EP's Flashcards
Autorotative landing
- lower collective and maintain NR in green
- 65 kts
- Move fuel control to shutdown position
- Relight engine or close fuel shutoff cock and turn off; boost pumps, generator, and electrical(If Smell of burning)
- manuever into wind
- 65 ft, flare to a nose up attitude
- 20-25 ft and at a constant attitude, gradually apply collective pitch to
reduce sink-rate. - Resume level attitude before touch-down, cancel any side-slip tendency
- Gently reduce collective pitch after touch-down.
Engine Failure in Hover IGE
- Do not reduce collective pitch.
- Control yaw.
- Cushion touch-down by increasing collective pitch.
- Reduce collective pitch as soon as the aircraft is on the ground.
Engine Failure in Hover OGE
- Reduce collective pitch.
- Apply forward cyclic pitch to gain air speed according to available height.
- Terminate in accordance with autorotative landing procedure.
Flame-out in Flight
The symptoms of an engine failure are as follows:
-Left yaw axis
-NR drop (aural warning sounds below 360 rpm).
-Torque at zero.
-Ng falling off to zero.
Generator waring light illuminates.
Engine oil light should also illuminate
- In the event of an engine failure in flight, carry out autorotation procedure.
Relighting the Engine in Flight
The normal relighting ceiling is 13000ft but relighting may be attempted throughout the altitude envelope.
- Booster pumps ON
-Generator ON
- Wait until Ng falls below 30% then carry out normal starting procedure.
-In order to avoid any jerk on re-synchronization, accelerate the engine progressively, when free turbine speed approaches rotor speed.
Governor Failures, Large Drop in Fuel Flow Rate
Same symptoms as for complete engine failure but after a few seconds, Ng stabilizes at a low rpm value (less than 70%)
- Establish autorotation IAS 65 kt, then advance the fuel flow control into the
emergency sector. Ng and t4 should rise.
- Control engine speed to 70% Ng.
- If necessary, increase collective pitch to bring rotor speed to 350 rpm.
- Increase fuel flow until rotor speed is approximately 380 rpm.
- Trim collective pitch and fuel flow control to hold level flight at this rotor speed.
-The landing approach should be made along a low gradient path, at lAS = 65 kt, holding the rotor speed at the upper limit of the green area (394 rpm) using the fuel flow control. In final approach, reduce forward speed without touching the fuel flow control. The rotor speed will drop when the collective pitch is increased on touchdown. After touchdown, reduce the fuel flow control setting before decreasing the collective pitch.
Governor Failures, Excessive Fuel Flow Rate
NG, T4, NR and torque increase
- Do not reduce collective pitch.
- Reduce fuel until NR is the center of the green area.
- Continue the flight with the governor out of action. Any reduction of collective pitch will cause an increase in rotor speed which must be counteracted by adjusting the fuel flow control position.
-set up shallow approach , at lAS = 65 kt, holding the rotor speed at the upper limit of the green area (394 rpm) using the fuel flow control. In final approach, reduce forward speed without touching the fuel flow control. The rotor speed will drop when the collective pitch is increased on touchdown. After touchdown, reduce the fuel flow control setting before decreasing the collective pitch.
Governor Failures, Surging
Surging is evidenced by hunting of the rpm, torque and t4 indications and jerks in the yaw axis.
- Reduce collective pitch setting.
- If surging persists while fuel pressure and engine oil pressure are correct, reduce fuel flow slightly to leave the governed range.
- If surging still persists, Land as soon as POSSIBLE and Shut down engine if rotor and engine dont stay joined
Engine Fire light during Start
- Close the fuel shut-off cock
- Apply the rotor brake if necessary.
- Switch off the booster pumps
- Crank the engine for 10 seconds then switch off the battery.
- Use the nearby extinguishers to fight the fire.
Engine Fire light in Flight
- Enter autorotation.
- Close the fuel shut-off cock to shut down the engine.
- Switch off the booster pumps and generator.
- Switch off the electrical master (If smell of burning)
Smoke in the Cabin
- If source of smoke is identified.
Shut off the corresponding system.
If necessary, use the fire extinguisher. Air the cabin by opening:
The front vent.
The ventilation ports.
The bad weather windows.
Continue flight depending on failed system. - If source of smoke is not identified.
Shut off the heating and demisting system. If the smoke does not clear:
Electrical master “ALL OFF” switch.
When smell disappears, set all switches “OFF”, including the generator, close the cabin ventilators.
Reset battery to “ON”
Reset the “ALL OFF” electrical switch to normal position. Switch on the generator, check voltage and current.
If everything is normal, switch on the circuits one by one until the malfunction is identified.
Tail Rotor Drive Failure in a Hover or at Low Speed
- IGE: Bring the aircraft to the ground by reducing collective pitch before the yaw rate
is too high. - OGE: Reduce collective pitch moderately to reduce yaw torque and simultaneously start to increase speed.
Tail Rotor Drive Failure in Forward Flight
- In forward flight reduce the power as much as possible and maintain forward speed
-Select a suitable landing area for a steep approach at a power enabling reasonably coordinated flight. - On final approach, shut down the engine and make an autorotative landing at the lowest possible speed at touchdown.
Tail Rotor Control Failure
- Set IAS 70 kts in level flight.
-pres the “HYD TEST” push-button. (This cuts off HYD power to the Yaw Servo-Control and depressurizes the Load-Compensating servo accumulator) After 5 seconds, reset the test button to the normal position.
-Make a shallow approach to a clear landing area with a slight side slip to the left. Perform a run-on landing; the side slip will be reduced progressively as power is applied.
•NO• fuel pressure
- Failure is confirmed by the illumination of the FUEL P. warning light:
Refer to FUEL P. warning light illumination procedure. (Both pumps are faulty= Continue flight below 5000ft) - If failure is not confirmed, the faulty item is the fuel pressure gauge:
Flight may be continued.
•LOW• fuel pressure
- Failure is confirmed by the illumination of the F. FILT. warning light:
Refer to F. FILT. warning light illumination procedure. (Reduce engine power, if light goes out, continue flight at reduced power) (If light remains on, Land ASAP) - If failure is not confirmed, the faulty item is the fuel pressure gauge:
Flight may be continued.
Low Engine Oil Pressure (Gauge pointer in red arc when Ng above 85%)
- Test Warning-Caution-Advisory Panel and check ENG P light illuminates.
Light does not illuminate when tested:
If torquemeter reading is much too low:
Shut down engine and make autorotation landing.
If torquemeter readings correct: LASA Possible
Light illuminates when tested:
If torquemeter reading is much too low: LASA Possible
If torquemeter reading is correct: LASA Practical, monitor ENG. P. light.
ENG P Light (Engine oil pressure alarm)
- Reduce power.
- Check engine oil pressure indicator:
If pressure is low or zero read torquemeter:
If reading is very low, shut down engine
If reading correct, Land IMMEDIATELY.
If both pressure and torquemeter readings are correct, land as soon as POSSIBLE.
High Engine Oil Temperature
- At low speed or in Hover
Land if possible.
Stop the engine.
Check that the cooler fan operates. If landing is impossible:
Fly at approximately 80 kts.
The temperature should fall rapidly.
If this result is not obtained, land as soon as POSSIBLE. - In Cruising Flight Reduce power
Land if possible.
Stop the engine.
Check that the cooler fan operates. If landing is impossible:
Fly at approximately 80 kts.
The temperature should fall rapidly.
If this result is not obtained, land as soon as POSSIBLE.
ENG CHIP Light (Metal particles in engine oil system)
- Land as soon as POSSIBLE.
- Take-off is prohibited until the checks specified in Turbomeca maintenance manual have been performed.
Ng indicator failure
- In the event of an indicator failure do not exceed the maximum authorized torque value, and keep the t4 temperature below the following limits:
OAT T4 limit
Below 15°C-730°C
Above 15°C-750°C
T4 indicator failure
- Comply with the Ng limitations.
- Do not attempt to start the engine.
Nr/Nf readings below green arc
- Nf and NR values agree
Excessive power demand: reduce collective pitch. Indicator reading should rise to governed value.
If not, follow procedures for a governor failure.
Different/Abnormal NR/NF readings
- NR reading exceeds Nf
NR reading is incorrect, proceed as in the event of rotor rpm indicator failure except in autorotation with near 0 Torque. - Nf reading exceeds NR
On the ground during the starting sequence:
Reduce the engine fuel flow control setting to check for possible freewheel slippage.
In flight
NR reading is probably incorrect, proceed as in the event of a rotor rpm indicator failure.
Rotor RPM Indicator Failure
- In the event of a complete loss of NR indication:
Maintain engine torque above 10%:
NR reading is given by the Nf pointer. - Land as soon as PRACTICABLE
Free Turbine RPM Indicator Failure
- Check that NR reading remains within governed range when collective pitch is slowly modified with engine torque above 0%.
- Continue flight.
HYD Light (Loss of Hydraulic pressure)
- HIGE, Takeoff, Short Final: (If landing within 30 seconds is possible)
Land normally
Fuel flow control lever Idle position Collective Lock
Shutdown procedure Apply - In flight:
Set and maintain angle of bank below 30°
Avoid abrupt maneuvers.
Smoothly achieve 40-60 kts
Hydraulic cut-off switch (collective grip) OFF Land as soon as POSSIBLE.
Perform a flat approach into the wind.
Make a slow no-hover running landing at around 10 kts ground speed.
Do not hover or taxi without hydraulic pressure.
After landing:
Fuel flow control lever: Idle Position
Collective: Lock
Shutdown procedure: Apply
WARNING: Do NOT use [HYD TEST] button as this will depressurize the yaw load compensator resulting in heavy pedal control loads. Failure to comply with all HYD procedures may result in loss of control.
Note1: Airspeed may be increased beyond 60kts but control loads will also increase
Note2: Be careful not to switch twist group out of flight position.
Yaw Servo-control Slide-valve Seizure
- In Hover: If no movement about the yaw axis, land normally
If rotation about the yaw axis, cut off hydraulic pressure by actuating the switch situated on the collective pitch control lever. - In cruising flight: Reduce speed, entering into a side-slip if necessary, then cut off hydraulic pressure by actuating the switch situated on the collective pitch control lever.
Main Servo-control Slide-valve Seizure
- Actuate the switch, situated on the collective pitch control lever, to cut off hydraulic pressure.
-Load feedback will be felt immediately.
-Reduce to 60 kts and proceed as in “HYDR” light illuminated.
MGB.P Light (Main gearbox oil minimum pressure)
- Reduce power, land as soon as POSSIBLE
Time limit - can run for 45 mins with zero oil pressure at minimum power for flight (55kts)
MGB.T Light (Main gearbox oil max temperature)
- Test the warning caution advisory panel to check the MGB.P light.
If the light does not illuminate, proceed as for MGB oil pressure at zero. If the light illuminates, land and check the MGB oil level. If the oil level is normal, fly to the nearest base.
CHIP MGB Light (Metal particles detected in MGB)
- Reduce engine power.
- Monitor MGB.P and MGB.T lights.
- Land as soon as POSSIBLE.
CHIP TGB Light (Metal particles detected in TGB)
- Continue flight avoiding prolonged hovering.
Bleed Valve Stuck Open
- Indicated by a bleed valve flag at high power settings.
Maximum engine power will not be available, especially in cold weather.
-Normally open when engine is shut down, during starting and at low power.
-The NG values at when the Bleed value opens and closes depend on the Temp. and Altitude, and are specified in the RFM.
Bleed Valve Stuck Closed
- Indicated by a lack of a bleed valve flag at low power settings.
The engine may surge.
Avoid sudden changes in power settings.
GEN Light (DC power supply failure/Overvoltage detected)
-Check the DC voltage.
-Check the position of the push-button.
-Attempt to reset.
-If unsuccessful:
Shed the least essential consumer circuits; continue flight according to circumstances, keeping a close check on voltage (22 volts minimum). Land as soon as PRACTICABLE.
BATT LIGHT (Battery isolated from the DC network, no longer charging)
-Check the push-button (ON).
-If OFF: Switch ON and continue flight
If ON: Monitor voltage and land as soon as PRACTICABLE.
HORN Light (Horn not set)
- Set the horn by actuating the push-button situated on the control pedestal panel.
DOORS Light (One or both baggage hold side doors unlocked)
- Reduce IAS, 70 kts maximum.
- Land as soon as PRACTICABLE.
- Descent and approach at a low rate of descent.
PITOT Light (Pitot heating system not energized)
- Check the push-button (ON).
- Monitor airspeed indicator.
FUEL Light (Fuel quantity less than 15.8 US gal)
- Avoid large attitude changes.
-(Approximately 18 minutes level flight remain at maximum continuous power).
F.FILT Light (Fuel filter clogging)
- Reduce engine power.
If light goes out, continue flight at reduced power. If light remains on: Land as soon as POSSIBLE.
FUEL P Light (Fuel pressure lower than 0.2 bar on either or both pumps)
- Check fuel pressure:
If pressure is normal, only one pump is faulty: Continue flight
If pressure is zero, both pumps are faulty: Continue flight at an altitude lower than 5000 ft.
Continuous Horn
- Reduce collective pitch.
- Reduce speed, and level up
If the HYD light is on, the malfunction is in the hydraulics system;
Refer to procedure for illumination of the HYD light.
If reducing collective pitch and speed has muted the horn, the malfunction was a drop in rotor speed below 360 rpm.
-This can logically only occur subsequently to an engine failure, when the fuel flow control is in the “flight” detent.
-Check the engine parameters, applying collective pitch very gradually.
Intermittent Horn
- If NR above 410 rpm: Slightly increase collective pitch in order to not exceed 430 rpm.
Definitions of: LAND IMMEDIATELY
Land IMD: Land or Ditch (In safe area if possible) Immediately
Land ASAP: Land at the nearest site where a safe landing can be made
LASA Practicable: Extended flight not recommended, Landing site and length at pilot discretion
Continue Flight: As planned and repair at destination according to maintenance manual
-Whenever an electrical circuit failure occurs, check the corresponding fuse and change it if necessary
-Replacement Fuses are provided on the R.H. side of the cabin
-List of functions which must remain ON when flying on the battery only.
-Day: Battery, Fuel Pumps, VHF, Radio-Nav
-Night: Same as for day plus, Inst. Lights (1 and 2), AI, Pos. Lights, Anti-Collision Lights
Do not allow engine speed to rise above the following NG Limits:
(SEE RFM for table)
My Rule of Thumb: keep it below 90%NG in cold weather if possible.
If its over 20°C or High Altitude over 8000ft then you should be able to pull 98%
- NR between Approx. 250-360 RPM
-NR above 410 RPM
-HYD Press. drop below 30 Bar
-It also sounds at nominal NR speed when testing caution panel. Horn is only operative if horn button is pushed in.
Warning-Caution advisory Panel Colors
Red: Requires immediate action
Yellow: does not require immediate action
BAT.T Light
Battery Maximum Temperature reached.
-Isolated the battery (Push-Button OFF)
-Check voltage:
If Normal: LASA
If Above 31.5V: Bat set ON,
GEN set OFF,
Unnecessary equipment