Oral analgesics for acute pain Flashcards
acute pain
1) pain provoked by disease or injury
2) >3 mo is chronic
3) acute orofacial pain is protopathic pain
- pathological conditions and underlying disease
4) pain can be due to hard tissues and soft tissue conditions
- trauma or infection
purpose of pain
1) acute pain is protective warning of tissue damage
2) persistent pain is also protective
3) chronic pain is no associated with ongoing tissue damage
- disruptive
4) invokes withdrawal, avoidance, and escape
1) damage to tissue which can be central or peripheral in brain and spinal cord
- noxious stimuli that brain interprets as pain
2) a delta
- myelinated
- physiologic pain, epicritic, acute
3) c-fibers
- unmyelinated
- protopathic, pathologic pain, dull aching
neuropathic pain
1) superficial burning
2) deep pressing
3) touch, pressure, heat, cold
4) phantom pain, TN
nociceptive pain
1) spontaneous pain
pain mechanisms - central
1) longer than 3 months, same pain, refer
allogeneic substances
1) adenosime, ATP, serotonin, histamine, bradykinin
2) substance p
3) glutamate
- released by a delta and ?
1) no pain is felt
2) drugs that alleviate pain without major impairment to other sensory modalities
- opioids
- non opioid
- analgesics to treat specific pain syndromes
1) anti-inflammatory
2) antipyretic
3) analgesic by prostaglandin inhibition
adverse effects of NSAIDs
1) GI irritation and bleeding
2) platelet dysfunction
3) precautions
- asthma, pregnancy, advanced age
- vaso and broncho constrictors
- affects fetal development in 3rd trimester
non opioid analgesic
2) acetaminophen
1) moderate to severe acute pain
2) oxycodone, hydrocodone, codeine
- usually combined with acetaminophen
3) agonists of opioid receptors
4) no analgesic ceiling
5) black box warning for addiction abuse
6) sedation, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, pruritus, sweating, constipation, and respiratory depression
7) interactions with P450 3A4 inhibitors
1) morphine x0.10
2) delta receptors need spinal admin to cross BBB
3) most are mu receptive
4) kappa is less respiratory depression
1) 0.75x morphine
1) 1.5 morphine