Oral Cancer Flashcards
What guideline can be used in accordance to referrals of suspected head & neck cancers?
- SIGN 90 (“3 week rule”); WITHDRAWN Dec 2016
- NICE (“2 week rule”)
What other conditions are associated with H&N cancers?
- Heartburn & aerodigestive tract SCC
- Perio disease, OH & mw & HN SCC
What may be some EARLY presentations of oral cancer?
- Nothing
- Non-healing ulcer
- Red/ white patch
- Lump/ rough bit
- Change in lump/ patch
- Crusted/ non-healing lesion on lip
- Persistent soreness
- Earache
What may be some LATE presentations of oral cancer?
- Numbness
- Difficulty swallowing
- Dentures ill fitting
- Loosening of teeth
- Non-healing extr site
- Lump in neck
- Bleeding
- Friable (bits break off)
- Pain
What are some indications of cancer from a PMH?
- Hx of areodigestive tract cancer
- Iron deficiency (cancers –> bleeding)
- Long-term immunosuppression (incl imminosupressing drugs) –> lip cancer risk
What are some social risk factors for cancer?
- Alcohol and tobacco smoking
- Betel quid
- UV exposure = occupation, sun-bed, outdoor habits (cycling)
What are the 5 yr survival rates for localised and metastatic disease?
What are some indications in an E/O exam of cancers?
- Weight loss/ cachexia (weakness/ wasting)
- Facial asymmetry (swellings? n. damage?)
- Lip lesions (crusting? bleeding? red/white patch?)
- Lymph node swelling
What might be seen I/O in a pt with suspected oral cancer?
- White/ red/ speckled patch
- Exophytic growths
- Lump
- Hardening of tissue
- Necrosis (grey slough, bad smell)
- Mobile teeth
- Friable tissues
- Signs of fractures
What special tests may be carried out in aid of diagnosis of oral cancers?
- Clinical photographs
- Biopsy
What would you do if a mild suspicion of oral cancer?
- Tell pt concerns
- Adjust any potential causes
- Clinical photos and record all in notes
- FOLLOW 2/3 week rule
What would you do if a high suspicion of oral cancer?
- Follow local referral pathways
- Contact OMFS, OM, ENT department
- Rapid access referral
What is included in a referral letter of a pt with suspected OC?
- Pt identifiers (name, address etc.)
- Contact number (pt and referrer)
- Name of GDP
- Relevant MH. DH, SH
- Hx, reason for referral and urgency
- Clinical findings
- What pt knows/ suspects and their level of anxiety
What is the role of primary HCP in diagnosis of OCs?
- Increase public awareness of OC
- Educate public re OC
- Early diagnosis via opportunistic screening
- Ensure all unexplained lesions referred for biopsy within 2 weeks
What is a specimen fixed in at the pathologist’s lab?
Formaldehyde, at least 24hrs