Oral (; Questions Flashcards
The APU is running, and the aircraft is unattended. If it catches fire, what action do you
have to take?
Automatically extinguishes the fire
*Unattended mode is any time before the engines have started or after the engines have
shut down.
*There is one APU fire extinguisher bottle
Is there a way to tell if the APU has caught fire outside the aircraft?
Nose Gear Alarm Sounding
What does the red light on the nose gear APU panel mean?
Was on fire (blew the bottle)
*APU fire is detected (check the answer)
If the emergency light switch is in the armed position what will cause them to
automatically turn on?
Loss of DC power
How long will the emergency lights stay on?
At least 15 minutes
What does the external power AVAIL light mean?
The ELMS has checked the voltage and frequency are within limits
Prior to APU shutoff, which external power should be selected?
Primary external
Before you select primary external power what must be selected on?
BATTERY switch
How many batteries do we have?
With APU off and Primary external selected what is being powered?
What happens if you select secondary external power?
Secondary external powers the Left Main AC bus
Primary external powers the Right Main AC bus
Can the APU be started without external power?
Where does the APU get its fuel from?
Left main tank
Is the apu fuel pump DC or AC pump?
DC Pump (if there is no AC power)
*Will take from the left FWD pump automatically but any AC pump can supply the fuel
With the APU is running you should check the status page for?
MEL’s or CDL’s
Does the ADIRU have to be on to load the flight plan?
What has to be done to start initializing the ADIRU?
Set the initial position (GPS location)
How long will the ADIRU take to align?
10 mins
How do we know that the ADIRU is in the alignment phase?
Countdown clock
White memo
How do we know that the ADIRU alignment is complete?
Will load the PFD
How long can the ADRIU be in nav mode for before it needs a position update?
When the ADIRU is turned off what’s the recommended time we have to turn it off for?
30 seconds
What does the ON BATT light next to the ADIRU switch mean?
The ADIRU is on the Hot Battery Bus
What caused the ON BATT light to illuminate?
The battery is off and the ADIRU is left on
What speed do I have to be below to turn the ADIRU off?
Can the ADIRU be shut off in the flight?
Do I have to have the battery on for anything to work off the hot battery bus?
What other indications will notify the pilot that the ADIRU has been left on with the
battery off?
Horn on the nose gear
The battery and external power is ON, and APU is running. The electrical panel is showing
two generator switches OFF lights illuminated, two backup generator OFF lights
illuminated and two drive lights illuminated, is that normal?
Yes (without engines running)
What does pushing the position button on the EFIS control panel do?
Gives you information on the ND where it believes your position is on the GPS
When the flight director switches are on, what occurs?
Brings the FD up on the PFD and pitches to 8 Degrees nose up
What will the FMA show when FD switches are turned on?
Blanked, TOGA, TOGA
If you inadvertently hit LNAV VNAV, and you get an EICAS message that says FMC
message and you look down at your scratchpad and it says VNAV unavailable what does
that mean?
Performance init data is missing
*Advisory message (White)
If the outer portion of the HDG select knob, is at 12 o’clock. Is that normal?
It should be in the Auto position
With the outer knob of the HDG select knob in the auto position, what does it do?
Automatically varies bank angle between 15-25 degrees, depending on TAS
When will the Pitch Limit Indicator (PLI/yellow feathers) display?
When flaps are not retracted, or at slow speeds with the flaps retracted
The NORM position on the Stabilizer cut out switches does what?
Allows the stab trim to be moved by hydraulics
Shuts of the centre or right hydraulic system when unscheduled stabilizer motion is
What protections do the stabilizer trim switches offer?
Shuts of the centre or right hydraulic system when unscheduled stabilizer motion is
How would you know that you’re at 50ft?
When is a new TLR required?
If OAT is colder by 10 degrees
If your QNH is more than negative .1 or 3.4
Or if your planned TOW is plus or minus 10,000lbs
If its expired (12 hours)
If we exceed max temp
Exceed the max TOW
If we have a performance MEL
How do you turn the demand pumps on the hydraulic panel?
Right electric demand pump (Auto)
C1, C2 Primary pump On
Left Demand Pump (Auto)
C1 and C2 Demand Pump (Auto)
Why is the right demand pump turned on first?
Can I put the right demand pump on and then go straight to C1?
No. fault light needs to extinguish.
Why cant I put the right demand pump on and then go straight to C1?
To prevent fluid transfer
You see the fault light on the C2 demand pump during pre-flight is that normal?
yes, because ELMS will shed it because we only have one power source
Something specific about the right demand against all the others on the ground with all
the switches in auto?
Constantly run for braking
Other than the C2 primary fault light on is there any other system that would be affected
by the elms?
The fuel system in regard to the centre pumps
Which one L or R?
Just prior to engine start you happen to look at the EGT gauges, should the red lines be
there right now?
So just before you call for push back you notice that the expanded fuel display is there do
you know when that goes away?
During the second engine start
What would make it appear (abnormal)?
12-3 of the manual
During the pushback you reach down and grab one of the fire switches. Will they come on?
When would we have to use the override below the switch to pull it?
When the fuel control switch is in run and there is no fire detected
What’s the first thing we do prior to pulling the switch?
Fuel control switch to cutoff (in the event the fuel control switch did not release it)
We are starting the right engine first and the auto start which is part of the EEC protects the
engines from what during an AutoStart?
How many attempts will it have on the ground?
In the event that it gets to the 3rd one and does its cool down to where the EGT goes down
to where it is and shuts it down automatically. At that point you get an engine auto start
message what do you do now?
Fuel control switch, cutoff
Then you bring up the checklist for the autostart and it will tell you go ahead and take that
start selector and go to start and time it for 30 seconds can you see that anywhere?
Pop up
Under what condition do you think you would apply the aborted engine start memory item?
Manual Start
No starter cut out
Ground personnel
Once they have both the engines running what is the recommended time to warm them up?
Under what conditions outside do we have to turn the engine anti ice system on on the
Below 10 degs outside in visible moisture
When do we turn on cowl A/I in our procedure?
Immediately after engine start both engines
Part of the flow for the F/O is he turns the APU off after both engines have started about
how long does it take for the APU to shut down?
2 minutes
Ground crew has now cleared off and you call flaps five, how do the flaps/slats extend?
Slats will extend first and then your flaps
The slats will go where when flaps 5 is selected ?
Mid range
In the event that you get a flap drive when the flaps are extended to fly. The indicator will
expand. Will it expand with the 5 and 20 tick mark displayed or will it expand like that with
two of them?
It will expand like that with the two of them
When will I see the 5 and 20?
In the alternate flap mode
Do you know why we see the 5 and 20 in the alt flap mode?
Because we need to start and stop (we are deciding where to put them)
And the most you can get out of the alternate flap mode?
Mid range slats and flap 20
With the flaps normal and the flaps are at flaps 5 they are coming out really slow. You
reach up there and put the c1 c2 from auto to on, what happened?
Only one will come on. The last one you selected on wont work
Why is there an auto for HYD Pumps why don’t we have just an off and on? What’s the purpose?
Auto runs only when demand requires it or if you loose a primary engine pump
So the flaps have 3 modes, they are?
Ground crew are now clear and youre getting ready to do your flight control check.
Operating modes for the fly by wire are?
In the normal mode in the fly by wire, what protections do we have?
Autopilot in normal
Gust suppression
Wheel to rudder cross tie
Tail strike protection
If the gust suppression was to kick in would you know it?
Just before you start your flight control check you happen to look up at the overhead panel
and you see the disconnect light on. What would drive that?
PFC failure
Or selected off
with the PFC In the disconnect mode what mode are we in now (if it shows DISC)?
Do we have autopilot in direct flight control mode?
Is there a way to tell what mode the flight controls are in?
Flight control page
There is a restriction when doing your flight control check what is it?
Speed at which you do your flight control check (6 seconds)
So you call for taxi and they give you taxi. In LA we park at JAL 2 and KAL one and we get
pushed back on taxiway A tail west, so we call ground and they say taxi to runway 25L. The
hdg for 25L is 251. We are taxiing out and one of the cool things about this aircraft when it
comes to braking is what?
Taxi break
What taxi breaks do?
It only uses 2 tandom pairs?
taxi breaks work through what system?
Antiskid system
As we are taxiing out we happen to look up and you get a radio transmit message, if you
saw that what would that represent?
You have a stuck mic
Going into Singapore you will see a sign. When we came out we are departing on 2L. There
is a big sign that says wingspan 65m or less. Can we take it?
We can
While we are taxiing out the flying pilot will determine if he wants weather or terrain, on
what modes can you not display weather on the ND?
Will not display on:
I’m making the turn onto the runway, whats the tiller degrees that I have?
70 degrees
What about with rudder?
7 degrees
So now I have to apply a little power and I get a configure gear caution message. What does
that mean?
Rear steering axel not centred
If it turns into a warning what would that tell you?
They are not locked with takeoff thrust
When does the aft main axel start to move?
When the nose wheel gear exceeds 13 degrees to reduce tire scrubbing
Other than the gear what other takeoff config can I get?
Stab trim
Parking Brake
Speed brake
We are taking off runway 25L the runway HDG is 251, the wind is 070/12 can I go?
I advance the thrust and I hit the TOGA up here I have the green arrow, what does that
That’s going to be the commanded thrust setting N1
Based on what?
Thrust ref up the top
What’s the yellow on the N1 gauge?
Over boost
What’s the red on the N1 gauge?
What else does the yellow represent?
Maximum N1 for that particular takeoff
The yellow on the EGT below it represents what?
Max continuous thrust
Can the carrot ever change to magenta?
What happens at 30kts on takeoff?
Steering will lock
Airspeed starts to kick up (you will see the airspeed tape)
What happens at 45kts on takeoff?
Taxi braking deactivating
What about 50kts?
Restriction if you haven’t hit the TOGA buttons
What about 60kts?
Demand pumps will kick in
What about 65kts?
Engine fail on the PFD
What about 70kts?
TAC comes into effect
What about 80kts?
Caution is inhibited
What about 85kts?
RTO armed
What about 100kts?
Predictive windshear
Engine fail will go away
Warnings are inhibited except for fire
Reactive windshear
Minimum ft we can engage the autopilot
VNAV speed (maintain the speed)
Speed bug goes to v2+15
Toga comes back on
All the inhibits are back on
Do I have to push anything, or does it come on automatically?
Comes on automatically
We are all cleaned up, we are going direct and now I tell you we want to go to here, how is
that displayed on the ND before I hit execute?
Dotted lines
What colour?
So I climb on up and I reach FL290. I will have speed, VNAV path will be my callout. Now the
FMA will say?
LNAV and VNAV path
When I have VNAV path what will happen?
Captured cruise altitude
Maintain cruise altitude until top of descent
Changes your thrust to?
That will in turn?
Pressurisation schedule
We are at 290 and we start getting beat up bad with turbulence what do you do?
Consider speed, shouldn’t be above 280 or 0.82 whichever is lower
What is the minimum speed?
15kts above manoeuvring
So you release your mistaken and you get an engine failure indication, and you are still at
FL290 what are your memory items?
There is none
Now you realise you just had a momentary rollback of the engine. If it was to fail how many
times would the EEC try to relight it?
Will keep trying until it runs or fuel control switch to cutoff
Now you start to see that cabin start to climb, when will the supernumerary masks drop
What actually caused the RAT to come out automatically?
Loss of both transfer buses
The RAT is coming out slow. With that how am I able to fly?
Backup generator
Can both back up generators be used or only 1?
Only 1 at a time
How many demand pumps can run at a time c1 or c2?
Only 1
The backup generator has kicked in and the RATS coming out with a failure of both transfer
buses what else is going on?
APU starts automatically
Whats the airspeed limitation for the RAT
RAT altitude Limit?
How do I know the RATS doing its job now that its on?
The light on the RAT will give you green PRESS light
The RATS primary purpose in life is?
Flight controls
Now we are coming through FL250, out of all the chaos that’s going on you ask for flaps 1.
Will they come out?
Not above 20,000ft or 275kts
We are going back to runway 25 and you realise you have to jettison fuel. The first thing the
QRH tells you to do is hit the arm switch. You select the arm switch what did that do?
Arms the 2 jettison pumps and sets ldg weight
So I have fuel in the centre, do the centre pumps need to be on to jettison fuel?
So the wing tanks have jettison pumps, when will they kick on since we don’t have a switch
for them?
Soon as the buttons are pressed to jettison
Lets just say for argument sake it say 60,000lbs will be your remaining, what will that take us
down to?
Maximum landing weight (575,000lbs)
In the event the auto system doesn’t stop it at 60,000lbs how low will it go?
11,500lbs (total of)
We are coming in and when I ask for gear down you inadvertently hit the alternate gear
extension instead of the handle what happens now?
The gear will fall but the doors will stay open
If I go around can I raise the gear?
Will the doors stay open?
The doors will close (with hydraulic)
If I was to hit TOGA on a go around what would my FMA say?
Thrust, TOGA, TOGA
How do I get it to thrust ref?
Hit the TOGA buttons a second time
During the approach you call for flaps 30, a few seconds later you notice Load relief is
displayed by the flap indicator, what would that tell you?
Overspeed for flaps 30
What range will the load relief work for the flaps?
251 is you inbound hdg and your winds are now 080/13, can we land?
During the approach you select FLCH whats the lowest I can go?
I have just landed with the speed brakes armed, when will they deploy?
Thrust idle and weight on wheels