Opthalmology Flashcards
- Significance
Uvea significance
- Most vascular tissue in body
- Host of insults
- Autoimmune
- Infectious - Relationship to retina
- Supply
- Inflammation
- Structure
- Iris
- Cilliary body
- Chorea
Cilliary body
- Functions
- Inflammation
Cilliary body
- Functions
- Aqueous humour production
- Lens control
- Inflammation
3. Ciclitis/ intermediate uveitis
- Causes
Uveitis causes
- Unknown
- Autoimmune
- Infectious
- Traumatic
Uveitis classifications
Uveitis classifications
- Anterior
- Iritis - Intermediate
- Ciclitis - Posterior
- Choroiditis
Keratic precipitates
- Classes
Keratic precipitates
- Classes
- Granulomatous
- Non-granulomatous
Aqueous humour
- direction of currents
Aqueous humour
- direction of currents
- Convection to anterior
- Gravity to inferior
Anterior uveitis
- Symptoms
Anterior uveitis
- Symptoms
- Pain
- dull, orbital - Redness
- Vision
- Blurred/reduces - Flare
- floating leukocytes
Anterior chamber
- how to detect cells
Anterior chamber
- Detecting cells
- Dark room
- Thin beam of light
- Slit lamp - Cells seen
- Inflammatory exudate in aqueous
- usually 99% water - Beam seen (flare)
- Proteins in aqueous
Anterior uveitis
- signs
Anterior uveitis
- Posterior Synechiae
- Circumcorneal congestion
- Keratic precipitates
- Hypopyon
- Fibrin meniscus on lower iris
Intermediate uveitis
- Symptoms
Intermediate uveitis
- Symptoms
- Blurring of vision
- Floaters
Intermediate uveitis
- Signs
Intermediate uveitis
- Signs
- Cells in vitreous
- Snow balls
- Snow banking
- Sheathing of blood vessels
- Macular oedema
Macular oedema
Macular oedema ix
Posterior uveitis
- Symptoms
Posterior uveitis
- Symptoms
- Blurring of vision
- Floaters
Posterior uveitis
- Signs
Posterior uveitis
- Signs
- Reduced acuity
- Light sensitivity
- Reduced colour vision
- Reduced vision in dark (nyctalopia)
CMV retinitis
- Significance
CMV retinitis
- Significance
- Immunosuppression
- Transplant/chemo
Uveitis treatment
- Infectious Vs non infectious
Uveitis treatment
- Infectious Vs non infectious
- Treat both with steroid
- Scarring and inflammation is most significant factor - Treat with ABx first if infectious
- Ix
- Ix
- Q Gold
- TB - Treponemal antibody
- Syphilis
Anterior uveitis
- Tx
Anterior uveitis
- Tx
- Topical steroids
- Subconjunctival steroids - Cycloplegics
Steroid eye drops
- ADRs
Steroid eye drops
- ADRs
- Glaucoma
- Gradual rise in pressure
- Insidious
- Irreversible - Cataracts
- Posteror sub-capsular
- Breadcrumb appearance
Intermediate and posterior uveitis
- Tx
Intermediate and posterior uveitis
- Tx
- Periocular steroids
- Intravitreal steroid implants
- Ozurdex
+Adjuncts - Pulse therapy
- Oral steroids
- Immunosuppression
- Better ADRs than steroids - Specific antimicrobial
- Dangerous ADRs
Systemic steroids
- Dangerous ADRs
- Hyperglycaemia
- Immunosuppression
- Osteoporosis
- Cushings
- Anxiety and irritability
Anterior Uveitis
- Complications
Anterior Uveitis
- Complications
- Posterior Synechiae
- Pupillary membrane
- Ocular hypertension
- Glaucoma - Hypotonia
- Cataract
- Cystoid macular oedema
Posterior uveitis
- Complications
Posterior uveitis
- Complications
- Retinal detachment
- Posterior Synechiae
- Scarring
- Glaucoma
High ocular pressure in uveitis
- Tx
High ocular pressure
- Tx
- Steroids
- Take baseline level (can increase)
- Priority is inflammation
Sympathetic opthalmitis
- Pathology
Sympathetic opthalmitis
- Trauma to eye
- Antigens to uveal pigment
- Inflammation in contralateral eye
- Vitiligo patches
- Deafness
- Meningism
Bony orbit
- Border names
Bony orbit borders
- Medial wall
- Lateral wall
- Floor
- Roof
Orbital foramina
- and contents
Orbital foramina
- Optic foramen
- nerve - Superior orbital fissure
- most vessels - Infra-orbital foramen
- Infra-orbital nerve
- Infra orbital artery - Supra orbital notch
- supra orbital nerve
5, Lacrimal groove
- Naso-lacrimal duct
- Lacrimal gland fossa
- Lacrimal gland
Orbital bones
Orbital bones
- Roof
- frontal - Lateral wall
- zygomatic
- sphenoid - Medial
- lesser sphenoid
- ethemoid
- Lacrimal bone
- nasal process of maxilla - Floor
- maxilla
Nasal duct
- Opening
Nasal duct opening
- Below inferior meatus
Orbital compartment syndrome
Orbital compartment syndrome
- Retrobulbar haemorrhage
- Proptosis
- Pain
- Blindness
- Ophthalmoplegia
- Miosis
Orbital septum
- Continuous with…
Orbital septum
- Continuous with periosteum of orbit
Horner’s syndrome
- Muscle
Horner’s syndrome
- Muscle
Superior tarsal muscle
Blowout fracture
- Symptoms
Blowout fracture
- Symptoms
- Pain
- Numbness to cheek, upper lip and gum
- Infra-orbital nerve
Blowout fracture
- Pathology
Blowout fracture
- Eye breaks bones
- medial
- inferior - Infra-orbital nerve damage
Stye Vs Chalazion (meimobian cyst)
Stye Vs Chalazion (meimobian cyst)
- Sebaceous
- Meimobian
Orbital Growths
- inside Vs Outside cone
Orbital Growths
- inside Vs Outside cone
- Axial proptosis
- Non-axial proptosis
Proptosis and lid-retraction
- Cause
Proptosis and lid-retraction
- Cause
- Thyroid eye disease
- Effects the muscles
Superior rectus and levator
- share…
Superior rectus and levator
- share…
Tendon sheath
Ocular muscles
- insertion
Ocular muscles
- insertion
- Rectus in front of axis
- Oblique behind axis
Sixth nerve palsy
- Anatomy
Sixth nerve palsy
- Anatomy
- Small nerve
- Passes over the clivus
- Easily compressed
Black on the eye
Black on the eye
- Choroid
Slit lamp
- 3D viewing
Slit lamp
- 3D viewing
- View straight ahead
- Light beam at an angle
- Blind spot area
- No vessels area
- Optic nerve
- Blind spot area - Fovea
- No vessels area
Eye symptoms
Eye symptoms
- Foreign body sensation
- Photophobia
- Eye Pain
- Headache
- Lid irritation
Foreign body
- How to evert
Evert an eye
- Look down
- Cotton bud
- Pull up and over
Eye symptom
- Foreign body sensation
Eye symptom
- Foreign body sensation
- Foreign body
- Corneal abrasion
Eye symptoms
- Photophobia ddx
- Meningitis
- Iritis
- Migraine
Photophobia vs light sensitivity
Photophobia vs light sensitivity
- Discomfort -> Photophobia
Eye pain
Eye pain ddx
- Acute angle glaucoma
- Trauma
- Orbital cellulitis
- Scleritis
- Optic neuritis
- Corneal abrasion
- Headaches ddx
- Headaches ddx
- Migraine
- Cluster headache
- Eye watering - Trigeminal neuralgia
- VI palsy
- Bilateral optic disc swelling (papilloedema)
- Postural change
- Presence on waking
- Pulsatile tinnitus - GCA
- Temporal and tender
- Jaw claudication
- Scalp tenderness
- Eye exam and markers
Lid irritation
Lid irritation
- Stye
- Follicle/seb gland
- Edge of eyelid and sore
- Fusillic acid ointment - Chalazion
- Meim gland
- Anywhere and painless
- Warm compress - Blepharitis
- Meimobian gland disease
- Eczema/skin conditions
- causes and features
- Allergic
1. Bilateral
2. Trigger linked
3. Itchy - Viral
1. Often bilateral
2. Coryzal symptoms
3. Watery discharge - Bacterial
1. Generally unilateral
2. Purulent discharge
Visual disturbances
- Generalised blurring ddx
Visual disturbances
- Generalised blurring ddx
- Refractive errors
- Cataracts
- Medications
- steroids
- tetracycline - Hormonal
- pregnancy
- period
- Central blurring ddx
- Central blurring ddx
- Macular diseases
- Age related
- Diabetic T2 - Drugs
- Ethambutol
- Hydroxychloroquine
- Tamoxifen (deposits)
- Black spots, blobs, and curtains
- Black spots, blobs, and curtains
- Vitreous
- Retina traction and detachment
- Flashing (immediate or ongoing) - TIA
- Transient!
Retina tear pathology
Retina tear pathology
- Vitreous traction
- Retina hole
- Vitreous behind retina
- Retina detachment
Double vision
- DDx
Double vision
- Binocular
- Thyroid - Monocular
- In eye
- Chalazion/stye/abrasion
- Detachment
- Vitreous - Vertical or horizontal?
- Nerves involved
- Muscles involved? (Thyroid)
- Colour changes ddx
- Colour changes ddx
- Optic nerve disease
- Unilateral cataract
- Red desaturation (unilateral)
- Optic neuritis
- Co-morbidities
- Co-morbidities
- Diabetes
- Retina, CN palsy, ifct, vascular occlusion - HTN
- Thyroid
- retraction, lag, dry eye, neuropathy, motility - Ankylosing s
- Iritis
- Steroid SEs - Arthritis
- RA, PA
Opthalmology Ix
Opthalmology Ix
- Field test
- Blood
Visual tests
Visual tests
- Snellen
- Near visual acuity test
- Amsler grid
- Ishihara colour grid
Visual tests
- glasses
Visual tests
- glasses
- Best corrected vision
- Distance glasses/reading glasses
Testing eyes
- binocular/monocular
Testing eyes
- binocular/monocular
- Each eye
- Eye occluder - AND both eyes
Recording vision
- numerator and denominator
Recording vision
- Numerator is distance
- Denominator is reading
Eye test
- Escalating tests
Eye test
- Failing tests
- 6m, pinhole, 3m, 1m
- Fingers
- Hand movements
- let me know when it stops - Light projection
- Top/bottom
- Left/right - Light perception
- say yes when you see the light shining
Pupil exam
- 5 Stages
Pupil exam
- 5 Stages
- Inspection
- Direct light
- Indirect light
- Consensual - Swinging lights
- Accommodation
Pupil abnormalities
Pupil abnormalities
- Drugs
- Opiates
- Drops - Horner’s
Swinging light test
- Pathology
- Method
Swinging light test
- Pathology (Afferent pathway)
Comparative defect L Vs R
- Retina
- Nerve - Method
- Swing over bridge of nose
- 1,2,3 seconds
Visual field confrontation
- Peripheral method
Visual field confrontation
- Peripheral method
- Arm’s length
- Cover one eye
- examiner same corresponding - How many fingers
- Keep looking at eye
- count fingers in field - Can you see pin?
- keep looking at my eye - Keep your hand.
- I will swap hands to use other hand
Visual field confrontation
- Central vision
Visual field confrontation
- Central vision
- Red pin
- Cover eye
- Start at centre
- Move very slowly
- Acknowledge blind spot
- Acknowledge return of pin
- Use
- Use
- Green on button
- Check position
- examine at 0 - Use diffuse beam in dark
Or smallest beam - Approach patient from the side
- Can I rest my hand on your forehead
- Quick red reflex
- Very close to eye
- follow blood vessels
- reach optic disc