Ops Limits Flashcards
Standard engine limits: MGT, Ng, oil pressure, Engine oil temp
MGT max continuous: 0-794
Ng Max steady state: 100%
Engine oil pressure: 35-60
Engine oil temp: 40-135
Delay takeoff until gearbox oil temps reach ____
20 degrees C
PRGB/TAGB: oil pressure
Single engine/dual engine
Dual engine: 60-95 normal
Single engine: 60-95 psi
MWGB oil pressure:
40-65 normal
Oil temp range all gearboxes
20-110 degrees C
Flight it prohibited with hyd fluid temp below what temp?
-18 degrees
Normal hydraulic pressure range
4600-5250 psi
Flight with nacelles between 75-85 is limited to relative crosswinds below___ and relative rearward airspeeds less than ____
Flight at 84% Nr is limited to ______KCAS
Flight at 100% Nr is limited to _____KCAS
Maximum up/down/cross slope is ___degrees
Maximum braking application ____kgs
Maximum hard braking ___ kgs
Maximum taxi speed for turning __Kgs
Maximum taxi on paved surfaces ___kgs
Maximum taxi on unpaved surfaces __kgs
Maximum takeoff speed ___kgs
Maximum landing speed __kgs
Minum takeoff nacelle ___ degrees
Minimum landing nacelle ___ degrees
60 degrees
75 degrees
Maximum airspeed for extension/retraction of L/G
Maximum airspeed for landing gear
140 KCAS
150 KCAS
Negative G maneuvers are allowed with ramp open. T/F
Maximum airspeed with ramp open
260 KCAS