ENT Flashcards
- Inputs
Balance Inputs
- Vestibular
- Proprioceptive
- Ocular
- Cerebral
- Cerebellar
Vestibular system
- Detection parameter
Vestibular system
- Uses acceleration
Vestibular system
- Sacule role
Vestibular system Sacule
- Stops us falling over
- Vision tools
Balance - Vision
- Smooth pursuit (following with eyes)
- Optokinetic eye movements
- Seccard function (rapidly viewing two objects)
Balance differential
- On standing
Balance differential
- On standing
- Postural hypotension
Balance differentials
- Stamping gait
- Antalgic gait
Balance differentials
- Stamping gait
- Antalgic gait
- Diabetic peripheral neuropathy
- Osteoarthritis
Vestibular ocular reflex
- Function
- Neurological structures
Vestibular ocular reflex
- Ability to keep eyes on object when head turns
- Neurology
1. Vestibular nerve
2. Vestibular nuclei
3. Ocular muscle nuclei
- Fixed head position differential
Fixed head direction
- Differentials
- Vestibular neuritis
- VO reflex overactive
- Nystagmus due to correction
- Centralised compensation
- Centralised compensation
- Vestibular apparatus impaired
- Other mechanisms engaged
Vestibular migraine
- Pres
- Mx
Vestibular migraine
- Pres
1. Migraine
2. Middle aged females
3. Imbalance - Worse before periods/ovulation
4. Photophobia/phonophobia - Mx
1. Diet (B2, D3, Mg)
2. Sleep
3. Stress/hormones
4. Medication - Topiramate
- Venlafaxine
- Pres
- Tinnitus
- Dizziness
- Fullness
Nasal septum defect
- Chronic Vs acute
- Surgical repair
Nasal septum defect
- Chronic Vs acute
1. Asymmetrical nasal turbulants - Surgical repair
1. Costochondral cartilage
Stridor Vs stertor
Stridor Vs stertor
- Stridor is below the larynx
- Stertor is oropharyngeal
Bernoulli principle
Bernoulli principle
- Velocity of fluid passing down tube increases
- Pressure on tube wall decreases
1. Symptoms
2. Length
- Symptoms
- Nasal blockage/discharge/congestion
- Facial pain/pressure - Classification
- Chronic if 12 weeks
HDM Vs pollen allergy
HDM Vs pollen allergy
- Season
- Winter house heating - Mattress
Chronic rhino sinusitis
- Mx
Chronic rhino sinusitis
- Mx
- without polyps
1. Saline
2. Corticosteroids
3. ABx
4. Decongestant
Eg. Oxymetazoline - with polyps
1. Medical
-Steroid/saline, doxy
2. Polypectomy
- Blood supply
- Management
- Blood supply (warms air)
- Management
1. Head forward
2. Thumb and index - on soft portion of nose
3. Ice cube on roof of mouth
- Adrenaline and lignocaine cotton wool
- Cautery
- Sphenopalatine artery
- Nasal packing brand
- Nasal packing
- Merocel
Ear wax
- Make up
- Pathology
Ear wax
- Make up
1. Cerumen (water soluble) - Pathology
1. Rare
2. Completely impacted >2mm
Ossicles and window
Ossicles and window
- Malleus
- Incus
- Stapes
Oval window
(Round window allows for give)
- Structures
Ear exam
- Structures
- Attic
- Handle of malleus
- Pars placida - Pars tensa
- Light reflex
- Components
- Components
- Organ of corti
- Tonotropic distribution
Outer ear
- Symptoms
Outer ear
- Symptoms
- Pain
- Discharge
- Later, hearing loss
Middle ear
- symptoms
Middle ear
- symptoms
- Hearing loss - conductive
- Discharge
- moderate mucoid
Inner ear
- Symptoms
Inner ear
- Symptoms
- Hearing loss
- Tinnitus
- Vertigo
- Exam Steps
- Exam Steps
- Healthy ear first
- Inspect
- pinna
- mastoid - Otoscopy
- Canal
- Tympanic membrane - Hearing test
- Whisper
- Tuning fork - Facial nerve exam
- Coordination and Romberg
- Four investigations
- Four investigations
- Pure tone audiometry
- Tympanogram
- CT
Pinna Haematoma
- Tx
Pinna Haematoma
- Tx
- Aspiration X 2
- Compression bandage
- 24hr review
- Surgical drain
- quilted stitch
External ear
- conditions
External ear
- conditions
- Otitis externa
- Swollen
- Debris
Otitis externa
- Organism
- Symptoms
- Treatment
Otitis externa
- Organism
- Pseudomonas - Symptoms
- Painful
- Serious discharge
- Swollen canal
- Debris - Management
Topical toilet (cleaning)
Topical antibiotics