What is the best post-operative analgesic to prescribe for dental related pain?
Iburprofen NSAID
What are the main areas to cover when giving post-operative instructions after oral surgery?
- expect pain
- expect bruising/swelling (especially if a surgical)
- get on top of analgesia
- how to prevent bleeding
- how to stop bleeding if it occurs
- avoid smoking & alcohol
- may experience TMJ problems, teeth sensitivity
- rinses & when to start
What should a patient do before the anaesthetic wears off?
Take analgesia
(ibuprofen and paracetamol)
What must you warn the patient NOT to do before anaesthetic wears off?
Don’t eat foods (hot especially) until anaesthetic wears off incase you traumatise wound or soft tissues accidentally
In which groups do you need to be cautious when prescribing Ibuprofen?
- GIT problems
- elderly
- pregnancy
- renal, cardiac or hepatic impairment
- hypersensitivity to NSAIDs
- asthma
- already taking NSAIDs
- anticoag patients
- long term steroid patients
What dose of ibuprofen is recommended for dental pain post extraction?
2x 200mg ibuprofen tablets 4x a day
(after food)
What is the max dosage of ibuprofen?
2.4g daily
In which patients should paracetamol prescription be cautioned?
- hepatic impairment
- renal impairment
- alcohol dependence
What is the recommended paracetamol dose for post-operative dental pain?
2x 500mg paracetamol every 4-6 hours
What is the max dose for paracetamol?
4g daily (8 tablets)
How many tablets can cause serious paracetamol overdose?
20-30 tablets (10-15g)
How can patients prevent post-operative socket bleeding?
- avoid exploring socket with finger/tongue/toothbrush
- avoid exercise or excessive movements
- avoid hot/hard foods
- avoid alcohol
- do not rinse for 24 hours
What should patients do if they experience bleeding post-operatively after an extraction?
- bite on damp gauze/tissue for 20-30 mins
- if persists, replace and do this again for up to 1 hour
- if still persists, contact dental practise/out of hours dentist
- if unable to reach dentist, go to A&E
Why should patients avoid smoking after an extraction?
Can cause dry socket
When do patients tend to reach maximum swelling after a difficult extraction?
2 days after
You have performed a surgical extraction and have placed sutures, what information do you give to patients?
- sutures can be resorbable or non-resorbable