Org B 321 Midterm Flashcards
Organizational Behavior
The systematic study and application of knowledge about how individuals and groups act within the organizations where they work.
Field Studies
On site surveys with the organizations
Experimental Design
A study having a group that receives a treatment and a comparison group that receives no treatment
control groups
everything stays the same with this group
treatment groups
receiving the test
Lab work
Outside the work environment
case studies
one company
meta analysis
looking for trends the process of summarizing research finding from studies on related topics
the consistency of measurement (get the same results each time)
the degree to which a measure captures what it intends to measure (it gives a consistent result, but it’s not what we are measuring)
Current challenges of OB
Ethics lack of employee engagement, technology, the flattening world (as business becomes more accessible on the international level a mix of cultures and policies creates challenge) sustainability & green business practices, the aging workforce & the millennials (different values), global marketplace for outsourcing
Challenges of diversity
ways in which people are similar or different from each other
attraction phenomenon and its resultant unfair treatment
an attribute along which a group is split into subgroups females and males for instance
Earnings gaps glass ceiling point where qualified employees can not advance to higher level
Sexual Orientation
Not covered by title v|| yet
affirmative action
Not a program to give preferential treatment to less qualified people between two qualified candidates, it puts priority on the minority status
Solutions for managing Diversity
Build a culture of respect
Hold managers accountable
Affirmative action programs
Recruitment programs - recruiting from places that are more diverse. By proving their process, they protect themselves from lots of legal issues
Hofstede Culture Framework
Power Distance
Uncertaintity Avoidance
Masculinity Feminimity
Solutions for managing Cultural Diversity
Cultural Intelligence person’s capability to understand a persons cultural bacground
The belief in the inherent superiority of one’s own ethnic group or culture
Individual Differences
Values and personality
Stable life goals people have reflecting what is most important to them
Terminal Values
A world of beauty, an exciting life, family security, inner harmony, and self respect (All end states)
Instrumental Values
Broad-minded, clean, forgiving, imaginative, obedient, (Journey Process)
Big Fiver Personality Traits
[OCEAN] Openness Conscientiousness Extraversion Agreeableness Neuroticism
Open to new ideas
Being careful, or vigilant. Having a desire to do a task well, and to take obligations to others seriously. Tend to be efficient and organized as opposed to easy-going and disorderly. (#1 trait employers look for)
Gain energy from social interaction
Willingness to conform/agree and settle issues
Anxiety, fear, moodiness, worry, envy, frustration, jealousy, and loneliness
16 personality types - introversion, extroversion, sensing, feeling, intuition, thinking, judging, perceiving
Color Code
A belief that one can perform a specific task successfully
The process with which individuals detect and interpret environmental stimuli
Self-enhancement bias
When we tend to overstate our performance (men)
Self-effacement bias
tendency to underestimate our performance (women)
Generalizations based on a perceived group (not always bad)
Selective perception
Focus on parts of the environment we care about while ignoring other parts (individual)
Casual explanations
Internal attribution
Explaining someone’s behavior using the internal characteristics of the actor
External attribution
Explaining behavior by referring to the situation
Opinions, beliefs, and feels about aspects of our environment
Job satisfaction
The feels people have towards their job
Organizational commitment
Emotional attachment people have towards the company they work for
Person job fit
degree to which a person’s skill, knowledge, abilities and other characteristics match the job
Psychological contract
Unwritten understanding about what employee will bring to work and what the company will provide in exchange
Psychological contract
Unwritten understanding about what employee will bring to work and what the company will provide in exchange
Pyschological contract breach
violation of the unwritten understanding between the employee and the organization regarding expectations
Job performance
The degree towhich an employee successfully fulfills the factors included in the job description
General mental ability reasoning verbal and numerical skills
Organizational citizenship behavior
Voluntary behaviors the extra mil
Types of cultures
Organizational cultural
Organizational Culture
System of shared assumptions, values, and beliefs about what is appropriate and inappropriate in a company
Taken for granted beliefs about human nature and reality
Shared principles, standards, and goals
Visable and tangible elements of culture
Visible elements of culture
Mission statement rituals stories rules and policies and physical layout
Steps to cultural change
Create a sense of urgency Change leaders Role model Train Change reward system Create new stories and symbols
Collaborate Ikea networkers trainers
Create Apple innovator higher risk
Compete Pimco, goal focus athlete fast mover win
Bureaucracy McDonald’s efficient consistent uniform
Set of values unique to a cross section of the organization – not all cultures have a subculture in the organization
Counter Culture
Subculture opposed to the main culture in the organization
Social perception
Stereotypes, self-fulfilling prophecy, selective perception, first impression
Internal locus of control
The belief that a person controls their own destiny and what happens to them in their own doing
Competing Values Framework
clan (collaborate); IKEA; networkers, trainers; Southwest Airlines
adhocracy (create); Apple; innovator, higher risk.
market (compete); PIMCO; Wells Fargo; GE; goal focus, athlete, fast mover, win.
hierarchy (Control); McDonald’s; Federal Gov; IBM; efficient, consistent, uniform.