ATC Flashcards
TBFM (Time Based Flow Metering)
Automation to plan efficient flight trajectories from cruise to runway threshold; smart sequencing; wheels up time; call ATC Desk for >45 mins delay
LAADR (Low Altitude Alternate Dept Routes)
Limited AOB FL230 (crews should not request higher); primarily for departure phase, but may be extended if beneficial; issued via ADVZY; higher fuel burn due to lower altitude; SERMN routes
FEA (Flow Evaluation Area)
Line drawn across a portion of airspace to be evaluated for flow restrictions; may become an FCA
FCA (Flow Constrained Area)
Line drawn across a portion of airspace; frequently used to define a re-route or AFP
AFP (Airspace Flow Program)
Based on an FCA; assigns delays for crossing FCA instead of a re-route; provides option to “route out” to avoid AFP EDCT; MUST ADVISE ATC prior to routing out; GDP EDCT supersedes AFP
Issued in ADVZY; found in Current Reroutes on ATCSCC page, Fusion ATFM; may be issued as a partial or modified string of route; must fly route between (>
AZEZU (Offshore Radar Routes)
EWR to FL traffic in both directions offshore; Generally outside of published FCA/AFP; A/C must meet overwater requirements; Must file AOA FL310; PQUA in Unimatic to determine O/W capability
ICR (Integrated Collaborative Routes)
ATC defines constrained airspace and determines flights that require routing around constraint (wx); Customers determine own routing in time frame provided or receive assigned re-route
Preferred Routes (Pref)
Routes required between participating city pairs; Found in Route Management Tool on ATCSCC, Fusion Route Management
National Route Program (NRP)
For flights operating AOA FL290 (RVSM), from a point 200nm from dept to a point 200nm from dest, utilizing a SID and STAR
RVSM (Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum)
FL290-410 inclusive; separation by 1,000’ vertically; non-compliant a/c may cross this airspace ONLY WITH ATC APPROVAL (must be appropriately coded on ICAO FPL)
Routes developed by ATCSCC in conjunction with ARTCCs to ensure manageable traffic flows during SWAP; issued via ADVZY; Found on ATCSCC site
CDR (Coded Departure Route)
Escape routes designed to assist departing the terminal area; frequently used during times of convective weather; issued in coded form to reduce radio transmission; may only use portion to get around wx; advice on use may be provided in SWAP statement; found in ATCSCC Route Management Tool and Fusion Route Management
UAL ADS-B Routes
GPS position/velocity “squitted” twice per second to track location outside radar environment; all UAL fleets are compliant; if MEL equipment issue, ATC approval required; SI/ADSB/REQUEST to send info to ATC desk for approval; PQUA in Unimatic for a/c equipment; ADS-B route in Sabre
SWAP (Severe Weather Avoidance Plan)
Used to mitigate convective impacts; CDRs, Playbook routes, MIT, GS/GDP; tower changes clearance process and are obligated to ensure dept gate is open (red light/green light); dept backlogs on open gates due to MIT
What is “file normal”?
Use NRP guidelines; pref routes (especially in the triangle from BOS-ORD-FL); Sabre plans are NRP compliant
Does ATC allow any CDR?
ZNY typically allows any CDR during SWAP; ZAU/ZDC typically allow any NRP compliant route
Can we file Playbook routes?
Yes, as long as ADVZY does not prohibit and is linked to a published SID
UAL Route Plan
ATC Coords focus on departure routes to reduce DFix congestion and based on city pairs; Dispatched should fuel for longest LIKELY re-route scenario, try to avoid filing FPL until 45 mins prior, adhere to ATC Coord route guidance unless MEL/FAR issues prohibit
Radio Numbers
Advise ATC Coord if radio number issued; use RPQ in Unimatic for available radio numbers
VIP Movement
SI/VIP/TODAY; flights with ETA/ETD +/- 30 mins of movement must carry hold fuel; minimum of 60 mins hold fuel hub/high traffic (30 mins low traffic()
Flight carrying patients/donors, organs/tissue; cargo must be time critical (blood, corneas not time critical); given ATC priority; ensure that Cpt is advised
When out of comms for >5 mins; use NOWB (or SI/OOO) in Unimatic for providing ATC frequency to flight; 2nd message sent if no contact within 5 mins of contact; contact ATC Desk/MDO is no contact in total of 10 mins
ORD Snow Desk
Activated when ORD forecast to receive >= 2” of snow; staffed by UA, AA, and City; monitors field conditions/braking action; assist City in determining treatment plan; coordinate if flights have special circumstances
Captain Retirement Flight
May be contacted by ALPA for retirement flight; remark in FP filing
PAM (Planning Alert Message)
Alert of potential impacts to operations; MDO handles Hubs, Dispatcher handle non-hubs; PAM1 - reduction in AAR/ADR; PAM2 - diversions are probable; PAM3 - ops not conducted; PU in Unimatic to input PAM (local time); PM/xxx in Unimatic to edit (PU_(R for revise, C for cancel)xxx); PAM/ALL in Unimatic for current
ATC Coordinator Messages
CDRs on/off; Coordinator workload; GDP times published; Ops plans and planning guidance; departure gate restrictions
ICAO FPL Item 10
Always list standard equipment ‘S’ first (codes in DOM 8.30.6); certain items must be removed if MEL impacts (W for RVSM); use ICAO FPL QRG (DV, DBB, Dispatch Center Ref Links); ‘R’ if PBN equipped with addl details in Item 18
ICAO FPL Item 18
STS/ special handling (MEDEVAC, NONRVSM, HUM); PBN/ performance based navigation (RNAV/RNP); SUR/ surveillance (ADS-B or Required Surveillance Performance); SEL/ SELCAL code (find with PQUA Unimatic); RMK/ (NRP, DVRSN, TMU APVD, ADSB RTE)