Oral Prep Flashcards
How long is a TAF good for?
6 hours and 4x/day
How often is an area forecast issued?
Issued 3x/day, valid till the next one comes out
What is a SIGMET?
Severe icing, turbulence, volcanic activity, and dust storms. Good for 4 hours.
What is an AIRMET?
Covers less severe weather than the SIGMET. Good for 6 hours
What is a Convective SIGMET?
Generel thunderstorm activity and hail greater than 3/4”. Issued every hour, good for 2 hours
Winds aloft are demonstrated in a ____ heading?
True north, not magnetic
What is a weather depiction chart?
Gives a broad overview of the conditions at time of the chart. Transmitted at 3 hour intervals. Provides sky cover, cloud height, and visibility
What is a prognostic chart?
Forecast chart, 2 charts are issued, a 12 and 24 hr 4x per day
What are the required reports for equipment malfunction under IFR?
Any loss of a VOR in controlled airspace
Must advise if loss of any equipment in the GRABCARDD acronym
Mandatory IFR reporting points
Fixes, arriving or leaving Altitude changes Missed approach Equipment loss or malfunction Performance, poor climb/descend or TAS change
Lost comm procedures
Squawk 7600
Route-In order Assigned Vectored Expected Filed
Minimum IFR altitude for your route