Limitations Flashcards
APU starter limitations
- Between 3 attempts - 1 min off
- Between 2 series of 3 attempts - 30 min off
Autopilot SE go-around & approach mode selection
- -SE go-around w AP engaged is prohibited.
- -App mode selection during loc capture is allowed only when aircraft is inbound.
Minimum/maximum temperature for manual anti-icing operations
- -40C-+10C SAT (ground/takeoff)/TAT (flight)
- -No temp limit for auto AI sys operation.
Maximum Airpseed After Takeoff/During Climb Without Retrimming
Yaw damper minimum altitudes (not authorized)
- -Takeoff to 500’ AFL
- -Landing
- <= 8,000 250
- > 8,000-10,000 250-320 [Red Line]
- <= 10,000 200
- > 10,000 250/.63 (lower)
T/O-1 (A1)
5 minutes
Contaminated runway
- >25% of RFL within width to be used
- >1/8 inch standing water/slush/wet snow
- >3/4 inchES dry snow
- compacted snow
- ice
T/O RSV (A1/3)
5 minutes
Minimum Temperature for TOL
- -40C
- In the event of a landing below -40C, the aircraft may not TO w/o further mx insp.
Max ITT for Engine Start
Demonstrated Crosswind for TOL
5 minutes
Engine Cool Down
- Run each engine for a minimum of 1 minute at idle/taxi thrust before shutdown
- (After landing or high power runs)
AHRS alignment
The aircraft must not be moved when the AHRS is in the initialization mode until all attitude & heading information presented on the PFD is displayed.
Icing conditions
- Ground: Icing conditions exist when the OAT is 10C or below and visible moisture in any form is present (such as clouds/IC/rain/snow/sleet/fog with vs 1SM or less) [6] OR
- Icing conditions also exist when operating on ramps/taxiways/runways where surface snow/ice/standing water/slush [4] may be ingested by engines/freeze on engines/nacelles/sensor probes [3].
- On the ground, do not rely on visual icing evidence or ice detector actuation to turn on AI system. Use the temp and vis moist criteria as spec above. Delaying use of AI until buildup is visible from cockpit may result in ice ingestion and possible engine damage/flameout.
- Flight: Icing conditions may exist whenever the TAT is 10C or below and visible moisture (above).
- Notwithstanding ID monitoring, crew remains responsible for monitoring potential icing condix for man activation of the IPS if icing condix are present (known icing) and the IDS is not activating the IPS.
Autopilot minimum altitudes
- -Takeoff: 500’ AFL
- -Landing: MDA/DH/DA/TPA
TAT in cruise flight
-45C above 25,000
Thrust Reverser Use
- TR are Intended for use during RTO and landing only.
- After initiating RT, full stop MUST be made.
- Maximum RT MUST be used
- Whenever stopping distance deemed to be critical & use will prevent rwy excursion
- When landing on rwys with M or P BRA unless landing distance penalty (flip cards) applied
- Idle REV MAY be used
- Dry <= 7,000 LDA
- Non-dry & BRAG
- TR use is PROHIBITED for
- Power-back ops
- Taxi ops
- TLs stablized in any intermidate posn between IDLE reverse and MAX reverse
Oil Pressure Transient
- Amber range up to 115 for 5 minutes in all thrust modes.
- Amber range above 115 up to 155 up to 2 minutes.
- Total time in amber range not to exceed 5 minutes.
- Operation in red range NA.
- Any exceedence must be monitored and logged in the AML by the crew.
Minimum/Maximum altitudes
- -1,000-37,000
- TOL 8,000
Maximum altitude after in flight depressurization
- 10,000’ MSL,
- unless MEA or other constraints req a higher alt
Engine Oil Level
- Minimum dispatch oil quantity is 8 quarts before engine start
- Or 7 quarts after engine start
Vfe 9/18/22/45 (plus transient)
250/200/200/145 Momentary AS excursions that are due to wind gusts or turbulence are allowed up to 155 with no crew or maintenance action required.
Steady state operation over 145 is not allowed and must be entered into the AML.
T/O (A1/3)
5 minutes
Rudder deflection below Va
Full or nearly full rudder deflection in one direction followed by a full or nearly full rudder deflection in the other direction, even at speeds below Va, can dramatically increase the risk of structural failure of the v-stab or the rudder.
Engine Warm Up
Minimum Oil Temperature
Engine Warm Up Procedure
- The engines must be allowed to run at low thrust to stabilize engine temperatures before takeoff thrust is selected.
- Run the engine at idle/taxi thrust a minimum for 4 minutes for cold engines
- and 2 minutes for warm engines.
- An engine is considered cold if it has been shut down for more than 90 minutes.
- Prior to increasing N2 above 83%, the engine oil temperature must be a minimum of 40C.
- In lieu of this minimum oil temp limit, it is acceptable to run the engine for at least 8 minutes and ensure the oil temperature is in the green range prior to advancing the TLs for takeoff.
Maximum Altitude for Flap Extension
20,000’ MSL
Engine Starter Limitations
Dry Motoring
- Cycles 1-4: 1 on, 1 off
- Cycle 5 and up: 1 on, 5 off
- Dry motor: Up to 5 on, 5 off
Minimum Oil Temperature for Engine Start
Maximum Tailwind Comp TOL
T/O-1 (A1/3)
5 minutes
Holding Configuration
- Landing Gear - UP
- Flaps - UP
- Airspeed/Icing Condix - 200 MINIMUM
Minimum Oil Temperature for Takeoff
- 40C
- Or perform Engine Warm Up procedure