Ophthalmology: Operational Contact Lenses Flashcards
Corneal Anatomy
Remember: the cornea is avascular (O2 from the atmosphere, nutrients from tears)
Benefits of contact lenses
- Increased Field of View
- Decreased Abberations
- Increased Comfort
Cons of contact lenses
- More care
- More cost
- More risk
Not a TRICARE covered benefit unless in the aviation community
Contact lenses are supported within the ____ ____.
tear film
Note: tear quantity/quality effects lens performance
Types of contact lenses
- Rigid Gas Permeable (RBP aka GP)
- Soft (SCL)
What are GPs primarily used for?
Corneal irregularities (e.g., keratoconus)
Note: GPs provide superior optics for visual acuity, but are difficult to get used to
Characteristics of SCLs
- Default for aviation
- Cover entire cornea (can be used as a bandage)
- Silicone
- Toric (astig) and Spherical options
- Extended vs Daily
- Vision may not be quite as good as with glasses or GPs
Poor fit or extended wear of contacts can cause…
- Corneal Hypoxia
- Corneal Edema
- Corneal neovascularization
- Change in refractive error/power
- Increased risk of infection
CLs sit on the cornea, while glasses are ______ away from the corneal plane
12-13 mm (aka Vertex distance)
This is why contact prescriptions are NOT the same as glasses prescriptions
Fusarium Keratitis
80% of cases tied to poor compliance or bad hygienic practices
SNA applicants can be waived with uncorrected VA 20/400 if corrected to 20/20-0 with CLs
Used to be true, but no longer valid
Common Complications of CLs
Dry eye
Corneal neovascularization
Sterile corneal infiltrate
Corneal Abrasion
Corneal ulcer (microbial keratitis) = true emergency
Corneal ulcer aka Microbial Keratitis
Treatment = discontinue CL and 3rd/4th gen fluoroquinolone and cycloplegic drops (if unable to refer)
Contact Lens Associated Red Eye
Treatment = d/c CL wear, prophylatic Abx until seen by Ophtho
Myopic spectacle lenses = ______ CL power