Option F.1 Geo Flashcards
Food Security
QAAS (quality, availability, affordability, security)
Calorie Intake
Number of calories a person consumes kcals/day
Global Hunger Index (GHI)
Measure prevalence of hunger form 0-100 by undernourishment, child wasting, child stunting, and child mortality
Child wasting
Low weight for age
Child stunting
Low height for age
Global Food Security Index (GFSI)
Measures food security with QAAS on a scale from 0-100
Poor diet; too much or not enough nutrition
carbs, proteins, fats
minerals & elements
Not enough energy in diet
Not enough protein in diet
Nutritional Transition
Shift in consumption patterns associated with economic developments (i.e LIC derive food from cheap carbohydrates -> child wasting, HIC derive food from proteins, fats and carbs -> obesity
Heath Adjusted Life Expectancy (HALE)
Indicates number of expected years to live in health/high quality of life by combing age & sex specific mortality data
Infant mortality
number of deaths >1 year per 1000 live births
Child mortality
number of deaths >5 years per 1000 live births