Oral Exam Guide (FM1) Flashcards
Are all pictorial airports SARA airports?
When must sterile cockpit procedures be observed?
Takeoff and landing
Last 1,000 feet of climb or descent
Holding (any altitude)
Below 10,000 feet, except cruise
Any other phase per PIC
May you self-clear after a 3-day sick call that required hospitalization?
When does a flight plan/release expire?
- Cancelation
- Land @ point not on original release
- Land @ point in different sequence than specified in release
- Air interruption (air return)
- Has not departed by expiration time specified by dx (Dom, Flag, and Supp)
- 1hr domestic
- 6hr flag/supp
How may a pilot verify if he is SARA-current?
Refer to FM-1 list of requirements
What action is required after renewing your medical certificate?
Notify CPO (in person or email copy)
When must the Security Search be performed?
What does it include?
- Aircraft first flight of day
- International arrival/departures
- Canada requires “Canadian Visual Search”
- When departing TO Canada
- When departing FROM Canada
- Unless the crew remains with the airplane on a turn
- Canada requires “Canadian Visual Search”
- After maintenance
- Uncertain
- Refer to checklist for interior
When is the crew required to wear headsets?
Below 18,000 feet, including taxi
What is an NEF?
Non-essential Equipment and Furnishings
-Subset of the MEL
When is a destination alternate required?
A - Air show/VIP movement (+/- 2 hours) “should be planned” (not required)
B - Braking action nil
C - Crosswind > 25 knots
Does a tail-end DH count toward a FDP limit?
What are the manual closeout weights for
valet bag
checked bag
heavy bag
20 lbs
30 lbs
60 lbs
190 cockpit/170 FA
Can a CDL be FCP’d by the crew?
No - only MELs as specified
What is the procedure for a lost medical certificate?
Primary method is FAA/gov replacement
Secondary method is, 48 states, contact SOC for TCD
Valid for 60 days
International, use FAA.gov for replacement
When is a Detailed Preflight Inspection Required?
- Aircraft’s first flight of day
- Crew change
- Maintenance performed
- Any time aircraft condition is in question
What 7 items must be carried while on duty?
- Company ID
- Other photo ID
- Pilot cert
- Medical cert
- PP
- JB/FD key
When must a pipeline be filed by after declaring an emergency?
Return to base, within 24 hours
What are the dry ice allowances?
70 lb total max
20 lb cabin max
50 lb cargo max
5.5 lb per pax/crew max (NOTOC not required)
At what wind speed must taxi and takeoff operations cease?
50 knot (gusts), expected by PIC to be encountered
What is the maximum flight time in a 672-hour and 365-day period?
100 hours and 1000 hours
How do you determine if a medication is safe to take?
List of AA-approved medications on p. 94
May a captain cancel a flight?
May a captain delay a flight?
Who is required to review the AML prior to flight?
Captain and First Officer
What is the alcohol consumption time limit?
12 hours prior to duty
What is the maximum FDP extension?
2 hours
How early may a flight depart?
5 minutes prior to schedule, if station confirms all pax and cargo on board
Earilier than 5 prior requires dispatch approval
What are the landing currency requirments?
3 TOL in preceding 90 days in type
What are the normal sign-in and at-the-aircraft times?
45 minutes
(reducable by CS down to 20 at oustation)
20 minutes
Under what circumstances must the Captain perform all takeoffs & landings?
- SIC has less than 100 in type, and…
- Vis =< 3/4sm
- RMR =< 4000
- Water/snow/slush on runway
- BRA < Good
- Crosswind > 15 kts
- Windshear reported
- Flaps 18/22 takeoff
- Any other condition PIC determines
If you call in sick while on a trip and must commute home, what must you do?
Contact CPO, receive travel authorization
What are the time limits for each MEL category?
A - As required
B - 3 calendar days
C - 10 calendar days
D - 120 calendar days
May a first officer pictorially qualify for a SARA airport?
Who is responsible to maintain EFB manuals in a current state?
Each crewmember
Is it possible to depart from a non-towered airport without first receiving an ATC clearance?
Yes, but must obtain clearance as soon as practical, but no later than 50nm
VFR conditions must exist at departure airport
Flight must remain in VFR conditions until clearance received
What are the lowest possible landing minimums for a “restricted” captain?
What hazmat may Envoy carry?
Dry Ice
Bio-B (must comply with dry ice limits)
What is the lowest permissible/possible takeoff visibility?
600 RVR
When must the crew declare a fuel emergency?
Less than 30 minutes remaining FOB
Where is a current list of revisions for the EFB found?
What is the significance of a silver dot on the outside of the aircraft?
Aircraft damage being tracked in ADL
If no silver dot, contact MOC, who will confirm if dent is in ADL. If it is, OK to depart.
Can you carry someone who is visibly intoxicated?
No, unless under medical supervision
When is the Captain considered “restricted”?
Less than 100 hours PIC in type
What items must the Captain and Dispatcher agree on?
Fuel load
Route, station dispatched to, alternate, and route to alternate
Conditions known and contemplated that permit safe operation of the flight IAW co and FAA regs pols and procs
What requirements must be met for a crew to operate into/from a SARA airport?
- Ceiling 1000’ above lowest MEA/MOCA/IAF and visibility at least 3 sm, OR
- Within preceding 12cm EITHER crewmember has made a takeoff and landing at that airport, OR
- Within preceding 12cm, CAPTAIN has pictorially qualified for that airport
Where do you locate the aircraft’s BOW?
Are backpacks acceptable?
When must the jacket be worn?
Are vests/sweaters acceptable?
November 1 through April 30
Vests, no, sweaters, yes, navy v-neck
What is minimum holding fuel (dispatch)?
ALT listed: historical + 3 minutes, NLT 12 minutes
No ALT listed: Greatest of:
1) Historical + gauge + missed
2) One hold pattern + missed + 10,000’ climb + burn to C070 airport OR airport with 7000x148 runway
3) 20 minutes
When is a takeoff alternate required?
Departure airport is below Cat I landing minimums
What papers must be carried to the destination airport?
Release (FP)
LM (closeout)
When must shoulder harnesses be worn?
Taxi takeoff and landing
What are the standard debrief times?
15 dom/30 int
If a flight has departed the gate and requires the cockpit door be opened to placard an item, what must occur?
Return to gate
Restrictions on meal consumption
On duty or 6 hours prior to duty, may not eat same meal from same meal prep service
When would a manual cargo sheet be required?
Scanner inop - “manual” cargo on EWBS
Factors that be requested through TPS free text
Runway/intersection, icing reference, temperature, wind
If a flight diverts, will EWBS be available when leaving diversion airport?
No, must calculate manual closeout
Conditional remarks in TAF (PROB, BCMG, TEMPO)
Dest: NLT 1/2 of vis
1ALT: NLT 1/2 of DV vis and cig
2ALT: NLT DV vis and cig
Marginal weather for (2ALT)
Dest: Less than 1,000 or 3 +/1 hour of ETA
1ALT: Less than 600 or 2 at ETA
2ALT required if BOTH dest AND 1ALT are marginal
What conditions required declaring an emergency?
Unable to establish position
15 minutes overdue
Any aircraft component failure that interferes with safe operation
Fire indication
Priority requested from ATC
Less than 30 minutes FOB