Organ Architecture II - Solid Organs Flashcards
What are the two types of exocrine glands?
Simple and Compound
Simple exocrine glands are _____ and _____.
Simple exocrine glands are TUBULAR and UNBRANCHED.
What are the functions of the proximal and distal parts of simple exocrine gland tubes.
Proximal: the proximal part of the tube is a duct, to carry the secreted material
Distal: the distal part of the tube is the secretory portion
What is unique about compound exocrine glands in contrast to the simple exocrine glands?
The ducts of compound exocrine glands branch off leading to many round acini.
They look like bundles of grapes (acini)!
Acini are the secretory parts of the gland.
What is the parenchyma of solid organs?
The part that does the main work of the organs. Invagination of epithelium.
Glands are part of the parenchyma.
What is the stroma of solid organs?
It is the supporting CT of the parenchyma. It includes the CT, blood vessels, and nerves.
The pancreas contains both endocrine and exocrine cells. What is the most common?
Most of the cells of the pancrease are exocrine and produce digestive enzyme precursors.
Pancreatic acini have clusters of ______ cells surrounding a central lumen.
The pancreas is a lobular organ, divided by _____ filled with _____________.
septa; connective tissue
Ducts of the pancreas are lined by what cells?
cuboidal cells
These ducts collect what?
Digestive enzyme precursors
These ducts join to form larger ducts which will eventually lead to the duodenum where the enzymes will be activated to aid in digestion
The endocrine portion of the pancreas are small “islands” of lighter-staining cells called what?
Islets of Langerhans
Islets of Langerhans secrete what several hormones, name two.
Insulin and Glucagon
these control glucose levels in the blood
Deoxygenated blood from the systemic circulatory system leaves the stomach, pancreas, and intestines, and travels to the liver via what vessel?
Hepatic Portal Vein
The hepatic portal vein (HPV) is responsible for what percentage of blood supply to the liver? What is responsible for the remainder of the blood supply?
HPV supplies 80%
Hepatic artery supplies the other 20%