Oral functions - feeding Flashcards
ILO 8.5: have knowledge of oral biology, to include detailed knowledge of the form and function of teeth and associated structures, in health and disease
what are the components of the feeding sequence?
- ingestion
- transport
- mechanical processing
- food processing
describe the ingestion stage of feeding
- movement of the food from the external environment into the mouth
- acomplished by biting and/or using tools
what facial muscles help with controlling food bolus and spillage?
- buccinator
- orbicularis oris
describe the transport stage of feeding
- moving food from the front of the mouth to the posterior teeth
- food is gathered on tongue tip
- tongue retracts, pulling material to the posterior teeth
- hyoid bone retracts and narrows oropharynx
describe the mechanical processing stage of feeding
- solid foods are **broken down and mixed with saliva **
- most solid floods have fluids removed before transport and swallowing
- food is chewed by premolar and molar teeth
- some soft foods are squashed by tongue on hard palate
what muscles are involved and co-ordinated in food processing?
- mandiular muscles
- suprahyoid muscles
- tongue muscles
- lips and cheeks
what are the mandibular muscles?
- temporalis
- masseter
- medial pyterygoid
- lateral pterygoid
what are the suprahyoid muscles?
- digastric
- mylohyoid
- geniohyoid
- stylohyoid
what are the intrinsic and extrinsic tongue muscles?
* longitudinal
* vertical
* transverse
* palatoglossus
* styloglossus
* genioglossus
* hyoglossus
what are the actions of the tongue in chewing?
- controld the bolus
- gathers food and rotates to reposition the bolus on the occlusal table
- keeps bolus on chewing surfaces along with cheeks
- gathers bolus for transport
what is the difference between swallowing solids and liquids?
- with solid foods, the mouth is continuous with the oropharynx
- with liquids, a posterior oral seal is produced
describe the chewing cylce phases
- ICP (intercuspal/occlusal phase) - mandible is stationary / teeth are joined and maximum intercuspation is achieved to stabilise the mandible before mastication and swallowing
- opening phase - jaw depressor muscles are active (lateral pterygoid, anterior digastric, mylohyoid, inferior head of lateral pterygoid)
- closing phase - jaw elevator muscles are active (masseter, temporalis, medial pterygoid, superior belly of lateral pterygoid)
if the occlusal surfaces of dentures are evenly worn flat, what does it suggest?
vertical mandibular movements
what is a shortened dental arch (SDA)?
- 20 teeth considered the minimimum for acceptable masticatory function, aesthetics and maintenance of oral hygiene
- provides sufficient occlusal stability, comfort and appearance
- absent molar teeth are only replaced if absence gives rise to problems
what are the three stages of swallowing?
- buccal phase (voluntary)
- pharyngeal phase (involuntary)
- oesophageal phase (involuntary)