Ops Orders 3.18 (Discipline policy and review boards) Flashcards
Under the direction of the__1__, it is the Department’s intent to administer discipline
for both sworn and civilian employees in accordance with __2__
- Chief of Police
- City and Department policies in a
manner which is fair, impartial, and consistent to all employees.
Discipline and/or coaching/supervisor initiated training is intended to __1__ that have a negative impact on providing services to the
community and/or police operations.
- correct inappropriate
behavior or policy violations
If an employee is to receive discipline of a written reprimand, suspension, demotion, or
termination, as defined in this order and Addendum A of this order, a __1__ must be completed.
- supervisory
investigation/citizen complaint investigation
Investigation procedures outlined in Operations Order __1__, Misconduct
Investigations, and the employee association’s Memorandum of Understanding
(MOU)/ Memorandum of Agreement (MOA),__2__ followed.
- 3.19
2. will be
Only __1__violations will be considered for discipline.
- sustained
An investigation __1__required when a __2__ initiated training or
supervisory counseling is conducted/issued to .__3__
- is not
- coaching/supervisor
- improve performance
__1__ violations of policy may result in discipline.
- Repeated
In the case of a performance issue/minor policy violation where the employee does not have
any previous performance issues/minor policy violations during the __1__, documentation in the employee’s Performance Management Guide (PMG) and/or
coaching/supervisor initiated training __2__ offered by the employee’s chain of command to __3__
- same performance rating year
- may be
- prevent future violations of the same policy/procedure
The employee’s supervisor will document the performance issue/minor policy violation
and corrective action implemented in the supervisor notes.
• The employee __1__ provided a copy of the supervisor notes on a __2__ basis for
review and signature as a receipt.
- will be
2 monthly
Following approval by the __1__ to issue coaching/ supervisor initiated training rather than discipline; the affected employee will be notified of the deviation.
1 .commander/administrator
Minor Policy
- Acts not involving repeat offenses or a reckless disregard for policy
- May be deemed as a performance issue
- Not listed in Addendum A of this order
• A type of “non-disciplinary“ counseling designed to help the employee gain greater
competence and confidence
• Assists in overcoming barriers to improve employee performance
• Used in situations where the employee needs skill development, desires to improve
job performance, is not working up to standards, behavior change is needed, and/or
desires career advancement
A type of counseling conducted in a face-to-face meeting between
the supervisor and the employee
Supervisory Counseling
Per Unit 4’s [Phoenix Law Enforcement Association (PLEA)] MOU, a
supervisory counseling is __1__.
- formal discipline
Supervisory Counseling
(sworn employees must have notification within
__1__of the date of the policy violation)
- two weeks
Supervisory Counseling
__1__require the issuance of an NOI or the completion of an investigation
- does not
Supervisory Counseling
__1__ included in a Unit 4 employee’s Department __2__
- must be
2. personnel file
Supervisory Counseling
__1__ also be documented in the employee’s performance evaluation and in sustained
misconduct investigations, in accordance with the __2__
- may
Written Reprimand Violations
- Acts involving __1__ offenses or a __2__ for policy
- Listed in Addendum __3__of this order
- repeat
- disregard
- A
Written Reprimand Violations
Possible discipline:
Possible discipline:
- Written reprimand
- Eight (8) or 24 hour suspension
Written Reprimand Form 14-8D
Disciplinary documentation detailing a policy violation which requires the
authorization of a __1__
- bureau/precinct commander/administrator
Written Reprimand Form 14-8D
Must be __1__ and __2__ by the employee and a copy given to the employee
- reviewed
2. signed
Written Reprimand Form 14-8D
• Requires the issuance of an __1__and the completion of an internal investigation
• Must be included in the employee’s Department personnel file
• Information detailed in a Written Reprimand form __2__ be documented in the current
performance evaluation year.
2. may
Written Reprimand Form 14-8D
If within __1__ of the date of discipline, information in a Written Reprimand form
will be documented in sustained misconduct investigations
- three years (3)
• A mandatory temporary leave from work without pay from __1__ (length of time)
• Will be authored by the__2__
- eight (8) to 240 hours
2. City Human Resources Department
Class I Violations
• Acts involving an \_\_1\_\_disregard for policy • Will be referred to the \_\_2\_\_ • Listed in Addendum A of this order • Possible discipline: ∗\_\_3\_\_ suspension
- increased
- executive assistant chief
- 8 - 24 hour suspension
Class II Violations
• Acts adversely affecting Department operations or involve egregious unprofessional behavior
• Will be referred to the __1__ or __2__
• Listed in Addendum A of this order
• Possible discipline:
∗ __3__ suspension
∗ Demotion
- executive assistant chief
- 24 or 40 hour
Class III Violations
• Acts so serious and malicious in nature, they may require immediate intervention by the \_\_1\_\_ with the immediate removal of all employee responsibilities • May be referred to the \_\_2\_\_ • Listed in Addendum A of this order • Possible discipline: ∗ \_\_3\_\_ hour suspension ∗ Demotion ∗ Termination/Loudermill Hearing
- Chief of Police (or designee)
- 40, 80, or 240