Optogenetics Flashcards
What is optogenetics?
The combination of genetic and optical methods to achieve either gain or loss of function of well-defined events in specific cells of living tissue
What are the advantages of optogenetics?
Allows high spatial and temporal control of neural activity
Allows cell specificity
Can be used in many model systems (e.g., fly, zebrafish, rodent)
What are the core features of optogenetics?
- Light-sensitive proteins = microbial opsins
- Ability to target strong and specific expression of opsin genes
- Ability to guide light to specific areas/cells with precise timing
- Compatible readout approaches
What are microbial opsins?
Microbial proteins, known as opsins, are light-activated proteins (channels or pumps) that permit transmembrane movement of ions.
What opsins are used in optogenetics?
3 different types:
1. Archaerhodopsins and bacteriorhodopsins
2. Halorhodopsins
3. Channelrhodopsins
What is channelrhodopsin?
Channelrhodopsins are nonspecific cation channels that depolarize upon blue light illumination
What are halorhodopsins?
Halorhodopsins are light-gated inward chloride pumps which causes hyperpolarization (inhibition) of the cell when triggered with yellow light, thus inhibiting function of the neuron
What are archaerhodopsins?
Also commonly used to inhibit neurons in optogenetic experiments
Arch is a light-activated outward proton pump that hyperpolarizes (inhibits) the cell when triggered by green-yellow light
What are bacteriorhodopsins?
Naturally occurring bacteriorhodopsins, the first-discovered members of this family, which pump protons out of the cell
Bacteriorhodopsin is a protein used by Archaea
It acts as a proton pump; that is, it captures light energy and uses it to move protons across the membrane out of the cell. The resulting proton gradient is subsequently converted into chemical energy
What are the properties of each type of opsin?
Archaerhodopsins and bacteriorhodopsins = INHIBITORY
Halorhodopsins = INHIBITORY
Channelrhodopsins = EXCITATORY
How is selectivity achieved in optogenetics?
Express opsin in target cells
What methods are used to deliver genes coding for opsin to target cells?
- Viral delivery: delivery in area injected, promotors target expression to specific neurons
- Direct injection into a cre-recombinase transgenic animal
- No Injection – breeding of transgenic mouse strains
- Specific projections can be targeted with retrograde/anterograde viruses
What is the typical virus used in viral delivery?
Adeno-Associated Virus (AAV)
Very small virus know to infect humans and animals not known to cause any disease
It is possible to ‘load’ up this virus with the genetic information to allow the expression of the opsin once inside the cell of choice
Explain viral delivery and what typical promotors are used
Direct injection of the AAV into the brain : The virus targets only one type of cell by expressing promotors that are only expressed in the cell population of choice
CaMKIIα; biased towards excitatory cells in cortical regions
VGAT will target all GABA inhibitory neurons
Explain direct injection into cre-recombinase transgenic mice
You have a transgenic mouse that only expresses an enzyme called cre-recombinase in a specific set of neurons – for example Somatostatin Interneurons.
The AAV will go into all neurons in the injected area but the expression of the opsin will only happen in cells where cre-recombinase is present – extremely well targeted expression in the cell of choice
Explain breeding of transgenic mice
Sst-IRES-Cre knock-in mice express Cre-recombinase in
somatostatin-expressing neurons
Ai32 mice express an improved channelrhodopsin-2/EYFP fusion protein following exposure to Cre recombinase
By crossing these two strains of mice 50% of all offspring will have Channelrhodopsin and EYFP in SOM interneurons – ready for blue light stimulation
What are the six steps to optogenetics?
- Piece together genetic construct (promoter to drive expression, gene encoding opsin (light sensitive ion channel))
- Insert construct into virus
- Inject virus into animal brain, opsin is expressed in targeted neurons
- Insert ‘optrode’ fibre optic cable plus electrode
- Laser light of specific wavelength opens ion channel in neurons
- Record electrophysiological and behavioural results
How is cell specificity achieved in optogenetics?
LED or laser connected fibre-optic cable - commonly placed in the brain
Local stimulation - position of fibre helps with specificity e.g., can illuminate cell bodies (target all opsin-expressing neurons) or illuminate known downstream region (target projections to that area)
What are the compatible readout methods?
Need to measure the effect of manipulating neural activity:
- Electrophysiology (gold standard - single-cell synaptic input/spiking output)
‘Optrodes’ (fibre-optic-electrode hybrid) allow simultaneous electrical readout with optical stimulation - Imaging: Fluorescent indicators (e.g. GECIs) - ‘All-optical’ approach
- Behavioural testing
What can optogenetics be used to study?
Optogenetics can be used to study neural function in intact circuits and to alter behaviour in awake, behaving animals
Compared to electrical stimulation, what do optogenetic studies allow for?
Control activity in (genetically) defined cell (sub)populations
Physiological neural activity patterns
Better spatiotemporal resolution
Simultaneous electrophysiological recording is possible
Compared to lesion studies, what do optogenetic studies allow for?
Reversible/ temporary
Ability to up- and down-regulate activity within a brain region
Possibility to investigate causal relationships
Compared to pharmacology, what do optogenetic studies allow for?
Better temporal precision
Possibility to investigate causal relationships
How have opsins been developed further?
Opsin variants have been developed - increased channel conductance, increased kinetics, altered spectra
Red-shifted opsins
Step-function opsins
What do red-shifted opsins allow for?
Enable ‘all-optical’ approach with GCaMP
Increased depth penetration of light (longer λ)
What do step-function opsins allow for?
Essentially ‘turn on’ excited state with blue light and then “turn off” with green light
What do Opto-XRs allow for?
Light-sensitive G protein-coupled receptors, optical control of intracellular signalling pathways
Potential to apply in non-excitable cells
What are the potential confounds of optogenetics?
Off-target recombination can occur in Cre lines (e.g. SST-IRES-Cre line): Hu et al. (2013)
Heat from blue light laser can evoke responses in naïve mice [example: fMRI BOLD, Christie et al. (2013)]
What did Christie et al. (2013) find regarding heat as a confound of optogenetics?
We show that blue light delivery to the naïve rat brain causes profound fMRI responses, despite the absence of optogenetic activation
We demonstrate that these fMRI responses are dependent upon laser power and show that the laser causes significant heating
We identify how heating impacts upon the MR signal causing NMR frequency shifts, and T1 and T2* changes
How did Robinson et al. (2020) utilise optogenetics?
Investigated the causal role of place cells in spatial navigation
Using an ‘all-optical’ combination of simultaneous two-photon calcium imaging and two-photon optogenetics, we identified and selectively activated place cells that encoded behaviorally relevant locations in a virtual reality environment
What were the findings of Robinson et al. (2020)?
Targeted stimulation of a small number of place cells was sufficient to bias the behavior of animals during a spatial memory task, providing causal evidence that hippocampal place cells actively support spatial navigation and memory
What did Robinson et al. (2020) find about place cell remapping?
To assess stimulation-related changes in local network activity, we compared the spatial tuning of place cells in the pre- and post-stimulation epochs. At the single-cell level, neurons remapped, changing their spatial tuning in a variety of ways
This remapping was reflected in a decrease in the single-cell pre-post place map correlation for stimulation sessions
Taken together, these results indicate that targeted optogenetic stimulation of specific place cells triggered remapping of the hippocampal representation of space