Ops Manual Flashcards
202 Crew Scheduling: For Unscheduled one and two pilot crews
See TEMSCO Op’s manual 202.
5 in a quarter
8 in 2 consecutive quarters
14 in a calendar year
8 hrs in a day for 1 pilot
10 hrs in a day for 2 pilots
14hr duty period
10 hours of uninterrupted rest
(11hrs if flight limit exceed by not more than 30mins)
(12hrs if flight limit exceed by more than 30mins but less than 60mins)
(16hrs if flight limit exceed by more than 60mins)
24hrs of rest in any 7 day period
13 days(24hrs) of rest in any calendar quarter
203 Crew Reporting
Crew must report for duty at least 1 hour before departure to:
1.Service the aircraft and preflight
2. Weather briefing and flight planning
3. Lead pilot can require you arrive earlier if necessary
204 Crew Briefing
Before arrival at the aircraft, flight crew must be briefed by the Designated PIC (Lead pilot?) on flight crew duties, routes, current weather forecast, fuel requirements, emergency evacuation duties, etc..
206 Preflight action
PIC responsibility to:
- File a flight plan with Temsco Flight followers
- transmit position reports minimum every 20 min. or if out of COM range, make arrangements for when and how to restore communications
- Assure all forms and paperwork related to operation have been completed and filed
- Assure all required items are onboard the aircraft
- Assure the aircraft event logs are up to date and complied with
- Assure flight will be completed before next required inspection or component change
- Assure a proper preflight was performed according to the checklist
207 Required Items
The following must be onboard the aircraft for all flights:
1. Aircraft Registration
2. Airworthiness Certificate
3. W&B Data and Equipment list
4. RFM and Owners Handbook (if published)
5. F.C.C Radio Station License
6. Aircraft Event Log
7. Flashlight with two “D” cells or Equivalent (For Night Op’s)
8. Operations Manual, if operating away from a TEMSCO base shall be carried onboard the aircraft
9. Required Fire Extinguishing Equipment (Not required for cargo only flights)
10. Printed Emergency Information Cards for Passenger Briefing (Not required for cargo-only flights)
211 Weather Minimums
Minimum Ceiling and Vis requirements for dispatch:
Pilot shall obtain all pertinent weather data required for the flight
Day VFR in uncontrolled airspace:
1. Local: Is defined as an area within 30 NM radius from base of operations
a. 500ft ceiling or greater
b. 1 SM Vis or greater
- Cross country is defined as any area greater than 30NM radius from base of operations.
a. 800ft ceiling or greater with at least 2 SM Vis or greater, OR
b. 1000ft ceiling or greater with at least 1SM Vis
Night VFR: (Probably doesn’t apply to us right now, so I’m excluding it)
212 Icing Conditions
Heli Flights during icing conditions are prohibited
TEMSCO shall not fly into known icing conditions, if icing conditions are encounter, pilot shall deviate course to avoid or go around icing conditions
TEMSCO shall not takeoff on any flight without removal of frost, snow or ice from aircraft
213 Thunderstorms
Pilots shall operate their aircraft clear of all thunderstorms.
- If in flight, and PIC cannot circumnavigate the thunderstorm, He shall land at the nearest suitable landing site or return to base and secure the aircraft
- Takeoff for continuation of flight shall not be accomplished until the storm has passed and conditions are suitable for flight
- No pilot may operate a helicopter under VFR unless that person has visual reference
- Attitude indicators in VFR aircraft will not be used to initiate flight into or below less than VFR conditions, but used to turn away from IMC
- In an emergency, where the pilot finds himself approaching un-forecast IMC, He shall maintain a safe altitude for the route of flight and execute a 180 degree turn to assure VFR conditions are maintained
301 PIC Duties and Responsibilites
PIC is ultimately responsible for the safety of his passengers and crew. In the event there is a onboard a passenger who is DISABLED or in need of another’s aid or who, in evacuation, an attendant or passenger shall be assigned to that person and be briefed on procedures by the PIC
The PIC before each takeoff shall assure all Passengers were given a safety briefing and if not the PIC will give the briefing before flight.
306 Flight Crew Qualifications General
Pilot will not be assigned to any flight unless he has had his 3 takeoffs and landings with 90 days
310 Use of Intoxicants
The use of intoxicants within 12 hours prior to duty is prohibited.
No PIC or Crewmember may allow a person who is obviously intoxicated onboard the aircraft.
No person my drink an intoxicant onboard the aircraft
311 Use of drugs
PIC is expected to ground himself if taking a drug that would hinder his ability to control aircraft safely (THINK IMSAFE and FAA drug prohibited lists)3
312 Blood Donations
Due to the temporary lower of oxygen carrying capacity of the blood after donation, is is recommended that flight crewmembers do not give blood within 14 days prior to a flight
In no case will a crew member perform duties within 72hrs after giving blood
If you give blood you will report this fact to your supervisors
313 Carriage of Weapons
Federal Law provides that no person shall carry a deadly or dangerous weapon aboard an aircraft operated by TEMSCO except:
- Employees or officials of municipal, state, or federal government who are authorized to carry arms and present proper ID
- Passengers carrying sporting firearms (Rifles or shotguns) that are dismantled and/or unloaded and encased in a suitable container authorized by TEMSCO and carried in a place not accessible from the passenger seat
- Others authorized by TEMSCO
- Crewmembers authorized by TEMSCO to carry arms
- In no case will authorization be granted if its against the law in that area
314 Refueling Procedures and Precautions
1. Aircraft will be grounded while servicing is underway (If refueling from a tender, aircraft will be grounded with an approved grounding device)
2. A Fire extinguisher for class B and C fires must be immediately available
3.Line personnel shall remove any loose objects from their person that could possibly enter fuel or oil service openings. Personnel shall not use tools or other equipment that could be spark producing. Special attention shall be given to clothing. No NYLON, DACRYON, etc.. shall be worn during fueling operations
4. Passengers shall not be permitted in or around aircraft during servicing. NO smoking permitted with 100ft during refueling operations
5. Aircraft batteries should not be installed or removed during fuel servicing
6. Battery chargers should not be connected, operated or disconnected during fuel servicing
7. Aircraft ground-power units should be located as far away from the fueling points as practicable and neither connected or disconnected during fuel servicing
8. No electric tools, such as drills or buffers, should be used in or near the aircraft during refueling
9. Extreme caution should be used in fueling during electrical storms, Operations should be suspended during severe disturbances
10. Photo flash bulbs should not be used in the immediate vicinity
11. Flashlights used near the fueling points should be of a type approved by underwrites Laboratories for use in hazardous locations
12. The PIC shall insure the aircraft is fueled with the proper grade of uncontaminated fuel and shall take samples from the fuel drain sumps in adequate supply to assure no contamination after refueling. In the event of fuel contamination or improper fuel grade, the tanks shall be drained by appropriate service personnel and refuel to the PIC satisfaction. This procedure applies to operations at all TEMSCO base of operations and way from TEMSCO base of operations
B. Aircraft fueling and servicing (away from Temsco base)
1. All refueling and servicing will be supervised by PIC with special attention to contaminated, grade and securing of accesses.
2. If no fire extinguisher is available, extinguisher from the aircraft will be readily available
C. General Precautions:
1. The concentration of fuel vapor in the area surrounding the aircraft caries with the wind velocity and the rate of fueling. These vapors are heavier than air and they tend to settle and spread.
2. Always fuel only in the open air
3. Wait until all the engines and rotors are fully stopped, if aircraft is to be shut down for refueling.
4. Make sure of the grade and quantity desired
5. Stop fueling if any hazard becomes apparent
6. Report accidents, spills, mistakes immediately
7. Never leave the nozzle unattended during fueling
8. Never allow the nozzle trigger to be blocked or tied open
D. Procedures for refueling with engines running:
1. Aircraft engines must be in ground idle position
2. All flight controls must be fully friction and or locked (for other than remote locations, PIC shall remain at flight controls)
3. Aircraft must be properly grounded
4. All passengers must be disembarked and clear of the aircraft by at least 50ft before any HOT REFUELING operation is begun
5. Make sure of the grade and quantity desired
6. Stop refueling if any hazard becomes apparent
7. Never leave the nozzle unattended during fueling
8. Never allow the nozzle trigger to become blocked or tied open
9. Smoking shall not be permitted and is prohibited around the aircraft during all refueling operations
10. If refueling units/trucks are utilized these units shall be positioned to ensure adequate rotor blade clearance between the refueling unit and the helicopter
11. Persons not directly involved with the refueling operation shall be kept clear of the refueling area by at least 50ft
12. The following personnel shall be trained by TEMSCO annually in hot refueling operations and duties associated with hot refueling
a. Pilots, Passenger
control person, Aircraft
hot refueling persons
E. Emergency procedures:
If the aircraft, fuel truck, or spilled fuel catch fire, notify the fire department at once. Do not delay calling for any reason. Then fight the fire with all the means at hand
401 Emergency procedures general: