Ops Orders 1.1 / 1.2 and 1.3 Flashcards
Purpose Statement
To ensure safety and security for each person in our community
P.R.I.D.E stands for :
Protection and Prevention Responsibility and Respect Integrity and Ideals Dedication to Duty Employee Excellence
Employees may deviate from established departmental policies and procedures when it is in the obvious ______________________.
best interests of the department.
Employees will report deviations from policy to their supervisor (when)
as soon as possible.
Non-sworn employee equivalent to the sworn rank of commander who is responsible for the operations of a bureau
Duty Commander
On-duty command officer who is responsible for all operations of the department when the Police Chief or XO is not on duty
Mutual Aid with : MCSO Jail Fire Emergency
3 points:
When breathing equipment required, officers wait for fire dept.
When possible enter building with fire fighter, handle police business and provide security
Discretion of individual officer, emergency entrance may be made
Mutual Aid with :Federal Property
Indian Hospital, VA, Memorial cemeteries and Post Office at 522 N Central
Explain relationship
Concurrent jurisdiction
Have own police, PPD makes backups and provides police services upon request, wagons and DUI support (except for federal crimes)
PPD has authorization for police services at the Post Office
Mutual Aid with :: USAF
Coordinate with Military Police on investigations
24 hour notice for non felony arrest on base
If arrest must be made immediately officers will be escorted to subject
Mutual Aid with : DPS
Every effort to assist DPS
concurrent jurisdiction under state law
Officers may take enforcement action on freeway
investigate criminal incidents that happen on the freeway
Upon request, within the city, officers will make wagons for DPS (DPS takes over at hospital of jail)
Mutual Aid with :State Fair grounds
officers will complete criminal reports at the fairgrounds and Memorial coliseum
Mutual Aid with : Maricopa County Hospital
Officers will investigate criminal and traffic accidents
Mutual Aid with : Area Hospitals (when they notify PPD) 11 items
Must notify Police:
- unreported traffic accidents
- Claimed mistreatment by Police
- Evidence of Poisoning
- believes Patient has abused drugs/narcotics
- believed involved in illegal activity
- suicide has been attempted
- sexual or criminal assault
- victim of child abuse/neglect
- Injury occurred on city property or city liable
- City employee injured in line of duty
- Death is classified an ME case
Mutual Aid with :Arizona State Hospital
Officer will respond to requests for police service, perform the initial investigation, and take appropriate police action on criminal offenses.
Traffic accidents (private property
When VCB and ME is not available, a supervisor may authorize patrol to complete death reprots
Missing person reports taken on all escapees (court ordered)
Mutual Aid with : Phoenix military complex and Arizona Military District
PPD and DPS have concurrent jurisdiction
52nd St to 64th St
Moreland to Oak St
Mutual Aid with : Arizona Department of corrections (ADOC)
Emergency Calls—respond directly for escapes, riots or serious situation—prison duty sergeant will direct—officers retain weapons
Non-emergency calls—handled as routine call—prison staff will direct to to crime scene for our investigation
Follow-up on grounds by VCB
Staff calls crime stop during an escape, normal call routine, if caught booked into 4th Ave, report taken by dispo officer
Mutual Aid with : Indian reservation
PPD without jurisdiction or legal authority on Gila Indian reservation…will not arrest Indian community member on the reservation even in fresh pursuit or felony
May detain for ID only
contact Indian police for assistance
Non-Indians may be arrested in fresh pursuit
Mutual Aid with : Indian reservation
PPD without jurisdiction or legal authority on Gila Indian reservation…will not arrest Indian community member on the reservation even in fresh pursuit or felony
May detain for ID only
contact Indian police for assistance
Non-Indians may be arrested in fresh pursuit
Mutual Aid with : ASU’s DPS
Routine police services responsibility of ASU’s DPS
PPD will help:
Help with DUIs
PPD takes any investigation when there is a dispute
Mutual Aid with : ASU’s DPS
Routine police services responsibility of ASU’s DPS
PPD will help:
Help with DUIs
PPD takes any investigation when there is a dispute
Mutual Aid with : Maricopa County Probation Dept
Assist probation in:
arresting a probationer
warrantless arrests
act as a backup (avoid helping in search, primarily security)
When there are new charges, PPD takes custody of the subject and investgation
Mutual Aid with : Maricopa County Probation Dept
Assist probation in:
arresting a probationer
warrantless arrests
act as a backup (avoid helping in search, primarily security)
When there are new charges, PPD takes custody of the subject and investgation
Mutual Aid with : FBI
FBI handles over 200 federal crimes
FBI handles almost everything with aircraft
FBI handles federal crimes on the reservation
FBI has jurisdiction over federally insured banks
Mutual Aid with : FBI
FBI handles over 200 federal crimes
FBI handles almost everything with aircraft
FBI handles federal crimes on the reservation
FBI has jurisdiction over federally insured banks
Mutual Aid with : ATF
Federal firearms investigations
When PPD responds to theft at a pawn shop or retail stores involving firearms taken immediately contact ATF
Mutual Aid with : ICE
Investigation and enforcement of federal laws related to illegal entry and residence in the USA is specifically assigned to ICE
The goal of the dept is to ensure the safety of all residents of Phoenix
Mutual Aid with : Phoenix Park Rangers
non-sworn..may issue ATTC or NOV for violation of city codes in the city
when making a backup on a criminal matter, officer will take over the investigation
Disputes will be handled by a Police supervisor
officers may provide MVD info but not criminal info
Mutual Aid with : US Marshal service
US Marshals will assume responsibility for:
Federal judges and courts
apprehension of federal prisoners, parole violators, etc
Mutual Aid with : Postal service
Postal inspectors handle the Post office and Mail
It there is a dispute over jurisdiction, officers will complete a DR
Postal service should be advised of all postal crimes or crimes by postal employees
Mutual Aid with : Secret Service
Contact Secret Service:
threats against the president
counterfeit currency
fraud with credit cards or bank access devices
Mutual Aid with : Phoenix Park Rangers
non-sworn..may issue ATTC or NOV for violation of city codes in the city
when making a backup on a criminal matter, officer will take over the investigation
Mutual Aid with : Maricopa county Superior Court Pretrial Services Agency
officers of the court but not armed
provide backups
in arrest situations police officers must complete all paperwork and transport to jail