Oral pre-malignancy and cancer Flashcards
Who is more likely to get mouth cancer? Males or females?
Males 2:1 ratio
Describe the rough age at which mouth cancer usually happens?
Over 50 however it can still happen younger
What is the aetiology of oral cancer? (causes)
Smoking Alcohol Diet HPV Candida
What chemicals are included in tobacco smoke?
carbon monoxide arsenic ** formaldehyde cyanide ** benzene toluene acrolein.
What are the alcohol limits for male and females per week?
14 units per week
What diet and nutrition factors put you at risk of oral cancer?
Low in Vit A, C and iron
What are you more susceptible to if you have atrophy of oral mucosa?
Local carcinogens
What is another risk factor for oral cancer… HPV?
Oral sex - it is associated with oropharyngeal cancer
What are some high risk sites for oral cancer?
Soft (non kertatinzed sites)
Floor of the mouth
Lateral tongue
What are some potentially malignant lesions?
Erythroplakia Erythroleukoplakia Leukoplakia Erosive lichen planus Submucous fibrosis Dyskeratosis congenita Sideropenic dysphagia??
What are some warning signs for oral cancer?
Red/white/ RED and WHITE lesion Ulcers Numb feeling in face/lip Unexplained pain in the mouth or neck Change in voice Dysphagia
What might be some Other orofacial manifestations of cancer?
Drooping eye lid or facial palsy Fracture of mandible Double vision Blocked or bleeding from nose Facial swelling
What 4 key questions should we ask when a suspicious lesion presents?
How long has lesion been present ?
Is it painful ?(pain is usually late manifestation of OC but would be expected if benign ulcer)
Does patient Smoke? & Drink?..how much?
What colour is the lesion?