LU Patterns Flashcards
Chills greater than fever, cough with clear sputum, superficial tense pulse, body aches… what pattern?
LU invaded by Wind-Cold
Pale or pink tongue, thin white tongue coating // deficient pulse… what pattern?
Lu Qi Def
Shortness of breath, weak voice, slight cough, spontaneous sweating, deficient pulse in right front position… what pattern?
Lu Qi Deficiency
Red swollen body, greasy yellow coating; rolling-rapid pulse… what pattern?
Phlegm-Heat Obstructing LU tongue and pulse
Normal or red tongue, dry scanty or rootless coating // floating empty pulse
… what pattern?
LU Yin Xu
Cough, heat sensation, chest ache, thirst, red tongue with yellow coating… what pattern?
Lung Heat symptoms
Fever greater than chills, sore throat, thirst, superficial-rapid pulse… what pattern?
LU invaded by Wind-Heat
Barking cough, yellow or green sputum, chest oppression, thick greasy yellow tongue coating, rapid-rolling pulse… what pattern?
Phlegm-Heat obstructing LU symptoms
Red tongue with yellow coating; surging-rapid pulse… what pattern?
Lung Heat tongue and pulse
Dry cough, dry nose, throat and mouth, hoarse voice, thirst, dry tongue that is not red… what pattern?
LU Dryness
Cough with thin, watery frothy sputum, wheezing, breathlessness, chest oppression, chilliness… what pattern?
Phlegm-Fluids obstructing LU symptoms
Slightly red on the sides or tip of tongue, thin white or thin yellow tongue coating; superficial-rapid pulse… what pattern?
LU invaded by Wind-Heat
Chronic cough with profuse (easy to expectorate) white sputum, bodily heaviness, chest oppression, thick sticky white tongue coating… what pattern?
Damp-Phlegm obstructing LU symptoms
Swollen with thick, sticky white tongue coating; rolling or soft pulse… what pattern?
Damp-Phlegm obstructing LU tongue and pulse
Dry cough with scanty sputum, weak hoarse voice, dry mouth and throat, night sweating, no tongue coating and cracks in the LU area… what pattern?
Lu Yin Deficiency
Sudden swelling of face, aversion to wind, superficial-rolling pulse… what pattern?
LU invaded by Wind-Water