Opposition to the new deal Flashcards
Right wing opposition
Comes from: Liberty league republican party democratic party (his own party) Religious opposition
Liberty league
founded in 1934 opposition to FDR policy. Say the new deal takes away americans liberty, said the new deal opposed private property, due to taxation on private property. The ND lento govt. do things they have no right doing.
For example the Tenacly valley built a dam that created hydro electricity and therefore attacks private business.
So FDR was effectively introducing socialism into america.
Effectiveness of the liberty league
raises $150,000 to spend on advertising to tell US people that the ND robs the liberty. However the american people just want to work again and the liberty league never grows about 5000.
Republic party
lossing surest if American people all through the 1920s. Big argument about ND between republicans and democrats:
~Boondoggle- were people are payed to do nothing e.g payed to scare pigeons away from museums.
~Government inefficiency- CCC, when you join you get given a wash bag worth $3, but the wash bag could have been done for $1.50.
~FDR was using govt. funds for own agenda- FDR was said to put money into places that were flip-flopping between republicans and democrats= buying peoples votes.
Extensiveness and effectiveness of the Republican party
Didn’t win the election.
never successful in blocking the ND. Republics thing people are interested about economic efficiency but they’re not.
Left wing opposition
comes from:
end poverty in California
share our wealth
townsend clubs (pentions)
End poverty in Californian
stated by uptown singclaire. Spotted problems with capitalism- does not meet needs because resources are distributed by ability to pay. Singclarie wanted distribution to be by need.
So he set up cooperatives and produced bread, cheese ect, you were paired in a currency that you could only spend at other coopratives.
Became very peopler and 1934 he ran to be govner, however his ideas were too radical.
widespread and effectiveness of end poverty in Californian
only in Cal and poor areas of one state, faded out in the 1935 as the ND began to help the economy grow again.
wasn’t that effective because it doesn’t force anyone to change policies.
share our wealth
Huey Long, stat of Louisiana - 1928-1933. (Hoovers presidentially) - it set up work schemes, road building, paving, adult literacy, people can get jobs, and employs to teach.
Very much like the New Deal, then in 1934 he did share our wealth:
any personal dollar over $3million should be confiscated.
Money that that raises should allow free college tuition.
Every citizen should have $3000 a year.
Every family should get a car, house and radio.
Pentions for over 60.
Extensiveness of share our wealth
share our wealth club was 4.6million.
said he’s run for president in 1934 and a pole showed that he’d get 4-5million votes.
But he was killed in 1935.
Overall left wing impact
FDR couldn’t ignore because it was fairly popular, everyones poor and left wings all about redistribution of wealth. “Thunder from the left.”
FDR steals the best/most popular ideas from then, example huge long wants to tax the rich and FDR taxes the rich - review act.
extensiveness and effectiveness of the left wing opposition
Huge P.Long 4.6 million followers. Only for the second new deal does FDR deal with thunder from the left.
effective because it made FDR change his policy, example: pension
union protection
taxing the rich
why didn’t left win the election?
no candidates united together, no political party.
1934 election:
democrats won by 69 seats
Super majority
Religious opposition
Church was very conservative, was believed that FDR is satin and the new deal ND is the end of the world. NRA put the blue eagle (the logo) everywhere and Christians belived it was the mark of the devil. But the TVA and AAA effecting them positively.
Father Charles Coughline
radio broadcaster, Sunday morning- golden hour. It had 5million listeners.
between 1932-33 he supported the new deal.
However FDR isn’t nice to cough line and in 1934 Coughline turns his back on FDR and creates his own party.
own party- national union for social justices combine - However he doesn’t like jews and claims they caused the depression.
in 1936 he was trying to be the american hitler and therefore lost popularity.
Extensiveness of the religious opposition
never posed a big threat form FDR.
Coughline was most effective when he was with FRD, FDR was worried that Coughline was going to make alliances with Huge P.Long, but he died.
Supreme court opposition extensive
only 9 of them so they can’t stand for ellection
Supreme court opposition effective
Ended two important pieces of the ND legislation- this was known as black Monday 1935, they destroy the central points- industrial recovery and agricultural recovery.
Supreme court opposition limitations of effective
1936, FDR won the election (with 69seats) showing that the american people support the ND.
FDR wants to appoint more more judges to the supreme court so they don’t stand in his way,.
Judicory reform bill 1937.
However the US people released that this could give FDR the majority in the court (called court packing.) and therefore he would dominate all areas of the government. FDR isn’t allowed to pass the bill.
So the super compromises and make an informal agreement to leave the new deal alone.
Sick chickens case
Involved the Schechter brothers a bank of butchers in NY that were selling chickens that weren’t okay for human. The NIRA prosecuted them for breaking the code and the brother applied again this to the supreme court.
The poultry code was declared illegal. This meant that the federal govt. had no right to interfere in inter-state commerce state issues.