Orbit and adnexa Flashcards
Recognize the variations in structure and functional implications of those differences between carnivores and herbivores
carnivores- incomplete orbital bone, orbital ligament holds globe in place; allows for more movement of the globe within the orbit; allows jaw to open further
herbivores- orbital rim is complete, less jaw movement; better protection of the globe within the socket
Identify the different tissue types that make up the eyelids and their functions
Tissue types:
Skin- protect from trauma
Orbicularis oculi m.- open/close eyelids
Tarsal plate with glandular tissue- oil portion of tear film that keeps aqueous portion from evaporating
Palpebral conjunctiva- thin, transparent tissue that covers the outer surface of the eye; secretes oils and mucous that moisten and lubricate the eye
May or may not have cilia (eyelashes)
Recognize the function of the tear film and its constituents, where it is produced and how it drains from the ocular surface
tear film: Cleanse and lubricate the ocular surface; Provides nutrition and O2; Antimicrobial defense; Maintains optically uniform surface;
Aqueous component– lacrimal glands
Lipid component – meibomian glands
Mucin component – conjunctival goblet cells
Secretory: Orbital lacrimal gland, gland of TE; Meibomian glands, conjunctival goblet cells;
Drainage: Puncta at medial canthus; Lacrimal sac duct; Nasal puncta
Know the function and structural anatomy of the third eyelid
Function: lubricate eye, protect globe, tear production, tear distribution
Structure: conjunctiva on both sides of gland; located in ventral nasal corner of eye except birds/owls where it is the dorsal nasal corner
bony protection for globe; bones that make up the orbit can vary between species; can be open (carnivores) or closed (herbivores)
third eyelid
a.k.a nictitans, nictitating membrane
Function: lubricate eye, protect globe, tear production, tear distribution
Structure: conjunctiva on both sides of gland; located in ventral nasal corner of eye except birds/owls where it is the dorsal nasal corner
closed bony orbit
herbivores, bone is complete circle
open bony orbit
carnivores, bone not complete, orbital ligament covers open portion
fused, transparent eyelids, shed concurrent with skin; no blinking mechanism; retained spectacle causes clouding vision
orbital ligament
present in open bony orbit; helps hold globe in orbit
keratoconjunctivitis sicca
dry eye; dysfunction, typically of the aqueous portion of tear film
problems with cilia (eyelashes); eyelash goes through glandular openings and contact eye
a.k.a. eyelashes; help protect globe from foreign debri
eyelid musculature
responsible for opening and closing eyelids
periorbital structures
lacrimal glands
act to lubricate the eye; consist of mucous, aqueous and oily portion
opening that allows for nerves, arteries and veins
extraocular muscles
insert on posterior aspect of globe; move eyes in different directions; lateral/dorsal/ventral muscles pull the eye; oblique muscles rotate the globe; retractor bulbi can suck the eye back into orbit
meibomian glands
AKA Tarsal glands; Contribute a portion of the tear fluid; Line the eyelid margin