, a cold feeling in legs and back, fullness and distention of abdomen, soreness of the lower back, a feeling of cold, scanty and clear urination. T: Pale, swollen and wet with a white coating P: Deep-Weak-Slow … Also palpitations, breathlessness, cold hands.
KD Yang Xu, Water Overflowing into HT
yellow sclera, yellow complexion, Hypochondrial fullness, hypochondrial pain and distention, nausea, vomiting, inability to digest fats, SCANTY AND DARK YELLOW URINE, feeling of heaviness of the body, numbness of the limbs, swelling of the feet, loose stools or constipation, fever, thirst without desire to drink, bitter taste, dizziness, tinnitus, irritability, ALTERNATION OF HOT AND COLD FEELINGS, a feeling of heat, T: Thick sticky yellow coating, either bilateral in two strips or unilateral (on the right side) P: Slippery-Wiry-Rapid
Damp Heat in GB
Dizziness, blurred vision, floaters, NERVOUSNESS, timidity, a propensity to BEING EASILY STARTLED, lack of initiative and COURAGE, INDECISION, sighing, waking up early in the morning, restless dreams. T: pale or weak P: weak
Gall Bladder Xu
BURNING epigastric pain, intense THIRST WITH DESIRE TO DRINK COLD liquids, mental restlessness, bleeding gums, dry stools, dry mouth, mouth ulcersT: Red with a thick yellow P: Rapid and slightly overflowing + a feeling of oppression in the chest and epigastrium, mucus in the stools, expectorationof phlegm, mental derangement
ST Phlegm-Heat
MENTAL CONFUSION, unconsciousness, LETHARGIC STUPOR, INCOHERENT SPEECH, slurred speech, aphasia, vomiting of phlegm, rattling sound in the throat, mental depression, very dull eyes.T: Swollen with thick sticky coating, MIDLINE CRACK REACHING TIP (Heart crack) P: Slippery
Phlegm Misting the Mind (HT)
Precursor: KD Yang Xu
Frequent pale abundant urination, incontinence, enuresis, lower backache, dizziness, nocturia, white urethral discharge, a feeling of cold. T: Pale, wet P: Deep-Weak
Bladder Xu and Cold
PALPITATIONS, a feeling of TIGHTNESS AND HEAT OF THE CHEST, slight chest ache, rapid breathing, THIRST, mouth and tongue ulcers, mental restlessness, feeling of agitation, feeling of heat, insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, red face, BITTER TASTE (only after a bad night’s sleep), heavy periods. T: Red, tip redder and swollen with red points, yellow coating P: Full-Rapid-Overflowing especially on the left front position
PC Fire
Severe, STABBING EPIGASTRIC PAIN that may be worse at night, dislike of pressure, nausea, vomiting, possibly VOMITING OF DARK BLOOD, vomiting of food looking like coffee grounds, possibly blood in the stools.
Stasis of Blood in ST
Fullness and distention of the hypogastrium, HYPOGASTRIC PAIN referring down to SCROTUM and testis and upwards to the hypochondrium, pain alleviated by warmth, straining of the testis or contraction of the scrotum, shrinking of the vagina, VERTEX HEADACHE, feeling of cold, COLD HANDS AND FEET, VOMITING CLEAR WATERY FLUID or dry vomiting. T: Pale and wet with a white coating P: Deep-Wiry- Slow)
Stagnation of Cold in LIV (Ext Cold Invasion)
HEADACHE that may be on temples, eyes or lateral side of the head, dizziness, tinnitus, deafness, blurred vision, dry mouth and throat, insomnia, IRRITABILITY, feeling worked up, propensity to outbursts of anger, stiff neck.T: Depends on underlying conditionP: Wiry, or wiry and fine, or wiry only on one side
LIV Yang Rising
Jaundice, dull-yellow eyes and skin, dull-yellow sclera, hypochondrial pain, HYPOCHONDRIAL FULLNESS and distention, nausea, vomiting, inability to digest fats, turbid urine, feeling of HEAVINESS in the body, lack of thirst, sticky taste, dull headache. T: Thick sticky white coating, either bilateral in two strips or UNILATERAL P: Slippery-Wiry
Dampness in the GB
Palpitations, SOB, weak and shallow breathing, grayish-white complexion, PROFUSE SWEATING, cold limbs, CYANOSIS OF LIPS. In severe cases, COMA. T: Very pale or bluish purple. May be short. P: HIDDEN-MINUTE-KNOTTED
HT Yang Collapse
DRY COUGH or with scanty sticky sputum, weak and hoarse voice, DRY THROAT and mouth, tickly throat, tiredness, dislike of speaking, thin body or thin chest, NIGHT SWEATING. T: Normal colored, dry without coating (or with rootless coating) in the front part P: Floating-Empty Empty Heat. Feeling of heat in the evening, afternoon fever, five palm heat, malar flush. T: Red without coating P: Floating- Empty
LU Yin Xu
Irritability, propensity to OUTBURSTS OF ANGER, tinnitus, deafness, TEMPORAL HEADACHE, DIZZINESS, RED FACE AND EYES, THIRST, bitter taste, dream-disturbed sleep, constipation with dry stools, dark yellow urine, epistaxis, hematemesis, hemoptysis. T: Red, redder on the sides, dry yellow coating P: Full- Wiry – Rapid
LIV Fire Blazing
Palpitations, FEELING OF OPPRESSION and heat of the chest, chest pain, rapid breathing, thirst, red face, bitter taste, expectoration of phlegm, rattling sound in the throat, MENTAL restlessness, insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, agitation, incoherent speech, mental confusion, rash behavior, tendency to hit or scold people, uncontrolled laughter or crying, shouting, muttering to oneself, mental depression and dullness, manic behavior. T: Red, swollen with yellow dry sticky coating, deep Heart crack. The tip may be redder and swollen with red points. P: Full-Rapid-Slippery or Rapid-Overflowing-Slippery or Rapid-Full-Wiry
Phlegm-Fire Harassing the PC
Aversion to cold, fever, cough, sore throat, blocked or runny nose with yellow discharge, sneezing, headache, body aches, slight sweating slight thirst, swollen tonsils. T: Slightly red on the sides in the chest areas or on the front part P: Floating – Rapid
Invasion of LU by Wind Heat
Precursor: KD Yang Xu + SP QI Xu
Frequent and urgent urination, difficult urination (stopping in midstream), a feeling of heaviness in the hypogastrium and urethra, pale and turbid urine. T: White sticky coating on root P: Slippery-Slow and slightly Wiry on left rear position
Damp Cold in the UB
ALWAYS OCCURS WITH ST YIN XU, Dry stools that are difficult to discharge, dry mouth and throat, thin body, foul breath, dizziness. T: DRY, either pale or red body with ROOTLESS COATING. P: fine
Large Intestines Dry
(PATTERN deriving from WHAT?) Tremor, DIZZINESS, tinnitus, HEADACHE, HYPERTENSION, dry throat, blurred vision, numbness or tingling of limbs, POOR MEMORY, insomnia. T: Pale and thin- Fine
Liv Yang Rising Generating Wind deriving from Liver-Blood deficiency
POOR APPETITE, slight abdominal distention after eating, TIREDNESS, lassitude, a desire to lie down, pale complexion, weakness of the limbs, LOOSE STOOLS, a tendency to obesity. T: Pale P: Empty
SP Qi Xu
Precursor: KD Yang Xu + SP QI Xu
Frequent and urgent urination, burning on urination, DIFFICULT URINATION (stopping in the middle of flow), dark yellow / turbid urine, blood in the urine, fever, thirst but with no desire to drink, hypogastric fullness and pain, a feeling of heat. Thick sticky yellow coating on the root with red spots on the root
Damp Heat in the UB
COUGH, slight breathlessness, FEELING OF HEAT, chest ache, flaring of nostrils (acute cases only), THIRST, red face. T: Red with yellow coating P: Overflowing-rapid
LU Heat
Poor appetite, slight abdominal distention after eating, TIREDNESS, lassitude, dull-pale complexion, weakness of the limbs, loose stools, depression, thin body, SCANTY PERIODS or amenorrhea, INSOMNIA, joint ache. T: PALE, thin and slightly DRY P: Choppy or fine
SP Blood Xu
Chronic cough coming in bouts with PROFUSE WHITE STICKY SPUTUM that is easy to expectorate, pasty-white complexion, phlegm in the throat, a feeling of oppression in the chest, SOB, dislike of lying down, wheezing, nausea, a feeling of heaviness, and muzziness and dizziness of the head. T: Swollen with a thick sticky white coating P: Slippery and soggy
Damp Phlegm in the LU
occurs with Sinking of SP Qi, Chronic diarrhea, PROLAPSE ANI, HEMORRHOIDS, tiredness after bowel movements, cold limbs, no appetite, mental exhaustion, desire to drink warm liquids, desire to have the abdomen massaged. T: Pale P: Deep-Fine-Weak
Collapse of LI
A feeling of DISTENTION and slight pain OF THE CHEST, feeling of tightness of the chest, slight SOB, sighing, a feeling of lump in the throat, PALPITATIONS, depression, irritability, poor appetite, weak and cold limbs, slightly purple lips, pale complexion. T: Slightly pale-purple on the sides in the chest area P: Empty but very slightly overflowing on the left front position
Qi Stag in the PC
Barking cough with profuse STICKY YELLOW OR GREEN SPUTUM, SOB, wheezing, a feeling of oppression of the chest, phlegm in the throat, a feeling of heat, thirst, insomnia, agitation, a feeling of heaviness and muzziness of the head, dizziness. T: Red, swollen with a thick sticky yellow coating P: Slippery-Rapid
Phlegm Heat in the LU
PALPITATIONS, a feeling of DISTENTION or oppression OF THE CHEST, depression, a slight feeling of lump in the throat, slight SOB, sighing, poor appetite, weak and cold limbs, slightly purple lips, pale complexion. T: Slightly pale-purple on the sides in the chest area P: Empty but very slightly Overflowing on the left front position
HT Qi Stagnation
BURNING epigastric pain, intense THIRST WITH DESIRE TO DRINK COLD liquids, mental restlessness, bleeding gums, dry stools, dry mouth, mouth ulcersT: Red with a thick yellow P: Rapid and slightly overflowing
ST Heat
FINE TREMOR, facial tic, dizziness, blurred vision, numbness or tingling of limbs, POOR MEMORY, insomnia, SCANTY PERIODS. T: Pale and thin P: Wiry - Fine
LIV Blood Xu Generating Wind
Hypochondrial pain, abdominal pain, vomiting of blood, epistaxis, painful periods, irregular periods, DARK AND CLOTTED MENSTRUAL BLOOD, infertility, masses in abdomen, purple nails, purple lips, purple or dark complexion, dry skin (in severe cases), purple petechiae. T: Purple only or particularly on the sides, purple spots on the sides too if severe. P: Wiry or Firm.
LIV Blood Stasis
(Nutritive Qi Level; Upper Burner Stage)
FEVER AT NIGHT, mental confusion, incoherent speech or aphasia, DELIRIUM, body hot but hands and feet cold, macules. T: Red and dry without coating P: Fine- Rapid
Heat in PC
Feeling of DISTENTION OF THE HYPOCHONDRIUM, chest, epigastrium or abdomen, sighing, melancholy, DEPRESSION, fluctuation of mental state (MOODINESS), “feeling wound up”, feeling of a lump in the throat, irregular periods, distention of breasts before the periods, premenstrual tension and irritability. T: Normal color, slightly red on the sides in severe cases P: Wiry, especially on the left side
LV Qi Stag
SOB ON EXERTION, rapid and weak breathing, DIFFICULTY IN INHALING, CHRONIC COUGH and/or ASTHMA, spontaneous sweating, cold limbs, cold limbs after sweating, swelling of the face, thin body, mental listlessness, clear urination, typically abundant and clear urination during asthma attack, lower backache, dizziness, tinnitus. T: Pale P: Deep-Weak-Tight
KD Failing to Receive Qi
Hypochondrial or epigastric DISTENTION, a slight feeling of oppression of the chest, IRRITABILITY, melancholy, depression, moodiness, a feeling of a lump in the throat, a FEELING OF HEAT, red face, thirst, propensity to outbursts of anger, premenstrual tension, irregular periods, premenstrual breast distention, heavy periods. T: RED ON THE SIDES. P: Wiry and slightly rapid, especially on the left side
Stagnant LV Qi Turning Into Fire
Palpitations, STABBING OR PRICKING PAIN in the chest that may radiate to the INNER ASPECT OF THE LEFT ARM, or to the shoulder, a feeling of oppression or constriction of the chest, CYANOSIS OF LIPS and nails, cold hands. T: PURPLE in its entirety or only on the sides in the chest area P: Choppy, wiry or knotted
HT Blood Stasis
OCCURS WITH SP-YANG XU, chronic condition, loose stools like doc droppings, dull abdominal pain, borborygmi, pale urine, cold limbs. T: Pale P: Deep-Weak
Large Intestines Cold
Dry cough, dry skin, dry throat, dry mouth, thirst and hoarse voice. T: Dry, not red P: Empty, especially on the right front position
LU Dryness
SUDDEN SEVERE ABDOMINAL PAIN, dislike of pressure, abdominal distention, CONSTIPATION, VOMITING, borborygmi, flatulence. T: Thick white coating P: Deep, wiry
SI Qi Tied
Dry cough with occasional, difficult expectoration of SCANTY SPUTUM, SOB, a feeling of oppression of the chest, scanty phlegm in the throat, a feeling of heaviness and muzziness of the head, dizziness, dry throat, wheezing, pasty-dry complexion. T: Swollen with a dry sticky coating P: Fine-Slippery
Dry Phlegm in the LU
Abdominal pain and distention, bad taste in mouth, sallow complexion + itchy anus, worse in the evening
Infestation of worms in SI - Pinworms
Epigastric fullness, pain and DISTENTION OF THE EPIGASTRIUM that are RELIEVED BY VOMITING, nausea, vomiting of SOUR FLUIDS, foul breath, sour regurgitation, belching, insomnia, loose stools or constipation, poor appetite. T: Thick coating, yellow or white P: Full-Slippery
Retention of Food
A feeling of fullness of the lower abdomen or epigastrium or both, epigastric or abdominal pain, poor appetite, a feeling of heaviness, thirst without a desire to drink, nausea, vomiting, loose stools with an offensive odor, a burning sensation in the anus, a feeling of heat, scanty dark urine, low-grade fever constant throughout the day, dull headache with a feeling of heaviness of the head, dull-yellow complexion like tangerine peel, yellow sclera of the eyes, oily sweat, biter taste, itchy skin or skin eruptions (papules or vesicles), sweating that does not relieve the fever and does not lead to the clearing of heat. T: Red with sticky yellow coating P: Slippery
Damp Heat invading the SP (relatively acute)
Palpitations, insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, poor memory, anxiety, propensity to be startled, MENTAL RESTLESSNESS, uneasiness, fidgetiness, dry mouth and throat, NIGHT SWEATING. T: NO COATING, normal color, deep midline crack reaching the tip. P: Floating-empty. Empty Heat Sx.
HT Yin Xu
No appetite or slight HUNGER BUT NOT DESIRE TO EAT, drink in small sips, slightly burning or dull epigastric pain, dry mouth T: Without coating P: Floating-Empty on the right-middle and sl rapid
ST Yin Xu
DULL ABDOMINAL PAIN alleviated by pressure, a desire for hot drinks, BORBORYGMI, DIARRHEA, pale and abundant urination, cold limbs. T: Pale body, white coating Deep-Weak-Slow
SI Xu + Cold
Palpitations, SOB with inability to lie down, depression, mental restlessness, a flustered feeling, a feeling of oppression of the chest, STABBING OR PRICKING PAIN in the heart region that comes and goes and may radiate to the upper back or shoulder, PAIN aggravated by exposure to cold and alleviated by heat, expectoration of PHLEGM, a feeling of heaviness, dislike of speaking, COLD HANDS, sighing, purple lips, face and nails.T: Purple on the sides in the chest area, swollen with a sticky coating. P: Wiry, Choppy or Knotted, Slippery if Phlegm predominant
HT Vessel Obstructed (Blood Stasis, Phlegm, Qi Stag, and Cold)
DIZZINESS, NUMBNESS or tingling of limbs, insomnia, BLURRED VISION, DRY EYES, diminished night vision, scanty menstruation or amenorrhea, dull-pale complexion without luster but with red cheekbones, muscular weakness, cramps, withered and brittle nails, very dry hair and skin, depression, a feeling of aimlessness.T: Normal color WITHOUT COATING or with rootless coating P: Floating- Empty
LIV Yin Xu
Sudden swelling of face and eyes gradually spreading to the whole body, bright-shiny complexion, scanty and pale urination, aversion to wind, fever, cough, slight breathlessness. T: Sticky white coating – splippery
Invasion of LU by Wind-Water
SUDDEN CRAMPING ABDOMINAL PAIN, DIARRHEA WITH PAIN, a FEELING OF COLD, a cold sensation in the abdomen. Acute condition. T: Thick white coating P: Deep-Tight
Cold Invading the LI
Abdominal pain and distention, bad taste in mouth, sallow complexion. + abdominal pain, vomiting of the worms, cold limbs
Infestation of worms in SI - Roundworms
Sudden pain in the epigastrium which is severe, a feeling of cold, cold limbs, preference for warmth, vomiting of clear fluidsT: Thick white coating P: Deep-Tight-Slow
Cold Invading into ST
Poor appetite, slight abdominal distention after eating, tiredness, lassitude, desire to lie down curled up, pale complexion, weakness of the limbs, loose stools, a tendency to obesity, FEELING COLD, cold limbs, EDEMA. T: Pale and wet P: Deep-Weak
SP Yang Xu
Palpitations, INSOMNIA, dream-disturbed sleep, mental restlessness, agitation, incoherent speech, mental confusion, rash behavior, tendency to hit or scold people, uncontrolled laughter or crying, shouting, muttering to oneself, mental depression and dullness, MANIC BEHAVIOR, THIRST, RED FACE, BITTER TASTE, a feeling of OPPRESSION OF THE CHEST, expectoration of phlegm, rattling sound in the throat.. T: Red, sticky yellow coating, deep Heart cracks.
Phlegm-Fire Harassing the HT
Constipation, burning in anus, abdominal pain and distention that are worse with pressure, Acute. SWEATING ESPECIALLY ON LIMBS, vomiting, thirst, delirium, high fever or tidal fever (4 BIGS!), T: Red body, thick dry yellow or brown-black coating P: Deep-Full
Heat Obstructing LI, (Bright Yang Organ Pattern, Intestines Dry-Heat of Qi Level)
Poor appetite, slight abdominal distention after eating, tiredness, lassitude, pale-sallow complexion, weakness of the limbs, loose stools, depression, a tendency to obesity, BLEEDING: blood spots under the skin, blood in the urine or stools, excessive uterine bleeding. T: PALE P: Weak or FINE
SP not controlling Blood
MENTAL RESTLESSNESS, INSOMNIA, mouth / TONGUE ULCERS, pain in the throat, DEAFNESS, an uncomfortable feeling and heat sensation in the chest, ABDOMINAL PAIN, thirst with a desire to drink cold liquids, SCANTY AND DARK URINE, burning pain on urination, blood in urine. T: Red with redder and swollen tip, yellow coating P: Overflowing-Rapid, especially in the front position. If there are urinary symptoms, Wiry on the left rear position
Full-Heat in the SI
Tremors, irritability, propensity to outbursts of anger, tinnitus and/or deafness (with sudden onset), temporal headache, dizziness, red face and eyes, thirst, bitter taste, dream-disturbed sleep, constipation with dry stools, dark-yellow urine, epistaxis, hematemesis, hemoptysis.
LIV Fire Generating Wind
FOR ALL SUB-PATTERNS: Tremor, tic, numbness, dizziness, vertigo, headache, and convulsions or paralysis
Slight SOB, slight cough, WEAK VOICE, spontaneous daytime sweating, dislike of speaking, bright-pale complexion, propensity to catch colds, tiredness, dislike of cold.T: Pale P: Empty, especially on the right front position
LU Qi Xu
Abdominal pain and distention, bad taste in mouth, sallow complexion + constant hunger
Infestation of worms in SI - Tapeworms
Constipation with DRY STOOLS, a burning sensation in the mouth, DRY TONGUE, swelling and BURNING SENSATION IN ANUS, scanty dark urine. Tends to be acute condition. T: Thick yellow or brown or black, dry coating P: Full- Rapid
Heat in the LI
Malar flush, mental restlessness, insomnia, NIGHT SWEATING, low-grade fever, five-palm heat, afternoon fever or just a feeling of heat in the afternoon or evening, scanty dark urine, blood in the urine, dry throat especially at night, thirst with desire to drink in small sips, dizziness, tinnitus, hardness of hearing, lower backache, NOCTURNAL EMISSIONS with dreams, EXCESSIVE SEXUAL DESIRE, dry stools. T: Red, without coating, cracked with a red tip P: Floating-Empty and rapid
KD Yin Xu, Empty Heat Blazing
Edema especially of the ankles and legs, a cold feeling in legs and back, fullness and distention of abdomen, soreness of the lower back, a feeling of cold, scanty and clear urination. T: Pale, swollen and wet with a white coating P: Deep-Weak-Slow … Also thin watery frothy sputum, cough, asthma and breathlessness on exertion
KD Yang Xu, Water Overflowing into LU
ABDOMINAL PAIN that is not relieved by a bowel movement, abdominal fullness, “DIRTY” DIARRHEA , burning in the anus, scanty dark urine, fever in severe cases, a feeling of heat, thirst without a desire to drink, sweating that does not decrease the fever, abdominal fullness, mucus and blood in stools, mucus and blood in stools, offensive odor of stools, feeling of heaviness of the body and limbs, T: Red with sticky yellow coating P: Slippery-Rapid
Damp Heat in LI
(PATTERN deriving from WHAT?) Tremor, facial tic, SEVERE DIZZINESS, tinnitus, HEADACHE, HYPERTENSION, dry throat, DRY EYES, BLURRED VISION, NUMBNESS or tingling of limbs, poor memory. T: Normal colored without coating P: Wiry-Fine
Liv Yang Rising Generating Wind deriving from Liv Yin Xu
Children: POOR BONE DEVELOPMENT, late closure of fontanelle, deafness, mental dullness or retardation. Adults: Softening of bones, weakness of knees and legs, POOR MEMORY, LOOSE TEETH, falling hair or premature graying of hair, weakness of sexual activity, lower backache, INFERTILITY, STERILITY, primary amenorrhea, dizziness, tinnitus, deafness, blurred vision, absentmindedness, decreased mental sharpness. T: Pale if more Kidney yang deficiency, without coating if more Kidney yin deficiency P: Floating-Empty or leather
KD Essence Xu
Light PALPITATIONS, SOB on exertion, pale face, spontaneous sweating, TIREDNESS, slight depression. T: Pale or normal color P: Empty
HT Qi Xu
LOWER ABDOMINAL TWISTING PAIN which may extend to back, abdominal distention, dislike of pressure on abdomen, BORBORYGMI, flatulence, abdominal pain relieved by emission of wind, pain in the testis. T: white coating P: Deep-Wiry, especially on the rear positions
SI Qi Pain
Abdominal DISTENTION and pain, constipation with BITTY STOOLS, irritability, aggravation of condition according to mood. T: Normal or slightly red on the sides P: Wiry on both rear positions
Qi Stag in LI
A feeling of pain, and FULLNESS OF THE EPIGASTRIUM, feeling of HEAVINESS, facial pain, blocked nose or thick sticky nasal discharge, thirst without a desire to drink, nausea, a feeling of heat, dull yellow complexion, a sticky taste. T: Red with sticky yellow coating P: Slippery-Rapid
Damp-Heat in the ST
Dizziness, numbness or tingling of limbs, insomnia, BLURRED VISION, AMENORRHEA, DULL-PALE COMPLEXION without luster, pale lips, muscular weakness, cramps, withered and brittle nails, dry hair and skin, depression, a feeling of aimlessness.T: Pale especially on the sides, thin and slightly dry. Orangey on the sides in extreme casesP: Choppy or fin
LIV Blood Xu
Nausea, difficulty in swallowing, belching, vomiting, hiccup. T: No changes P: Tight or wiry on the right middle position
ST Qi Rebelling Upward
Fullness of the hypochondrium, abdomen or hypogastrium, BITTER AND STICKY TASTE, poor appetite, NAUSEA, FEELING OF HEAVINESS, yellow vaginal discharge, vaginal itching, vulvar eczema or sores, mid-cycle bleeding and/or pain, pain, redness and swelling of the scrotum, genital papular or vesicular skin rashes and itching, urinary difficulty, burning on urination, dark urine, dysuria. T: Red, redder sides, sticky yellow coating P: Slippery- Wiry – Rapid
Damp-Heat in LIV
Edema especially of the ankles and legs, a cold feeling in legs and back, fullness and distention of abdomen, soreness of the lower back, a feeling of cold, scanty and clear urination. T: Pale, swollen and wet with a white coating P: Deep-Weak-Slow
KD Yang Xu, Water Overflowing
Uncomfortable feeling in the epigastrium, which may be aggravated by BM, tiredness especially in the morning, weak limbs. T: Pale P: Empty
ST Qi Xu
A feeling of stuffiness and DISCOMFORT OF THE CHEST, dull ache in the chest, very slight SOB, PALPITATIONS, anxiety, INSOMNIA, dizziness, dream-disturbed sleep, poor memory, propensity to be startled, dull-pale complexion, pale lips, cold hands, scanty periods, amenorrhea. T: Pale, thin, slightly dry P: Choppy or fine but very slightly Hard on the left Front position
Blood Xu of the PC
High temperature, convulsions, rigidity of the neck, tremor of limbs, opisthotonos, coma in severe cases.T: Deep-red, stiff, dry yellow coating P: Wiry- Rapid
Extreme Heat Generating Wind
Palpitations, insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, mental restlessness, feeling agitated, feeling of heat, THIRST, mouth and TONGUE ULCERS, red face, dark urine or blood in the urine, BITTER TASTE (only after a bad night’s sleep) T: RED, redder tip and swollen with red points, yellow coating, maybe midline crack reaching to tip P: Full-Rapid-Overflowing, especially left front position, or Hasty
HT Fire Blazing
BACK ACHE, Dizziness, tinnitus, vertigo, poor memory, hardness of hearing, night sweating, DRY MOUTH and throat at night, ache in bones, nocturnal emissions, constipation, DARK SCANTY URINE, infertility, premature ejaculation, tiredness, lassitude, depression, slight anxiety. T: Normal color without coating P: Floating-Empty
KD Yin Xu
Palpitations, dull-pale complexion, DIZZINESS, chest oppression, INSOMNIA, dream- disturbed sleep, POOR MEMORY, ANXIETY, propensity to be startled, pale lips. T: Pain, thin, slightly dry P : Choppy or fine
HT Blood Xu
Lower backache, dizziness, tinnitus, cold and weak knees, sensation of cold in the lower back, feeling of cold, weak legs, bright-white complexion, tiredness, lassitude, ABUNDANT CLEAR URINATION, urination at night, apathy, edema of the legs, infertility in women, loose stools, depression, impotence, premature ejaculation, low sperm count, decreased libido. T: Pale and wet P: Deep-Weak
KD Yang Xu
(Greater Yang Stage)
Aversion to cold, fever, cough, itchy throat, slight breathlessness, blocked or runny nose with clear watery discharge, sneezing, occipital headache, body aches. T: thin white coating P: Floating-Tight
Invasion of LU by Wind Cold
Cough with expectoration of white watery sputum, breathlessness, splashing sound in the chest, vomiting of white WATERY FROTHY SPUTUM, a feeling of oppression of the chest, a feeling of heaviness and muzziness of the head, dizziness, a feeling of cold, coughing that may be elicited by a scare. T: Pale with thick sticky white coating P: Fine-Slippery or soggy
Phlegm Fluids obstruction the LU
Abdominal pain and distention, bad taste in mouth, sallow complexion + desire to eat strange objects such as soil, wax, uncooked rice or tea leaves
Infestation of worms in SI - Hookworms
Hypochondrial or epigastric distention, hiccup, sighing, nausea, vomiting, BELCHING, “churning feeling in the stomach, IRRITABILITY, breast distention (in women). T: Normal color, red sides in severe cases P: WIRY, especially at Liver and Stomach positions
Rebellious LV Qi
(PATTERN deriving from WHAT?) Tremor, facial tic, severe dizziness, tinnitus, HEADACHE, HYPERTENSION, dry throat, DRY EYES, blurred vision, numbness or tingling of limbs, poor memory, BACKACHE, scanty urination, night sweating. T: Normal colored without coating P: Wiry
Liv Yang Rising Generating Wind deriving from Liv-Yin and KD-Yin Xu
Cough with expectoration of WHITE WATERY SPUTUM, aggravated by exposure to cold, a feeling of cold, cold hands, phlegm in the throat, dizziness, a feeling of oppression of the chest, a feeling of cold of the chest, a feeling of heaviness, and muzziness and dizziness of the heat. T: Swollen and wet tongue with a sticky white coating P: Slippery- slow
Cold Phlegm in the LU
Palpitations, SOB on exertion, BRIGHT-PALE FACE, spontaneous sweating, tiredness, slight feeling of stuffiness or discomfort in heart region, feeling of cold, COLD HANDS, slightly dark lips. T: Pale, slightly wet P: Deep and weak. In severe cases, knotted
HT Yang Xu
EPIGASTRIC pain and DISTENTION, belching, nausea, vomiting, hiccup, irritability. T: No particular signs. In severe cases, may be red on the sides in the central sectionP: Wiry on the right middle position
ST Qi Stag
Poor appetite, slight abdominal distention after eating, tiredness, lassitude, pale complexion, weakness of the limbs, loose stools, depression, tendency to obesity, a BEARING-DOWN SENSATION in the abdomen, PROLAPSE of stomach, uterus, anus or bladder, FREQUENT AND URGENT urination, menorrhagia. T: Pale P: Weak, upper part of Stomach position cannot be felt at al
SP Qi Sinking
Discomfort or dull pain in the epigastrium, better after eating and better with pressure or massage, but which may be aggravated by BM, no appetite, preference for warm drinks and foods, vomiting of clear fluid, lack of thirst, weak and cold limbs, tiredness, pale complexion. T: Pale and wet P: Deep-Weak-Slow,
ST Xu + Cold