Oral Gastric Biochemistry Flashcards
Purpose of saliva
Provides lubrication that aids in swallowing
Aids in the digestion of food and enzymatic cleavage
Produces growth factors for epithelial cells
Neutralizes bacterial acids
Mediates taste sensations
Provides defense against bacterial pathogens
Neve for parotic
Glossopharyngeal XI
nerve for sublingual/submandibular
Facial VII
Primary secreation from saliva
pytalin, alpha amylase, mucus, extracellular fluid
In saliva, what is abosorbed?
Na+ actively
Cl- passively
In saliva what is secreated?
K+ activly
HCO3- passively
Role of Lysozyme (part of saliva)
Kills gram positive but not gram
negative bacteria
Cleaves beta 1-4 linkages between NAM and NAG in GRAM POSTIVE bacterial
Cleave beta 1-4 links in in chitodextrins (fungus)
Enzyme that kills bacterial by producing reactive bromide and iodine molecules
Protein that binds iron and prevents bacterial and some fungal growth
Secretory immunoglobulins that upon recognition and binding to bacteria induce
immune reactions
Antimicrobial polypeptides that form pore complexes on microbial cell membranes
Large highly glycosylated proteins that modulate adhesion of bacteria to oral tissues
including teeth
Saliva contains Mucin which functions in:
Found throughout the GI tract
Highly O-glycosylated specific glycoproteins
Whats important about high HCO3- in saliva?
High HCO3 Neutralizes bacterial produced acids
Is there a lot of Na or Cl- in saliva?
Shit that can carry viruses in saliva
Human Herpes Herpes Simplex Epstein Barr Mumps Rabies HIV
Xerostomia is caused by what two pathologies
Cystic fibrosis
–Mutant chloride transporters to plasma
Sjögren’s syndrome
–Autoantibodies to salivary gland proteins
What happens in cephalic phase of gastric secreation?
occurs from vagaus–> Ach–> causes secraetion of pepsin (chief) and acid (parietal)
What occurs in teh Gastric Phase
Local nervous secreatory reflexes
vagal reflexes
Gastrin-histamine stimulation
What happens during the intestinal phase?
Nervous and hormonal mechanisms