optimism Flashcards
what are the 4 parts of optimism?
what is learned helplessness?
it is always ones fault=> one is less worthy
what is the explanatory style?
a way of interpreting setbacks in life
advantages and disadvantages of explanatory style
+ circumstantial
what did seligman argue?
if we change our beleifs about adversities, we can change the consequences => learned optimism
main assumption-
it is an experience of an adverse situation that determines ones level of optimism
- close to a psychoanalytical view of human psychology
- hard to disprove
can we learn optimisim?
malouff and schutte (2017)
- yes but the effect is small when measured within one day of the end of intervention and half the size when measured later
- the effect is larger when individuals were motivated (they paid them)
dispositional optimism
- charles carver & Michael scheier : individuals have general predisposition to be optimistic (or pessimistic) in their mood or temperament
- optimism as a personality trait or genetic disposition
-disposition that leads individuals to expect (un)favourable outcomes influences how idividuals deal with stressful situations
-the life orientation test
situational optimism
- expansion of dispositional optimism
-individuals generate positive/negative expectations about specific situations
-measurements - contextualized expectations
-charles synder: individuals expectation that goals can be achieved
-goal achievement via agency and pathways
agency= determination and motivation
pathways= plans and strategies
- low vs high hope individuals differ in the number and specificity of their goals (the abiliy to define goals), flexibiity in generating pathways , and the ability to motivate themselves
hope scale:
- “i energetically pursue my goals” (agency)
- “there are lots of ways around any problem” (pathways)
state- for some psychologists, “positive thinking” equals to denial/repression of negative thoughts
state- “positive thinking” is not a term frequently used in psychological research
what are primary appraisals?
-initial assessment of threats or losses and challenges
- depend on complexity, values, commitments and goals, novelty of the situation, social support, intensity, perceived controll
what are coping strategies?
- proble, focused: directed at the stress, change the environment or yourself
- emotion focused: directed at decreasing emotional distress (avoid, distance, blame yourself) => relief stress
advantages and disadvantages of optimism and well being
- persistence
- problem focused coping
- positive aspects of stressful situations
- challenge appraisals
- doubt
- hesitancy
- denial/avoidance coping
- negative feelings and aspects of stress
- threat/ loss appraisals
what is self esteem?
how much a person likes, accepts and respects themselves overall as a person
what are optimism and high self esteem associated with?
better health and well being
state- optimism and self esteem are highly correlated
what is the common factor that helps people deal with stressful situations?
- perhaps resilience is the common factor that helps individuals effectively deal with stressful situations
advantages of optimism
- lower academic burnout and higher academic success (Vizoso et al., 2019)
- better quality of life (Kreis et al., 2015)
- better psychological well being Augusto- landa et al., 2011
- buffering against the harmful effects of body dissatisfaction (brannan and petrie, 2011)
- lower stress following surgery (liu et al., 2021)