Oral cavity and submandibular regions Flashcards
what makes up the oral region?
A. Oral cavity B. Cheeks and lips C. Teeth and gingivae D. Tongue E. Tonsils F. Salivary glands G. Palate
what is the oral cavity ?
what is it bounded by laterally, posteriorly and superiorly?
A. Consists of oral cavity proper and vestibule.
B. The oral cavity is the proximal-most portion of the GI tract.
C. It is the space bounded by the lips/cheeks and teeth; posteriorly by the oropharynx; superiorly by the palate.
what is the vestibule ?
what controls the size of the oral fissure
where does the parotid duct open in the vestibule?
- Space between the lips/cheeks and teeth.
- Opens externally at the oral fissure between lips.
- Muscles of facial expression control shape/size of oral fissure.
- Parotid duct opens into the vestibule opposite the upper 2nd molar.
what are the boundaries of the oral cavity proper? lateral/anterior superior inferior posterior
- Lateral/anterior – teeth gums
- Superior – hard/soft palate
- Inferior – floor of mouth
- Posterior – fauces
what covers the lips externally? internally?
covered by thin skin externally
internally covered by mucus membrane
orbicularis oris does what to mouth?
a. Orbicularis oris – closes lips/mouth
levator labii superioris
elevates upper lip
levator anguli oris
elevates upper lip, widens mouth
zygomaticus major and minor
elevates upper lip, main smile muscles
stretches lips laterally
wide smile
levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
elevates upper lip, flares nostrils
depressor anguli oris
depresses lower lip, frown
depressor labii inferioris
depresses lower lip
frown, pout
protrudes lower lip
innervation to upper lip?
innervation to lower lip?
- Upper lip – V2 via infraorbital branches
2. Lower lip – V3 via mental and buccal branches
what is the lymphatic drainage of the lips (2)
- Submental lymph nodes – medial part of lower lip
2. Submandibular lymph nodes – all other regions
what is the funciton of teeth
mastication, articulation
how many permanent teeth?
how many deciduous teeth
B. 32 permanent teeth; 16 deciduous (baby teeth)
how many incisors, canine, premolars, molars
- Incisors (4), canine (2), premolars (4), molars (6)
2. Typically appear around 6-8 years of age
what is the gingivae
mucus membrane and fibrous tissue attached to the alveolar processes of the mandible and and maxilla bones
also attached to neck of teeth
maxillary teeth are innervated by what?
mandibular teeth?
- Maxillary teeth – superior alveolar branches of V2
2. Mandibular teeth – inferior alveolar branches of V3
innervation of the maxillary gingivae
palatine portion
vestibular portion
a. Palatine portion
1. Nasopalatine n (V2)
2. Greater palatine n (V2)
b. Vestibular portion
1. Superior alveolar branches of V2
innervation of the mandibular gingivae
internal portion
external portion
- Mandibular teeth – inferior alveolar branches of V3
a. Internal portion
1. Lingual n (V3)
b. External portion
1. Buccal n (V3)
2. Inferior alveolar n, mental branch (V3)
where does most lymph from teeth and gingivae drain?
what are 2 exceptions to this?
- Most lymph drainage is to submandibular lymph nodes
- Exception: mandibular incisors drain to submental lymph nodes.
- Exception: 3rd maxillary molars drain directly to superior deep cervical lymph nodes.
what is the tongue?
what is it involved with in terms of function?
what are the parts of the tongue
B. Muscular, mobile organ involved in mastication, swallowing, articulation, and taste.
epiglottic portion
what is the body of the tongue?
- Body
a. Anterior 2/3rds of tongue; ends anteriorly at apex
b. Mobile - Root
a. Posterior 1/3 of tongue
b. Anchored to mandible, hyoid, and styloid process.
what is the terminal sulcus
what does it separate
what is its embryonic origin
- Terminal sulcus
a. V-shaped groove on dorsum of tongue
b. Separates root from body
c. Represents embryonic site of oropharyngeal membrane.
what is the foramen cecum a remnant of
thyroglossal duct
what are 4 types of papillae
vallate, filiform (no taste buds) , fungiform, foliate
what is the frenulum of the tongue
attachments under tongue to lower lip and one under the upper lip
what are the three intrinsic muscles of the tongue?
what are the functions of each?
a. Longitudinal (shorten; retract tongue; also can curl tongue)
b. Vertical (flatten; broaden tongue)
c. Transverse (narrow; elongate tongue)
genioglossus attachments
- Origin – mental spines of mandible
2. Insertion – dorsum of tongue; from apex to hyoid