Orbital vasculature Flashcards
What is the origin of the ophthalmic artery?
C6 segment of ICA
Within cavernous sinus
Can also arise from C4 or C5 segment. Can also arise from MMA, ACA, ICA bifurcation and basilar artery.
What is the course of the ophthalmic artery?
Initially lies within dural arachnoid sheath of optic nerve
Then pierces sheath on exiting optic canal, runs inferolaterally along optic nerve, then crosses superomedially (inferomedially in 15% of pop) along optic nerve accompanied by nasociliary nerve
Which muscles does the ophthalmic artery lie between?
Superior oblique and medial rectus
What are the terminal branches of the ophthalmic artery?
Supratrochlear artery and dorsal nasal artery
What are the branches of the ophthalmic artery?
Central retinal artery Muscular branches (sup + inf) Posterior ciliary arteries Lacrimal artery Supraorbital artery Posterior ethmoidal artery Anterior ethmoidal artery Medial palpebral arteries
Supratrochlear artery} Terminal branches
Dorsal nasal artery}
How do ophthalmic artery aneurysms present?
Subarachnoid haemorrhage and visual defecits
Incidental diagnosis 35%
Describe the course of the central retinal artery
First branch of ophthalmic artery
Starts about 1.25cm behind the eyeball
Pierces dural sheath and passes across subarachnoid space to enter the centre of the optic nerve
Runs with retinal vein and pierces lamina cribosa to enter eyeball
What is a key anatomical variant which improves outcomes in central retinal artery occlusion?
Presence of cilioretinal artery
Describe the lacrimal artery
2nd branch of ophthalmic artery Runs above lateral rectus Accompanied by lacrimal nerve Supplies lacrimal gland and eyelids Gives rise to lateral palpebral arteries( anastomose and form superior and inferior palpebral arches and anastomses with external carotid artery vis transverse facial artery) and zygomaticofacial and zgyomaticotemporal arteries
Where do the anterior ciliary arteries originate?
Muscular branch arteries to rectus muscles
What is the origin of the long and short ciliary arteries?
Posterior ciliary arteries from ophthalmic arteries
Forms major arterial circle of the iris
Describe the course of the supraorbital artery
Arises from ophthalmic artery as it crosses optic nerve
Passes superiorly around superior rectus and LPS
Exits orbit via supraorbital notch
Supplies LPS, frontal sinus, upper eyelid, skin of scalp and forehead
gives off posterior and anterior ethmoidal arteries
Where do the medial palpebral arteries arise from?
Inferior part of ophthalmic artery below the SO pulley
Travel behind lacrimal sac and form palpebral arches which supply eyelids and conjunctiva
Describe the course of the dorsal nasal artery
One of the terminal branches of the ophthalmic artery
Descends down the side of the nose, gives branches to the lacrimal sac and anastomses to the facial artery
Describe the course of the supratrochlear artery
Leaves orbit via orbital septum above SO pullery accompanied by supratrochlear nerve
Supplies skin of forehead and skull