FOM Flight Planning Flashcards
Your dispatched weight will be based on landing on which runway at the destination?
The longest runway, wet. If the longest runway is not available for landing when you actually arrive, you may be overweight.
When is a runway considered short?
6000’ or less.
What must you do if dispatched to a short runway?
Discuss the following items with the dispatcher: antiskid, autospoilers, autobrakes, reported braking action, ILS GS/PAPI/VASI, tailwind and green page remarks.
With snow or ice on the runway, what info MUST you have?
A field condition report or braking action report that is CURRENT.
What if the dispatcher files you IFR/ NO ALTN, then the weather goes down while you are enroute?
You may continue towards the original destination. You are required to talk to the dispatcher. The dispatcher will add an alternate, if conditions permit.
What are some examples of occasions where you must contact the dispatcher?
Route deviations of more than 100 nm, cruising more than 4000’ from flight plan altitude for more than 30 minutes, ETA changes by 15 minutes, planned arrival with less than minimum fuel, weather change at destination, diversion.
May the pilots perform MEL (M) procedures?
If the aircraft is not capable of operating in RVSM airspace due to inop equipment , what altitude can you climb to/must you descend to?
At or below FL280.
What does a Y* mean under the FLIGHT CREW MAY PLACARD column in the MEL?
The item may qualify for pilot placarding at a Delta maintenance station with the door open.
When must Category “B”, “C” and “D” items be repaired?
B - 3 days
C - 10 days
D - 120 days
All excluding the day the item was written up.
Someone gets a boo-boo at the gate/in the air/anywhere. Now what?
Call Stat-MD. You are NOT paid Doctor pay. It doesn’t matter when or what. Let dispatch and Stat-MD deal with it.
Have the FA fill out the MAF FIRST thing!
What does the landing field length, which is computed for dispatch, include?
60% landing distance over a 50’ obstacle.
40% safety margin
15% wet margin
MAX braking, speed brakes, NO REVERSE
May a dispatch release (FDR) be amended over the radio or phone?
When would a fuel overfill require an amended release?
If the overfill is in excess of 1000#.
Does a return to the gate require an amended release?
Not always. For instance, if you only need to top off to original block fuel, the original release is still good.
What are some common reasons for requesting/receiving an amended release?
Ship change, MELs/CDLs, takeoff alternate, destination alternate, min fuel for takeoff changes, fuel overfills, fuel on board at destination changes (tankering).
Your signature on the FDRA signifies receipt of which documents?
Flight plan
Flight plan addendum
Updated weather briefing
Fuel slip
What is FAR reserve fuel for a domestic flight? What is FMS reserve fuel?
FAR reserve fuel is 45 minutes burn at cruise. FMC reserve fuel is fuel to farthest alternate plus FAR reserve fuel. (Add aircraft minimum fuel if it is higher than FAR reserve fuel).
Are fuel caps required?
When must a signed NOTOC be delivered to the cockpit?
No later than 15 minutes prior to pushback.
How early can you block out without contacting dispatch?
5 minutes.
The D-7 Pre-pushback message says STAY AT GATE for performance. May you pushback once a valid WDR is received?
Where else might you receive a STAY AT GATE message?
Flight Plan Addendum.
Who maintains the Runway Status Template and what if the Pre-Pushback Message has the wrong runway listed?
Local Operations maintains the RST. Notify them if they have the wrong runways listed on the WDR.
Is there any requirement for the gate agent to give you a passenger count prior to giving him/her the FDRA?
No. You don’t even have to have the D-7 Pre-Pushback Message before he/she takes the FDRA and closes the door.
If you receive takeoff data for a runway intersection, is that data valid for using the runway full-length?
May you use dry takeoff numbers if it’s raining and the runway is grooved?
No. You must use wet numbers.
When must a takeoff alternate be designated? What is the maximum distance to the takeoff alternate?
If for any reason you can’t return to the airport and shoot a CAT I approach. One hour, engine-out cruise, in still air.
How many bags can you load after pushback before you need a new WDR?
- (That’s a 600 lbs tolerance).
When should you keep the brakes set after block-in?
When winds exceed 30 knots or the ramp is icy.
What is the signal from the ramp agent that a brake or engine fire has developed?
A figure 8 motion with the right hand . The left hand will point at the area of the fire.
What is the signal from ARFF that an evacuation is commanded/recommended?
A beckoning motion to the face with the right hand.
When must a Notice of Violation card be issued to an unruly/disruptive passenger?
Any time law enforcement has been called.
What should you check if dry ice is on the NOTOC?
Check for live animals on the WDR. Live animals must be segregated from dry ice.
What is the maximum quantity of most dangerous goods per compartment?
25 kg or 25 L
Which compartment should live animals be loaded in?
Forward compartment
How long can live animals stay in the cargo compartment?
If it’s above 75 degrees, 1 hour unless takeoff is imminent. (There is no way to affect compartment temp even with packs running).
How much dry ice can be onboard and in which compartments?
100 kgs max. 60 forward 40 aft.
What is the best fire extinguisher for a Li-ion battery fire?
What is the correct call sign terminology for a MEDEVAC flight?
In an emergency, who should you direct ATC to contact for details on dangerous goods onboard?
Shipper’s phone number on NOTOC
Does a segregation WARNING or CAUTION mean DGs have been correctly loaded?
Not necessarily. Verify loading positions with ramp agent.
What aircraft design group is the 717 when checking NOTAMs?
FAA Group 3
ICAO Group C