Optic CN II Flashcards
What is the fiber type of optic n.?
Special Sensory Afferent
Is optic nerve derived from branchial arch?
Which cell body is located in the retina?
Ganglion neurons
The axons converge and leave the back of the eye as the _____.
Optic nerve
Does the optic nerve consist of myelinated fibers?
What are the myelinated fibers surrounded by?
The _____ artery and vein lies _____ of the nerve.
Central; anterior
How can the venous blood flow be disrupted?
Increased CSF pressure in the subarachnoid space
Increased CSF pressure int he subarachnoid space can disrupt venous blood flow and cause _____.
Optic nerve passes through the _____into the cranial cavity.
Optic canal
Fibers from the nasal half of each retina crosses the _____ and enters _____.
Optic chiasm; optic tract
What is the COMPLETE pathway of optic nerve to get to the FINAL synpase destination?
Axons of the ganglion nucleus will converge into optic nerve. The nerve will then travels posteriorly, through the optic canal into the cranial cavity. The nasal optic nerve fibers will then cross optic chiasm to enter optic tract, and temporal optic nerve will ipsilaterally enter the optic tract. The fiber continue to the ‘lateral geniculate body/nucleus’ of the thalamus where they synapse. The lateral geniculate body will form the ‘geniculocalcarien tract’ and project to the primary visual cortex located immediately above (cuneus) and below (lingual gyrus) the calcarine sulcus. Some fibers loop anteriorly around the temporal horn of the lateral ventricle (Meyer’s loop), continue through the temporal lobe and synapse below the sulcus.
Lateral geniculate body/nucleus forms _____ is also known as?
Geniculocalcarine tract; Optic radiation
What is located immediately above the calcarine sulcus?
What is located immediately below the calcarine sulcus?
Lingual gyrus