Order Perissodactyls Flashcards
“odd toed”
extant members
Family Equidae
Family Tapiridae
Family Rhinoerotidae
evolution of horses
simplified digits *see chart
60mya .5meter w/multidigits
1mys 1.5meter w/one digit in contact w/ground
characteristic perissodactyls
axis symmetry through middle digit
no real horns as in bovine but have horn of dermal origin on frontal and nasal bones of skull
elongated rostrum w/molariform cheek teeth
simple stomach w/cecum
hindegut fermenters
full compliment of teeth 44
fewer digits + longer limbs = faster
cheek teeth of perissodactyls
hipsodontal/ high crowned and lophodontal/linear crests
cursorial specialization
galloping mammals synchronize breathe w/gait
tendons store and recover elastic energy
digital flexors and critical to spring function
40% metabolic energy saved when trotting
running speeds depend on stride length and rate
increasing stride length
increases limb length (elongated metacarpal, metatarsal, phalanges) joints distal to scapula and pelvis are limited in lateral motion lost clavicle (complete freedom of shoulder allows scapula free motion around pivot point)
increase stride rate
decrease contact time increase moveable joints lengthen tendons and move muscles closer to the body decrease digits hold head w/elastic ligaments
elastic ligaments in perissodactyls
nuchal ligaments
feeding specialization
many high ridged cheek teeth and some sort of fermentation system
hindgut fermenters
have microbes in cecum to breakdown cellulose and release nutrients
perrisodactyls are what kind of fermenters
hindgut/after stomach
artiodactyls are what kind of fermenters
foregut fermenters/ before stomach.
this is more beneficial because they can absorb more nutrients.
Family Equidae
horses, asses, zebra
evolved in N.America
dentition nearly complete 3/3, 0-1/0-1, 3-4/3, 3/3 = 42-44
males have canines, females don’t
cheek teeth hypodontal q/complex occusional surfaces
zebras and horses live in groups lead by single stallion