Oral study questions Flashcards
When should you notify ATC of a change of aircraft speed?
Cruising airspeed changes by more than 5% or 10 which ever is greater
What does the term “minimum fuel” mean?
This tells ATC that any undue delay could result in a fuel emergency.
After landing, when should you switch to ground frequency?
When advised by the tower.
During your descent, ATC issues you a crossing restriction and then later clears you to a lower altitude. Do you still have to comply with the original crossiing?
The last ATC clearance received has precedence over a previous clearance.
Are you required to report crossing a reporting point?
Unless requested by ATC OR when crossing a designated compulsory reporting point while not in radar contact.
What direction are turns in a standard holding pattern?
What is the maximum holding airspeed?
For holding on timed legs, how long should the inbound leg be?
<14,000——1 min
>14,000——-1 1/2 min
OR as specified by published, or ATC
You have been cleared via a STAR, do you have to comply with instructions labeled “EXPECT”?
Not unless ATC explicitly isues a clearance requiring you to.
You have been cleared via a STAR that has a mandatory crossing altitude, do you have to comply with this crossing?
Only if cleared to “Descend via the” STAR, otherwise you should remain at your last assigned altitude.
You have been cleared via a STAR that has a mandatory speed, do you have to comply with this speed?
Yes, unless ATC issues you amended clearance
You have been cleared via a SID that has a mandatory crossing altitude, do you have to comply with this crossing?
Only if cleared to “Climb via the” SID, otherwise you should climb to the altitude you have been cleared to unrestricted
You have been cleared to “climb via” a SID “except maintain 7,000”. The SID has a mandatory crossing altitude at 3,000, do you have to comply with this crossing?
Yes, however the top altitude of the SID will now be 7,000.
You have not been cleared to “climb via” a SID. The SID has a mandatory speed, do you have to comply with this speed?