ophtha and ent Flashcards
Which vitamin can lower chances of cleft lip
Folate (Vitamin B9)
A neonate presents with respiratory distress with inability to pass NG through the anterior nasal vestibule
CT scan: bony narrowing of the anterior most aspect of the nasal airway
What’s the diagnosis?
Pyriform Apeture Stenosis
* Associated with single central megaincisor
* Dx: nasopharyngoscopy and CT scan
* Tx: widening of bone via sublabial approach, may need nasal stent after to prevent impact of edema
- Presents with nose smaller than average internal diameter
- Normal neonatal rhinits and mucosal edema causes airway obstruction
What’s the diagnosis?
Midvault stenosis
* Tx: nasal decongesant, steroid drops
* After several weeks- airway will grow
- It is the most common anatomic cause of nasal obstruction
- Results from incomplete rupture of buccopharyngeal membrane or abnormal palatal dev’t
- Pe: resp distress when quiet or feeding, resolves on crying, unable to pass NG
What’s the diagnosis?
Choanal atresia
* Dx: CT scan (aspirate secretions prior to procedure for optimal visualization)
* Associated with CHARGE- needs to be eval
* Tx: endoscopic visualization and removal of tissue vs removal of bony plate
- avoid damage to skull base
- Baby presents with respiratory distress and feeding difficulty
- PE: grey mass under the head of the inferior turbinate
What’s the diagnosis?
Nasolacrimal duct cyst
* Tx: endoscopic marsupialization
Congenital nasal mass that may have a connection to the CNS
What’s the differential diagnosis?
Dermoid cyst- most common nasal masses
*Buzz word: external pit on the nasal dorsum with pus
*may be connected to the CNS via fonticulus frontalis
Glioma- neural element, continue to grow after birth
* Buzz: cyst that increases in size with crying or compression of the jugular veins (Fursternberg’s sign)
Tx: Consult ENT- resection if no connection with CNS otherwise ENT and neuro surg to include close of skull base
It is a mesenchymal tumor of the alveolar ridge (hard palate)
Tx: excision
Its is mucocele of the sublignual or submandibular glands (floor of the mouth musculature)
* Can cause anterior cervical compression
* Can cause air obstruction
* STAT mgt: needle aspiration
* Definite mgt: surgical resection
Relationship of ROP and gestational age
- 22-24 wks 90%
What is the relationship of severe ROP and long term neuro developmental outcome
Severe ROP is a predictor of functional disability (lower longitudinal IQ)
also includes: strabismus, myopia
Risk with laser therapy for ROP
- loss of peripheral vision
- myopia
- cataract
- pthisis bulbi (shruken nonfunctional eye)
What is timing of retinal vasculogenesis and angiogenesis
vasculogenesis- de novo synthesis of bld vessels
angiogenesis- formation of bld vessels from preexisting
- Vasculogenesis- 12-22 wks
- angiogenesis- 17- (36-40) wks GA
What is needed for retinal vasculogenesis
Retinal vessels grow following hypoxia (inc VEGF) due to inc O2 demand by retinal vessels
What is pathogenesis of ROP
Phase 1- O2 sats 85-89% (most important)- until 31 wks
Phase 2 O2 sats 85-92% until 34 wks, > 94% at >34 wks
- Fluctuating O2 sat have increased risk for severe ROP
What increase phase I ROP (reduced physiologic retinal vascular dev’t)
Retinal hyperoxia
preterm birth leads to inc O2 tension
Leads of dec retinal VEGF, EPO, dec amt growth factors (IGF-1 and Omega 3 FA)