Ophtho Flashcards
What is acute angle closure glaucoma?
Due to meds (anticholinergics such as tolterodine, sympathomimetics, and decongestions) or other stimuli (eg dim light)
Presentation: PAINFUL, sudden-onset eye pain, blurred vision, headache, and nausea; conjunctival erythema, corneal opacification, fixed mid-dilated pupil, n/v
Halos around lights
Dx: gonioscopy (gold standard); ocular tonometry (measures IOP) helpful if urgent ophtho consulation is unavailable
Visual acuity testing.
Performed routinely at age 4, but can be performed as early as age 3 in cooperative children.
What is amaurosis fugax?
Presentation: PAINLESS, rapid, transient (<10min) monocular vision loss; “curtain” descending over visual field
Etiology: retinal ischemia due to atherosclerotic emboli originating from ipsilateral carotid artery
Dx: duplex u/s of the neck
What is anterior uveitis?
Presentation: PAINFUL, red eye assoc. w/ photophobia, tearing, diminished visual acuity
Exam: hazy “flare” in aqueous humor, layering of white cells in the anterior chamber (hypopyon)
Idiopathic or traumaict, assoc. w/ chron’s disease, spondyloarthritis
What is vitreous hemorrhage?
Commonly caused by proliferative diabetic retinopathy.
Presentation: sudden loss of vision and onset of floaters; fundus is difficult to visualize
Tx: conservative - upright position during sleep, which enhances settling of hemorrhage
What is sympathethic ophthalmia/”spared eye injury”?
Characterized by an immune-mediate inflammation of one eye (the sympathetic eye) after a penetrating injury to the other eye.
Etiology: uncovering of “hidden” antigens when natural barrier is defective; immune response against antigens can involve autoantibodies as well as a cell-mediated reaction
Presentation: anterior uveitis, but panuveitis, papillary edema, and blindness may develop
Central retinal artery occlusion.
Acute painless monocular vision loss
Due to embolized plaque from ipsilateral carotid artery; cardioembolic source
Central fovea appears red from underlying choroid (“cherry red spot”)
Dx: noninvasive imaging of carotids to evaluate for stenosis
Tx: ocular massage and high flow O2 administration
Thombolytics may be useful if initiated w/in 4-6h of visual loss but they are administerd intraarterially. Their efficacy has not been systematically studied.
Detached retina
Light flashes, floaters, “curtain” across visual field starting from the periphery; not transient
Central retinal vein occlusion
Painless, sudden vision loss (or haze) due to venous thrombosis
Can progress to ischemic form that can be painful
Fundoscopy: dilated and tortuous veins leading to scattered and diffuse hemorrhages (“blood and thunder”), disk swelling, and/or cotton wool spots
What is dacryocystitis?
Infection of the lacrimal sac. Occurs in infants and adults over 40yo.
Acute: sudden onset of opain and redness in medial canthal region; sometimes purulent discharge is noted from the punctum.
Some pts present w/ fever, prostration, and elevated WBC
S. aureus and beta-hemollytic strep are the usual infecting organisms
Tx: systemic abx tx
What is episcleritis?
Inflammation or infection of the episclera tissue between the conjunctiva and sclera.
Presentation: acute onset of mild to moderate discomfort, photophobia, watery discharge
Diffuse or localized bulbar conjunctival injection
What is hordeolum?
Abscess located over the upper or lower eyelid.
Usually caused by s. aureus.
Appears as a localized, red, tender swelling over the eyelid
What is chalazion?
Presents as lid discomfort
Chronic, granulomatous inflammation of the meibomian gland.
Appears as a hard, painless lid nodule
What is orbital cellulitis?
Infection POSTERIOR to the orbital septum.
Unilateral and more common in children
Manifested by an abrupt onset of fever, proptosis, restriction of extraocular movements and swoolen, red eyelids.
What is presbyopia?
Common age-related disorder that results from loss of elasticity in the lens which prohibits accommodation (required to focus on near objects)
Classic - tendency of pts to hold reading material at a further distance
Tx: reading glasses