OpSpecs/Exemptions Flashcards
A003 (Aircraft Authorization)
List of aircraft authorized for pax/cargo ops
A004 (Special Authorizations & Limitations)
Lists authorizations and exemptions allowed by OpSpecs
A012 (Extended Domestic Ops)
Allows Domestic Dispatch to/from C070 airports in the CONUS to/from certain airports listed in the table of this OpSpec
A013 (Extended Overwater Ops w/o certain Part 121 Emergency Equipment; 100nm West Coast or 162nm East Coast and GOM)
Allows extended overwater operations on listed aircraft that are not equipped with Part 121 required emergency equipment
A323 (LWES System for HOTs)
Allows use of a LWES system to determine HOTs for de-icing operations
B031 (Areas of Enroute Operations)
Authorization of enroute ops that can be conducted within enroute areas specified in B050.
B050 (Authorized Areas of Enroute Ops)
Authorized regions of enroute ops
C050 (Special PIC Qualification Airports)
Authorizes operation into airports requiring special PIC qualifications and familiarity
C051 (Terminal Instrument Procedures)
Authorization to conduct terminal instrument approaches; RVR conversion charts
C052 (Straight-in Non-Precision, APV, and Category I
Precision Approach and Landing Minima – All Airports)
IAPs permitted by certificate holder; Authorization for SA Cat I approaches with properly equipped aircraft
C054 (Limitations and Provisions for Instrument Approach
Procedures and Instrument Flight Rules Landing
Outlines limitations for HMCs
C055 (Alternate Airport IFR Weather Minimums )
Authorizes NAVAID rules for alternate minima
C060 (Category II and Category III Instrument Approach and Landing Operations)
Authorization to conduct approaches to Cat II and III landing mins under certain conditions and with certain aircraft capabilities and procedures
C070 (Airports Authorized for Scheduled Operations)
Table listing Regular, Refueling, Provisional, and Alternate Airports based on fleet
C078 (IFR Lower Than Standard Takeoff Minima, 14 CFR Part 121 Airplane Operations - All Airports)
Authorization for below standard takeoff mins under certain conditions
D085 (Aircraft Listing)
List of all aircraft types and registration numbers authorized for Part 121 Operations