Neuro-ophthalmology Flashcards
Understand the reflex pathway of the PLR
Shine light at eye and pupil gets smaller (direct), evaluates the peripheral vision, tests retina and oculomotor nerves
Visual with normal PLR: ok
Visual with absent PLR: efferent problem or pharmacological interference
Blind with normal PLR: something obstructing vision such as cataract
Blind with absent PLR: Problem with retina or optic nerve
Recognize the basic tests for vision
Cotton ball test-touch cornea
Menace response- move hand towards eye
PLR-shine light in eye
Identify the function and innervation of the extraocular muscles
Rectus mm. Dorsal CN III elevates globe Ventral CN III depresses globe Medial CN III turns globe nasally Lateral CN VI turns globe temporally
Retractor bulbi CN VI retracts globe
Oblique mm.
Dorsal CN IV intorts globe
Ventral CNIII extorts globe
Know the innervation of the ocular and adnexal structures and recognize the abnormalities that will result with disruption to that innervation
innervation: cranial nerves
Vestibular disease (central or peripheral)- Lesion of CN VIII
Paralysis of CN VII (Facial nerve) no palpebral response (uni/bilateral)
Strabismus-Paralysis of CN III (Oculomotor nerve)-lat/CN VI (Abducens nerve)-med/ CN IV (Trochlear nerve)-rotated
Horner’s syndrome
Loss of sympathetic innervation to the eye due to otitis, chest, or neck disease
parasympathetic innervation
ANS; Afferent Arm: -1- Photoreceptors -2- Optic n. (CN II) Optic chiasm (50-90% fibers decussate) Optic tract -3- Pretectal nucleus (20% fibers leave)
Efferent Arm: -1- Pre ganglionic fibers CN III parasymp. Nucleus (80% fibers cross back) -Parasymp. fibers along CN III -Ciliary ganglion -2- Short ciliary nerve -Iris sphincter muscle
cross over of optic nerves in front of pituitary gland
optic chiasm
area where optic nerves cross
vision testing
Cotton ball test-touch cornea
Menace response- move hand towards eye
PLR-shine light in eye
dazzle reflex
ERG- Electroretinogram recording of the electrical activity of the retina after a bright light flash
Visual evoked potentials (VEP) = recording of the electrical activity of the occipital cortex after a bright light flash
menace response
Hand movements in front of the eye -> blink and/or retraction of the globe
- Afferent arm: CN II (Optic n.)
- Efferent arm: CN VII (Facial n.), CN VI (Abducens n.)
dazzle reflex
Bright light in front of the eye -> Eyelid closure
- Afferent arm: CN II (Optic n.)
- Efferent arm: CN VII (Facial n.)
recording of the electrical activity of the retina after a bright light flash
autonomic nervous system
sympathetic innervation
ANS; smooth orbital muscle
lesion localization
use PLRs to localize lesion based on consensual PLR
oculomotor system
Eye position/Eye movement CN III (Oculomotor n.) Dorsal (1), ventral (3), medial (2) rectus muscles Inferior oblique muscle (6) CN IV (Trochlear n.) Superior oblique muscle (5) – SO4 CN VI (Abducens n.) Lateral rectus muscle (ns) – LR6 Retractor bulbi muscles (4)
Innervation Action Rectus mm. Dorsal CN III elevates globe Ventral CN III depresses globe Medial CN III turns globe nasally Lateral CN VI turns globe temporally Retractor bulbi CN VI retracts globe Oblique mm. Dorsal CN IV intorts globe Ventral CNIII extorts globe
Schirmer tear testing
test tear production
extraocular muscles
innervated by oculomotor nerve
lack of parallelism of the visual axes of the eyes
due to oculomotor lesions
palpebral reflex
Corneal blink reflex- stimulation of the cornea, closure of lids, retraction of the globe
afferent arm: CN V
efferent arm: CN VI and VII
trigeminal somatic sensory system
2 main branches of CN V
Ophthalmic nerve (CN V) Supraorbital n. (aka frontal n.): upper eyelid, forehead Nasociliary n. (infratrochlear n.): medial canthus, 3rd eyelid: Long & short ciliary nn.:ciliary body, cornea and iris
Maxillary nerve (CN V): Lateral canthus and lacrimal gland, lower eyelid
regional nerve blockade
Used in horses to evaluate eye
Akinesia: motor nerve block (Facial n.)
Sensory Analgesia: sensory nerve block (Frontal n. or Supraorbital n.)
consensual PLR
reflex of the other eye to constrict when one eye has bright light shown in it
unequal pupil size
cranial nerves
Optic nerve (II) – sensory (carries visual info) from retina to cortex Oculomotor nerve (III) – motor to several extraocular mm. and levator palpebrae superioris m., parasympathetic hitchhikers Trochlear nerve (IV) – motor to superior oblique m. Trigeminal nerve (V) – sensory from eyelids, cornea, lacrimal gland Abducens nerve (VI) – motor to lateral rectus m. and retractor bulbi m. Facial nerve (VII) – motor to eyelids and other facial mm. Vestibulocochlear nerve (VIII) – vestibular component of ocular movements
optic nerve (CN II)
sensory (carries visual info) from retina to cortex
oculomotor nerve (CN III)
motor to several extraocular mm.
and levator palpebrae superioris m., parasympathetic
trigeminal nerve (CN V)
sensory from eyelids, cornea, lacrimal gland
facial nerve (CN VII)
Neurology of lacrimation: efferent arm; Auriculopalpebral
branch; eyelid closure