ביצועים - OPT Flashcards
What is improved climb (IMCLB) feature?
Improved Climb is a feature that allows OPT to utilize all the runway length available in order to increase V2 thus, improving takeoff performance.
How long is EFP analyzed in lno emergency turn”?
30NM from airport
What type of turn is based a “Special EFP”?
It is based on a 15 bank angle
How is LANDING DISPATCH distance calculated?
Aggressive touchdown, minimum flare, max manual braking
Factors: 67% + 15% for wet/contam + 15 for autoland
How is LANDING ENROUTE distance calculated?
1500’ flare distance, 15% factor
Cat3/autoland add 500’ to flare (2000)
NNC no factor
How to calculate non-normal LANDING?
Use NNC list
If not in NNC list use MEL/CDL
Do not use NNC & MEL together
How to calculate go around Gradient for ONE ENGINE
(1) calculate no NNC with the requied gradient - for gradient and landing distance
If landing distance is an issue, do the following:
(2) calculate NNC ONE ENGINE
(3) use QRH table for “rate of climb” available
What are your actions in case OPT fails during flight preparations in the cockpit?
Contact OCC they will use their OPT application to make the calculations
What are the Differences Between OPT and FMC calculations?
OPT uses Optimum Field Lenght
FMC uses Balanced Plus Field Length
The FMC does not take into account obstacles (since it does not have obstacles data), required gradients, acceleration altitude or brake energy limits. Additionally, the FMC does not compare the required runway length with the available one, even if the current runway is selected.
What is El Al’s Takeoff Performance Policy?
7 items
1) Tire speed limit
2) Brake energy weight limit
3) Structural weight limit
4) Field length limit (x3)
5) Climb gradient 2.4%
6) Obstacle limit 35’ from net path (0.8%)
7) Terr clearance (lido)
מתי צריך לבדוק בטיסה ביצועי נחיתה?
Before commencing descent the landing performance shall be assessed for the runway of intended use and conditions existing at the ETA whenever:
• The landing performance is in doubt; or
• Conditions are significantly less favourable than those presumed at time of dispatch, or
• The runway is contaminated; or
• LDA is less than 8,000 ft.
What is the company policy re MDA/DA selection for non normal conditions?
For one engine inoperative, it is company policy to choose an approach minimum requiring a 2.5% missed approach climb gradient
Pilots should use caution and good judgement if selecting a lower minimum that requires a higher climb gradient
האם רוורסים משפיעים על מרחק נחיתה?
חסרה תשובה
מדוע לפעמים יש הבדלים בין ה-FMC וה-OPT?
תשובה: בסיס החישוב של ביצועי ההמראה שונה (optimum length vs balanced field)
בנוסף, ב-FMC אין את כל הדאטאבייס שיש ב-OPT לגבי מכשולים
כיצד נבדוק מה יהיה הגרדיאנט הה״ס במקרה של אובדן מנוע?
שלושה שלבים לתשובה.. לבדוק עם שני מנועים, אחכ בדיקה ללא מנוע ואחכ להשלים מטבלה ב-QRH (לוודא תשובה)