Oral Health and Saliva Flashcards
List the 3 major salivary glands
Major salivary glands:
- Parotid
- Submandibular
- Sublingual
Where are the minor salivary glands located?
The minor salivary glands:
- Hundreds within the submucosa of the oral mucosa
List the key features of Sjögren’s syndrome (9 points)
Key features of Sjögren’s syndrome (9 points):
- Sjögren’s syndrome (SS) is the association of dry mouth and dry eyes
- SS is an autoimmune disorder
- 90% of SS patients are older females
- Dry eyes and mouth alone are termed ‘sicca syndrome’ or primary SS (SS-1)
- Dry eyes and mouth with a connective tissue disease are termed secondary SS (SS-2)
- Dry mouth predisposes to dysphonia, dysphagia and dysgeusia
- Complications may include caries, candidiasis, and sialadenitis – and lymphoma
- Diagnosis is confirmed by detection of serum autoantibodies SS-A and SS-B, and other investigations. Diagnosis can be aided by ultrasound and a labial salivary gland biopsy
- Management is with sialogogues and salivary substitutes, and preventive dentistry
Recall the effects of smoking on the periodontium
List 10 clinical manifestations of dry mouth (xerostomia)
Dry mouth (xerostomia) can cause:
- Difficulty with eating
- Difficulty with swallowing (dysphagia)
- Difficulty with speech (dysphonia)
- Trauma and ulceration of the oral mucosa
- Gingivitis
- Taste alteration (dysgeusia)
- Poor oral hygiene
- Burning mouth syndrome
- Oral infections (including Candida)
- Rapidly progressing dental caries
Recall the structure of a salivary gland with reference to secretory end pieces (5 points) and the branched ductal system (3 points)
Structure of salivary gland
The working parts of the salivary glandular tissue:
- Secretory end pieces (acini):
- serous glands – spherical in form (parotid)
- mucous glands – tubular in form (sublingual)
- mixed glands - mucous acini capped by serous demilune (submandibular)
- end pieces surround a lumen - start of the ductal system
- myoepithelial cells surround end piece - propel secretion into the ductal system
- Branched ductal system, fluid passes through:
- intercalated ducts (low cuboidal epithelium with narrow lumen)
- striated ducts (columnar cells with many mitochondria)
- excretory ducts (cuboidal cells, terminal part lined with stratified squamous cells)
- The gland has a specialised nerve and blood supply
Describe salivary secretion (4 points)
Salivary secretion:
- a unidirectional movement of fluid, electrolytes and macromolecules (e.g. glycoproteins, enzymes, immunoglobulin) into saliva in response to appropriate stimulation
List the 2 key stages of saliva formation
Saliva formation involves 2 key stages:
- Initial formation stage (primary secretion)
- Modification stage (modified secretion)
Describe the initial formation stage (primary secretion) of saliva
Initial formation stage (primary secretion):
- Serous cells produce a watery seromucous secretion
- Mucous cells produce a viscous mucin-rich secretion
- Secretion of other organic constituents (e.g. amylase, lipase, IgA)
- Pass through acinar cells, secreted into the lumen to ductal system
- Isotonic solution (i.e. same Na+, Cl-, K+ and HCO3- concentrations as plasma)
Describe the modification stage (modified secretion) of saliva formation:
Modification stage (modified secretion):
- Modification occurs in the striated ducts
- Secretion changes from isotonic to hypotonic solution:
- Reabsorption of Na+ and Cl- out of saliva (lower than plasma)
- But ductal cells are impermeable to water so cannot correct hypotonicity
- Secretion of K+ and HCO3- into saliva (higher than plasma).
Recall the overall process of saliva formation (primary and modified secretion)
List the 3 key neural pathways of saliva secretion
Autonomic neural pathways of saliva secretion (3 key neural pathways):
- Parasympathetic afferent pathways
- Parasympathetic efferent pathways
- Sympathetic efferent pathway
Describe the parasympathetic afferent neural pathways of saliva secretion
Parasympathetic afferent neural pathways:
- Primary afferent stimuli for salivation are taste and mastication
- Afferent taste input carried to medulla oblongata via the facial (VII) and glossopharyngeal (IX) nerves
- Input from mastication smell, sight and thought are also integrated in the medulla oblongata
Describe the parasympathetic efferent neural pathways of saliva secretion
Parasympathetic efferent neural pathways:
- Sublingual and submandibular glands innervated by the facial nerve (VII) via submandibular ganglion
- Parotid gland innervated by the glossopharyngeal nerve (IX) via otic ganglion
Describe the sympathetic efferent neural pathway of saliva secretion
Sympathetic efferent neural pathway:
- Via the cervical ganglion of the sympathetic chain to all glands
Recall the autonomic effects on salivation with reference to neurotransmitters and receptors
Recall the parasympathetic and sympathetic receptor action
Both receptors (β-adrenoceptors and M3 AChR):
- Belong to large and diverse G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) superfamily
- GPCRs known to mediate responses to many hormones, neurotransmitters, and drugs
- Generate second messengers (IP3, Ca2+, cAMP)
- Second messengers are intracellular signalling molecules released by the cell to trigger physiological changes e.g. saliva secretion
Describe the G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) mechanism of action (4 points)
Mechanism of action of GPCRs (4 key stages):
- Resting state – three subunits (α, β, γ) of the G protein are anchored to the membrane via lipid residues
- Coupling of α subunit to agonist-occupied receptor causes bound guanosine diphosphate (GDP) to exchange with intracellular guanosine triphosphate (GTP)
- The α-GTP complex then dissociates from the receptor and the βγ complex, and both complexes interact with their respective target proteins (enzymes or ion channels)
- The intrinsic GTPase activity of the α subunit increases when it is bound to the target protein, leading to hydrolysis of bound GTP to GDP (switch off), and the α subunit reunites with βγ.
Describe the mechanism of sympathetic stimulation and salivary production (7 points)
Sympathetic stimulation – synthesis and release of secretory proteins:
- Neurotransmitter – noradrenaline (present as neurotransmitter across CNS and PNS)
- Binds to GPCR on cell membrane – adrenoceptors
- Activates G-protein – G-αs
- Activates target enzyme – adenylyl cyclase
- Adenylate cyclase converts intracellular ATP to secondary messenger – cAMP
- The secondary messenger cAMP binds to and activates protein kinase A
- Protein kinase A phosphorylates and activates cellular proteins responsible for the synthesis and secretion of salivary macromolecules (and decrease in flow rate as sympathetic stimulation)
List the 3 key stages of the secretory process of salivary proteins (3 points)
The secretory process of salivary proteins is divided into 3 key stages:
- Synthesis
- Packaging and storage
- Release
Describe the secretory process of salivary proteins and protein regulation (4 points)
Each stage of the secretory process of salivary proteins is regulated by phosphorylation of target proteins by cAMP-dependent protein kinase A:
“The Proteins Must Release”
Therefore an increase in cAMP stimulates:
- Transcription of genes for salivary proteins in ER of acinar cells – e.g. proline-rich proteins
- Post-translational modification – glycosylation (folding, structure, function)
- Maturation and translocation of secretory vesicles to the apical membrane
- Release of salivary proteins via exocytosis
Describe the mechanism of parasympathetic stimulation and salivary production (7 points)
Parasympathetic stimulation – fluid and electrolyte secretion (7 points):
- Neurotransmitter – acetylcholine (ACh)
- Binds to GPCR – M3 ACh receptors
- Activates G-protein – G-__αq
- Activates target enzyme – phospholipase C
- Phospholipase C cleaves PIP2 from inositol trisphosphate (IP3) and diacylglycerol (DAG)
- The second messenger IP3 binds to and activates IP3 receptors (calcium release channels) on ER
- Calcium release from IP3 receptors for ER causes increase in intracellular [Ca2+], leads to Ca2+-induced calcium release. Raised intracellular [Ca2+] activates channels responsible for fluid and electrolyte secretion.