Ops Specs 1 Flashcards
What are the wake turbulence separation requirements for a large aircraft?
7 behind a Super
3.5 behind a 767/MD-11
3 behind a 757 or smaller
2.5 within 10 of the airport (with conditions)
After receiving clearance for a visual approach, who is responsible for wake turbulence separation?
The pilot is responsible if he calls the preceding aircraft in sight. If the pilot calls the field in sight, but not the preceding aircraft, the controller retains responsibility for separation.
What are the weather requirements in order to accept a visual approach?
1000’ ceiling and 3 miles visibility at the field
What are the cloud clearance requirements after acceptance of a visual approach clearance?
500' below 1000' above 2000' horizontal 3 miles visibility (Not required by FAR 91. Required by Ops Specs)
How close to the airport must you be in order to accept a visual approach?
35 miles.
What is the “standard” lowest takeoff visibility?
RVR 5000
VIS 1 mile
Which RVR controls for a standard takeoff?
All others advisory
Use MID if TDZ inop
What is the lowest visibility for the FO to takeoff?
RVR 1600
VIS 1/4 mile
What is the lowest visibility takeoff allowed?
RVR 500
The visibility for takeoff is JUST below standard. You may takeoff to what lower visibility and with which runway equipment?
You can go down to RVR 1600 or 1/4 mile visibility.
You need CL or RCLM or HIRL. Or, any light or stripe that will provide adequate visual reference to continuously identify the takeoff surface.
The visibility for takeoff is JUST below standard. Which RVR controls?
TDZ RVR controls.
Use MID if TDZ is inop.
Visibility for takeoff is below 1/4 mile 1600 RVR. Which RVRs control?
2 RVRs required minimum.
3 control.
TDZ, MID, Rollout control, if reporting.
Which takeoff minima apply, if different: Ops Specs or airport 10-9?
Only use takeoff minima as low as the airport 10-9 page.
Which RVRs are controlling/required for a non-precision approach?
T or M T = TDZ required and controls OR M = Use MID if TDZ inop All others advisory.
Which RVRs are required/controlling for a CAT I precision approach?
T or M T = TDZ required and controls OR M = Use MID if TDZ inop All others advisory.
Is an autoland required for a CAT II precision approach?
Below what visibility must you complete a static takeoff?
Below 1600 RVR, 1/4 mile visibility.
Visibility is lower than 1600 RVR, 1/4 mile for takeoff. Which RVRs must be working and which lights should you look for in the NOTAMS?
Below 1600 RVR, 1/4 mile all 3 RVRs control.
2 RVRs required, minimum.
As long as HIRL and CL work, you can takeoff down to 500 RVR.
Below what visibility will you need to conduct a CAT II approach? CAT II is good down to what visibility?
Below 1800 RVR down to 1000 RVR you’ll need to do a CAT II
What is the lowest visibility allowed on a CAT II approach?
1000 RVR
What is the lowest visibility allowed on a CAT III approach?
RVR 600
Which RVRs are required/control for a CAT III precision approach?
Usually all 3 report and all 3 control.
2 required.
Either MID or Rollout may be inop (only one may be inop).
When are HIRLs required?
Always at night.
When visibility is below 2 miles.
What are the maximum holding speeds in the US?
265 KIAS above 14,000 MSL
230 KIAS above 6,000 MSL
200 KIAS at/below 6,000 MSL
What is the minimum runway width?
If a runway has an exemption waiver, it will be listed on the flight plan.
Is there an exception to the standard runway width?
Yes, the Captain can elect to operate on a 100’ wide runway.
Day VFR, dry, 10 knot crosswind, thrust reversers, antiskid working.
What are the weather requirements for the destination?
The destination weather reports/forecasts must be at or above authorized approach minimums at the estimated time of arrival.
May the forecast destination weather ever be below authorized approach weather minimums for estimated arrival time?
Yes. Exemption 3585 allows filing to the destination airport with TEMPO groups in the TAF. Prevailing conditions must be above authorized approach minimums. TEMPO groups must be no less than HALF minimums required for the approach. The dispatcher must add one additional alternate to the flight plan.
When must a takeoff alternate be designated?
If the weather is below that required to return to the field using CAT I minimums.
When must a destination alternate be designated?
When weather for the ETA +/- one hour is reported or forecast to be below a 2000’ ceiling or 3 miles visibility. 1-2-3.
Is there an exemption waiver to the 1-2-3 rule for designating a destination alternate?
Yes. A destination alternate is not required under Exemption 10332 if the weather at ETA +/- one hour is at least a ceiling of 1000’ and visibility is 3 miles. 1-1-3. Other restrictions apply.
(The airport must have a CAT I approach. No TS).
What must the weather be at the designated alternate?
Weather minimums for the designated alternate(s) are derived from the one navaid/two navaid table in the Airway Manual Introduction section.
The visibility is below 2 miles for takeoff. Which runway lights must be working?
The visibility is below standard for takeoff. Which lights/etc must be operative for takeoff?
Any light or stripe which allows continuous identification of the runway surface. HIRL must be working. This is all you need down to RVR 1600, 1/4 visibility.
What is the departure priority for all engines?
Green page all engine
ATC clearance
IFR or obstacle (10-9a) DP
Depart on course
What is the departure priority for an engine out?
Green page
ATC clearance
As desired, e.g. runway heading
Below what weather is the ILS signal protected?
Weather less than 800’ or less than 2 miles.
What are the basic turbojet landing minimums?
RVR 4000 or 3/4 mile visibility
DH no less than 200’
MDH no less than 250’
Below what visibility MUST RVRs be used?
1/2 mile
What are the circling approach weather requirements?
Greater of: 3 miles or the published Cat D visibility
Greater of: 1000’ or the published Cat D HAA
May you continue a Cat I approach once inside the FAF if the visibility goes below published visibility minimums?
How early may you push back without coordinating with the Dispatcher?
5 minutes.
Can you push back prior to receiving the D-7 Pre-Pushback message?
No. It may contain a “STAY AT GATE” message.
If you don’t get a D-7 Pre-Pushback message, but subsequently receive a valid WDR, may you push back?
Who maintains the runway status template (RST)?
Local station’s operations. Notify them if they don’t have the right runway on the D-7 Pre-Pushback message.
If the WDR provides T/O data for a runway intersection, may you subsequently T/O full-length using the same data?
May you use the Dry WDR data if the runway is wet and and grooved?
No. If the runway is wet, you must use the WDR Wet data.
What are the thunderstorm avoidance criteria?
15 nm of airport: consider delaying 3 nm of airport: do NOT takeoff 5 miles: below 10,000' 10 miles: 10,000' - 25,000' 20 miles: at or above 25,000'
Which lights are required for a CAT II approach?
Down to 1200: SSALR, MALSR, ALSF I or II. SFL not required. HIRL.
Below 1200: ALSF I or II. SFL not required. CL. TDZ. HIRL.
Can the 717 conduct SA CAT II approaches?
Which lights are required for a CAT III approach?
TDZ, CL, HIRL, ALSF I or II, SSALR, SALS. SFL not required.
Below what visibility must the SMGCS plan be reviewed?
1200 RVR
On low visibility approaches, which lights must be working below what visibility?
Below 1200 RVR, make sure CL and TDZ lights aren’t NOTAM’d INOP.
What is the overwater limit for the 717?
162 nm (100 nm north of 35N Cherry Point)
FL250 or above reqd
When must you have CL lights on takeoff?
Below RVR 1000
What are the low visibility runway equipment requirements for takeoff?
500 CL
1000 RCLM
1600 adequate visual reference
When must you use the autopilot and flight director on approach?
When the weather is below 4000 RVR or 3/4 mile, IF OPERABLE!
Good down to 1800 RVR with just one flight director, if necessary.
Which RVRs are required on a CAT II approach?
T 600 300 down to 1400
T plus R 600 300 down to 1000