Oral Cavity Flashcards
What is the superior boundary (roof) of the oral cavity?
Hard and soft palate
What is the Inferior boundary (floor) of the oral cavity?
Mylohyoid muscle
What is the wall of the oral cavity?
What is the anterior and lateral boundaries of oral cavity?
Teeth with gingiva and alveolar processes
What is the posterior boundary of the oral cavity?
Palatoglossal fold (beginning of oropharynx)
Hard palate makes up _____ of the palate.
Hard palate seperates _____ and _____.
Respiratory and digestive tracts
What is the primary function of hard palate?
to isolate the mouth in suckling
Oral side of hard palate contains _____ _____ _____.
palatine mucous glands
Hard palate is lined by ______ epithelium mucous membrane
non-keratinized stratified squamous
What is palatal rugae of the hard palate?
Transverse palatine folds on the anterior part
What is the shape/name of the sutures of the hard palate?
A cross, referred to as “cruciform suture”
Which suture of the Cruciform suture is this:
Between the palatine processes of the left & right maxilla and between the horizontal processes of the left & right palatine bones
Median palatine suture
Which suture of the Cruciform suture is this:
Between the horizontal plate of the palatine bone and the palatine process of the maxilla (palatomaxillary suture)
Transverse palatine suture
Soft palate is also called?
_____ hangs from the posterior border of the soft palate in the midline
Soft palate is Lined by ______ epithelium, mucous membrane
non-keratinized stratified squamous
Aponeurosis of the ______ muscle continues from hard palate and forms structural support for the soft palate
tensor veli palatini
Which 2 muscles originate above the soft palate?
- Levator veli palatini
- Tensor veli palatini
Which 2 muscles insert below the soft palate?
- Palatoglossus
- Palatopharyngeus
Which muscle is completely contained within the palate?
Musculus uvulae
What is the innervation of Tensor veli palatini muscle?
Mandibular nerve (V3) of Trigeminal N.
Tendon of the tensor veli palatini muscle passes around the _____ of the medial pterygoid plate and becomes the palatine aponeurosis.