Ophthalmology Flashcards
Red flags for the eye?
PAIN, sudden onset of pain/vision change, limbic/ciliary flush, photophobia, decreased acuity, abn pupil size/response, opacity on cornea
What is keratitis?
inflammation of cornea, often viral, may affect vision/cause FB sensation. urgent consult if affecting vision. Bacterial = purulent d/c, injected, photophobia, hypopyon (pus)
Herpes keratitis
HSV infxn in eye, purulent d/c, injection, photophobia, dendritic lesions
What intervention leads you to suspect Foreign body?
pain relief w.anesthetic drops. Spares limbus, pupils nml.
S/sx’s acute iritis
gradual aching pain, limbic flush, photophobia, miosis,
S/sx’s of acute angle glaucoma
pain, IOP > 21mmHg, photophobia, limbic flush, halos/poor acuity, HA, vomiting, abd pain, elevated IOP
Tx of iritis
cycloplegics, steroids, pain drops
Tx chemical burns
cycloplegic, pain drops, steroids ,consult
Tx acute angle glaucoma
mannitol or diamox (decreased IOP), B blocker (timoptic, decrease aqueous humor), pilocarpine (miosis)
Sx’s of vitreous hemorrhage
floaters, haze, cobwebs, black spots. Painless! (unless from trauma), gradual visual loss, absent red reflex
Sx’s retinal detachment
sudden floaters/black dots/light flashes, curtain, cloudy vision, visual field deficit, afferent pupillary defect
How do you distinguish btwn central retinal vein vs artery occlusion (both are monocular)?
vein = blurry vision, acute/slow onset, common cause of blindness. artery = acute catastrophic loss of vision, cherry spot, afferent pupillary defect, hx DM, HTN